
Новости переводов

13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

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What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

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What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

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Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


  1. Random events generator

  2. Radioisotope electrogenerator

  3. Region

  4. Regular

  5. Regulation

  6. Regulator

  7. Rheoencephalograph

  8. Registration (icao)

  9. Railtrack executive group

Rw, ry, английский

Правильно, верно, русский

Железная дорога, железнодорожный, русский

Рубль, рубли, русский

Рупия, рупии, русский

Книга записей, русский

Расписка, квитанция, русский

Reciept, английский
    Расписка, квитанция

Список, перечень, русский

Железная дорога, русский
  1. 1) структурная адм.-территор. ед. ж.-д. транспорта общего пользования. в бывш. ссср в конце 80-х гг. было 32 ж.д., в т.ч. азербайджанская, байкало-амурская, дальневосточная, забайкальская и т.д. средняя протяженность сети одной ж.д. превышала 4,5 тыс. км; 2) совокупность рельсового пути, сооружений, устройств, машин и оборудования, входящих в комплексное трансп. пр-тие, предназначенное для перевозок пассажиров, грузов, багажа и почты. различают ж.д. общего пользования, или магистральные; пром. транспорта (подъездные или технол. пути пром., торговых пр-тий и т.д.); городские (трамвай, метрополитен). по ширине колеи различают ширококолейные (в россии - 1520 мм, за рубежом - в основном 1435 мм) и узкоколейные (1000 мм, 891 мм и т.д.); по роду тяги - электрические, дизельные, газотурбинные и паровозные. протяженность ж.д. общего пользования в бывш. ссср составляла свыше 146 тыс. км.

  2. Основное государственное унитарное предприятие железнодорожного транспорта, обеспечивающее при централизованном управлении и во взаимодействии с другими аналогичными предприятиями и иными видами транспорта потребности экономики и населения в перевозках в

  3. , транспортное предприятие с комплексом технических средств и сооружений (подвижной состав, станции, устройства автоматики и телемеханики, диспетчерская централизация и т. п.) для перевозки пассажиров и грузов. различают железные дороги: общего пользования (магистральные), подъездные (в т. ч. лесовозные, рудничные и др.) и городские (трамвайные, метрополитены). используется широкая (1668, 1520, 1435 мм и др.) и узкая (1000, 914, 891, 762 мм и др.) железнодорожная колея.

Право, правая сторона, правый, правильный, нужный, русский

Hoger, шведский

Railroad, английский
  1. Железная дорога; железнодорожный

  2. Железная дорога

  3. An term that describes the technique or process by which a fabric is turned and used horizontally when it is applied to furniture, thereby requiring less yardage and fewer seams. a fabric can also be used vertically. see up the roll.

Регистрировать, русский

Правый, русский
    Правый , невинный

Rejestrowac, польский

Prawy, польский

Railroad; railway, английский

Register, английский
  1. A grill placed over a heating duct or cold air return.

  2. A combination grille and damper assembly covering an air opening or end of an air duct.

  3. Combination grille and damper assembly covering an air opening or end of an air duct

  4. The positioning of two or more printing images in exact alignment with each other. printing that is correctly positioned on the page is said to be "in register." four-color printing is in register, for example, when all four successive colors are aligned, one on top of the other, so that they produce a single image with no color gaps or overlaps. when you can see a single color `hanging out` underneath another, that color is out of register.

  5. A nurse who has passed qualifying examinations, is registered as such with the nursing and midwifery council and can 147 flecainide act in an independent decision-making role. compare second-level nurse

  6. An official list  verb to write a name on an official list, especially the official list of patients treated by a gp or dentist, or the list of people with a particular disease  he is a registered heroin addict.  they went to register the birth with the registrar of births, marriages and deaths.  to register with someone to put your name on someone’s official list, especially the list of patients treated by a gp or dentist  before registering with the gp, she asked if she could visit him.  all practising doctors are registered with the general medical council.

  7. Регистр

  8. N функциональный стиль; ре- гистр, стиль; уровень (произношения, чис- тоты речи и т.п. ) system

  9. Журнал записей или учета; реестр regulation of vaccines, syn. vaccine regulations

  10. Журнал записей или учета; реестр

  11. A purchaser has no title to a ship, either at law or in equity, unless he be mentioned in the register. if a vessel, not duly registered, exercise any of the privileges of a british ship, she is liable to forfeiture.

  12. The register of international business companies(ibcs) and exempt companies maintained by the registrar of a tax haven.

  13. A record that is used to record the operational, legal, and financial consequences of resource flow events in an accounting system.

  14. To automatically update the progression or output of work done outside of the application.

  15. To provide your name and contact information to an organization so that you can receive product information, updates, and special offers.

  16. Реестр

  17. The field of interest in which language occurs.

  18. The accurate matching of the plates of a mold

Вентиляционная решетка, русский

Random events generator, английский
    Генератор случайных чисел

Radioisotope electrogenerator, английский
    Радиоизотопный электрогенератор

Region, английский
  1. Район пво североамериканского континента (сша и канады)

  2. Район, регион

  3. Район; область; зона

  4. An area or part which is around something  she experienced itching in the anal region.  the rash started in the region of the upper thigh.  the plantar region is very sensitive.

  5. Область

  6. N область articulation articulating ~ артикулирующая область (см. тж. ~ of articulation)

  7. Регион, область

  8. Any large tract of land or water on the earth`s surface, having some feature common to every part of itself, and different from what exists elsewhere; as northern, southern, or intertropical region; mountainous region; region of perpetual congelation, &c.

  9. Область; регион; район; территория ~ of imperfections дефектная область (конструкции); область (конструкции) с отклонениями от проектной геометрической формы; область искривлений ~ of stress concentration область концентрации напряжений arid ~ засушливый район

  10. A collection of 128 leaf level pages in logical order in a single file. used to identify areas of a file that are fragmented.

  11. A container of data, within a cache, that co-locates all cached objects on a single cache host. cache regions enable the ability to search all cached objects in the region by using descriptive strings, called tags.

  12. An area within a geo azure region taxonomy. does not imply any hierarchy or nesting within a geo. regions can be assigned to other geos in the future if needed.

  13. Contiguous areas of storage on a disk.

  14. During 2003, a regional structure replaced the network rail zonal structure. during 2004 this regional structure was replaced with territories and then routes

Regular, английский
  1. Регулярный

  2. Регулярный; правильный

  3. A правильный; постоянный, регулярный, закономерный (ант. irregular) correlation, equivalent, sandhi, verb

  4. On full-time active duty as opposed to being in reserve or on temporary wartime enlistment.

  5. Sometimes used to designate medium-quality drill diamonds. see aa.

  6. Разг. человек, ведущий размеренный образ жизни кандидат, официально выдвинутый партией на первичных выборах (в противоп. независимому кандидату) преданный сторонник какой-либо партии; избиратель, постоянно голосующий за какую-либо партию

Regulation, английский
  1. A rule or order prescribed for management or government

  2. Регулирование

  3. Регулирование, правило, постановление

  4. Any rule prescribing permitted or forbidden conduct, whether established by legislation or the action of an administrative agency; also

  5. The act of regulating  the regulation of the body’s temperature

  6. Any systematic (rule-like or determinate) behavior of one part of a system that tends to restrict the fluctuations in behavior of another part of that system. while both parts must lie in the same feedback loop, regulation involves this basic asymmetry

  7. The process whereby the designated government authority provides oversight and establishes rules for firms in an industry. regulation places constraints on behavior, establishes good (or bad) incentives, and addresses issues that are politically contentious. decisions are implemented through a rule or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law.

  8. Норма

  9. A rule or order issued by governmental executive authorities or regulatory agencies and having the force of law. regulations implement policies and are mostly specifi c for particular groups of people, legal entities or targeted activities. regulation is also the act of designing and imposing rules or orders. informational, transactional, administrative and political constraints in practice limit the regulator’s capability for implementing preferred policies.

  10. The order in which trains are run in practice so as to minimise delay

  11. The use of on-line generation, storage, or load that is equipped with automatic generation

Regulator, английский
  1. Регулятор

  2. In a gas supply system, a device for controlling and maintaining a uniform gas supply pressure.

  3. A name for the governor of a steam-engine. also, a valve-cock. the regulator of a clock is the shortening or lengthening pendulum or escapement.

  4. Prevents overcharging of batteries by controlling charge cycle-usually adjustable to conform to specific battery needs.

  5. A device used to limit the current and voltage in a renewable energy system, normally to allow the correct charging of batteries from power sources such as solar panels and wind generators. also refers to a type of electronic component used in electronic circuits to provide regulated voltage to voltage sensitive devices.

  6. Electrical, electronic or semi

Rheoencephalograph, английский
    Реоэнцефа- лограф

Пустынная равнина, русский

Radioisotope, английский
  1. An unstable or radioactive isotope (form) of an element that can change into another element by giving off radiation.

  2. An isotope of a chemical element which is radioactive comment: radioisotopes are used in medicine to provide radiation for radiation treatment. radioactive isotopes of various chemicals are used to check the way organs function or if they are diseased: for example, radioisotopes of iodine are used to investigate thyroid activity.

  3. An unstable isotope of an element that decays or disintegrates spontaneously, emitting radiation. more than 1300 natural and artificial radioisotopes have been identified.

Registration, английский
  1. The accuracy of relative position or concentricity of all functional patterns of

  2. Process by which an individual indicates their intent to attend a trade show.

  3. The act of registering  a doctor cannot practise without registration by the general medical council.

  4. Приводка

  5. Регистрация

  6. A procedure to configure self-service password reset for a user.

  7. The process in which a consumer enters information, such as an e-mail address, to acquire a license.

  8. Общее количество записанных; списочный состав поступивших в школы и т.п. reg – rem

Regd, английский

Reference, английский
  1. Ref

  2. Эталон; система отсчета; ориентир; исходный; эталонный

  3. Ссылка (публикация или указание на применение, противопоставление экспертизой)

  4. N когн. референция; отсыл- ка grammar, structure referential a соотносительный; референционный meaning, symbolism

  5. Разработка (проекта, технических условий и т.п.) по материалам справочников и каталогов

  6. A link in your project to another project, a .net framework assembly, or a compatible com library. adding a reference to your project allows you to use the referenced item in your project, but does not copy the referenced item to your project folder.

  7. A source of related information.

  8. A statement of the qualifications of an applicant made by a person who knows the applicant.

  9. The books & reference subcategory that contains apps for reference material, such as a dictionary or encyclopedia.

  10. The state of being related or referred.

  11. To access a variable, such as an element in an array or a field in a record.

  12. To relate to another entity.

  13. Ссылка, указание, справка