
Новости переводов

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Construction glossary
  1. A large (generally 20 amp) electrical on-off switch.

  2. Разъединение, отключение

  3. Switch gear used to connect or disconnect components in a photovoltaic system.

  4. To break a connection.

  5. Switch gear used to connect or disconnect components in a photovoltaic

Разъединить, русский

Disc, английский
  1. Disque;lentille;opercule

  2. Disconnect

  3. Discontinue

  4. Discrete

  5. Discrimination

  6. Preferred usage (spelling) of the term for reference to optical storage media, such as cd-audio, cd-i, cd-rom, videodisc, or worm.

  7. A flat round structure.  intervertebral disc

  8. N диск phaistos discontinued a разрывной constituent

  9. Диск

  10. See: domestic international sales corporation

  11. Disconnect (airbus)

Отключать, русский

Отсоединять, русский

Разъединитель; разъемное соединение;, русский

Разъединение;, русский

Отключать; размыкать; разъединять; разбирать, русский

Electrical, английский

Разъединение, русский
  1. Разъединение , деление, разделение

  2. Завершение услуг телефонной связи; а также любое прерывание вызова.

Отключение, русский

Components, английский

Photovoltaic, английский
    Providing an electric current under the influence of light or similar radiation.

Connection, английский
  1. Liaison

  2. Соединение; связь

  3. In steel construction, a combination of joints capable of transmitting forces between two or more members. connector 1. in an electric circuit, a device for joining two or more conductors, by a low-resistance path, without the use of a permanent splice. 2. a mechanical device for fastening together two or more pieces, members, or parts, including anchors, fasteners, or wall ties.

  4. Патрубок с фланцевым соединением

  5. A link via wire, radio, fiber-optic cable, or other medium between two or more communications devices.

  6. Someone with whom a user has established a mutual social relationship on a third-party service that refers to such a relationship as a connection.

Soil pipe, английский
  1. A large pipe that carries liquid and solid wastes to a sewer or septic tank.

  2. A pipe that carries waste from toilets.

Incandescent lamp, английский
    A lamp employing an electrically charged metal filament that glows at white heat. a typical light bulb.