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19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

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About automatic speech recognition

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Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Heat pump

Construction glossary
  1. A mechanical device which uses compression and decompression of gas to heat and/or cool a house.

  2. A unit that both cools and heats your home. it works just like an air conditioner in cooling mode; however, in heating mode, the refrigerant flow is reversed and heat is extracted from the outside air too heat your home. a heat pump system can be either a

  3. An air conditioner with a valve that permits alternate heating and cooling

  4. A device that transfers heat from a cooler reservoir to a hotter reservoir by means of a heat exchanger, requiring the expenditure of mechanical energy in the process; used in an air conditioner whose cooling cycle can be reversed so that it can function as a heater.

  5. Installation that transfers heat from a colder to a hotter place, opposite to the natural direction of heat fl ows (see energy transfer). technically similar to a refrigerator, heat pumps are used to extract heat from ambient environments like the ground (geothermal or ground source), water or air. heat pumps can be inverted to provide cooling in summer. human development index (hdi): the hdi allows the assessment of countries’ progress regarding social and economic development as a

Наследственность, русский
  1. – передача прямым потомкам родительских свойств. осуществляется благодаря непрерывности зародышевой плазмы: в то время как из одной части ее образуется тело нового индивида, др. часть продолжает свое существование в зародышевых клетках (яйцеклетках и сперматозоидах) этого индивида; в новом поколении этот процесс происходит вновь, в результате чего опять образуется новое тело, и, т. д. в теле «развиваются» «задатки» зародышевой плазмы и через нее передаются от поколения к поколению (см. ген, изменчивость). совокупность этих задатков и представляет собой то, что наследуется. ламаркизм (см. ланарк) делает упор на влияние среды на наследственность при длительных одинаково направленных воздействиях (см. неоламаркизм). вопрос о том, наследуются ли приобретенные индивидом свойства, все еще является спорным. учение о наследовании (наследственности) берет свое начало с опытов грегора менделя (18221884), осуществленных еще в 60-х годах прошлого столетия, но объясненных только около 1900 (корренс, чермак, де фриз).

  2. , свойство организмов повторять в ряду поколений сходные типы обмена веществ и индивидуального развития в целом. обеспечивается самовоспроизведением материальных единиц наследственности - генов, локализованных в специфических структурах ядра клетки (хромосомах) и цитоплазмы. вместе с изменчивостью наследственности обеспечивает постоянство и многообразие форм жизни и лежит в основе эволюции живой природы.

  3. Свойство материала, выражающееся в том, что равновесное состояние при заданной нагрузке зависит не только от этой нагрузки, но и от эпюры нагружения.

  4. Свойство живой материи передавать потомству признаки и особенности развития родителей;

  5. Свойство материала, выражающееся в том, что равновесное состояние при заданной нагрузке зависит от этой нагрузки и от истории нагружения

Heat, английский
  1. Chaleur

  2. Течка. in heat (амер.) или on heat (брит.) в период течки

  3. Competitive pressure

  4. High-enthalpy ablation test

  5. High-explosive antitank

  6. Calor, calefacción

  7. The form of energy that is transferred by virtue of a temperature difference between two bodies, the transfer being from the warmer to the cooler body. heat-absorbing glass a faintly blue-green plate or float glass, which absorbs 40% of the sun’s infrared (heat) rays and approximately 25% of the visible rays that pass through it; must be exposed uniformly to sunlight (without irregular shadows) to avoid cracking due to nonuniform heating. heat-activated adhesive a dry adhesive film that is rendered tacky or fluid by application of heat or of heat and pressure.

  8. The time in the mare`s breeding cycle when she is "hot" or receptive to the stallion.

  9. Что-л., сделанное за один раз, в один приём

  10. The flow of thermal energy between two objects or two places (e.g., from rock to groundwater) due to a difference in temperature between them (a temperature gradient).

  11. A form of energy characterized by vibration of molecules and capable of initiating and supporting chemical changes and changes of state.

  12. Energy associated with the random and chaotic motions of the atomic particles from which matter is composed. all materials (hot or cold) contain heat and radiate infrared energy. the unit for measuring heat is the joule (j), equal to about 0.24 calorie (cal) or 9.481 ? 10–4 british thermal units (btus). compare infrared radiation and temperature.1

  13. Energy associated with the random and chaotic motions of the atomic particles from which matter is composed. all materials (hot or cold) contain heat and radiate infrared energy. the unit for measuring heat is the joule (j), equal to about 0.24 calorie (cal) or 9.481 ? 10–4 british thermal units (btus). compare temperature. heat affected zone (haz): portion of base metal not melted during brazing, cutting, or welding but with mechanical properties altered by the heat.

Heat, английский

Heat, английский

Heat, английский

Heat (adj.), английский
    Something risky and obvious that could get you in trouble example smoking pot in front of the cop shop is heat.

Heat (melt) of metal, английский
    A quantity of metal manufactured from one melt.

Heat (v.), английский
    The flow of energy from a warm object to a cooler object.

Heat -, английский
  1. Теплобмен ion ~ ионообмен

  2. Тепловой поток

  3. Теплопотребление

  4. Термостойкость, жаростойкость

Heat - affected zone, английский

Heat - carrying medium, английский

Heat - insulated formwork, английский

Heat absorbing (plate) -, английский
    Теплопогло- щающее (листовое) стекло

Heat absorption, английский
    Сопротивление тепло- восприятию; ~ to heat transfer сопротивление теплопередаче; ~ to plastic flow сопротивление пластическому течению; ~ to rotation сопротивление повороту (конца стержня и т.п.); ~

Heat absorption [assimilation], английский

Heat accumulation (storage), английский

Heat accumulator, английский

Heat affected zone, английский
  1. Base metal that was not melted during brazing, cutting, or welding but whose microstructure and physical properties were altered by the heat. hertz (hz): measurement unit of frequency, equivalent to one cycle per second.

  2. Portion of base metal not melted during brazing, cutting or welding but with mechanical properties altered by the heat.4

  3. Base metal that was not melted during brazing, cutting or welding but whose microstructure and physical properties were altered by the heat.4

  4. Base metal that was not melted during brazing, cutting or welding but whose microstructure and physical properties were altered by the heat.10 hertz (hz): measurement unit of frequency, equivalent to one cycle per second.10,17

Heat and humidity comfort, английский

Heat and mass transfer, английский

Heat and material balance, английский

Heat and noise insulation, английский

Mechanical, английский

Compression, английский
  1. A state or condition of being pushed or shortened by a force.

  2. Сжатие

  3. Сжатие (данных), уменьшение размеров файла изображения. см. также lossy и non-lossy. процесс упаковки данных с целью уменьшения занимаемого ими пространства на накопителе

  4. Компрессия, сжатие

  5. The reduction of volume of a vapor or gas by mechanical means.

  6. Digital video pictures can be compressed with a number of techniques. these include: jpeg and jpeg-2000 (for still images), m-jpeg and mpeg (for moving pictures).

  7. The reduction in gain at one level of a picture signal with respect to the gain at another level of the same signal.

  8. A digital photograph creates an image file that is huge, a low-resolution 640x480 image has 307,200 pixels. if each pixel uses 24 bits (3 bytes) for true color, a single image takes up about a megabyte of storage space. to make image files smaller almost every digital camera uses some form of compression. see the jpg entry below.

  9. The application of any of several techniques that reduce the amount of information required to represent that information in data transmission. this method reduces the required bandwidth and/or memory.

  10. A method of reducing the size of a digital image file to free up the storage capacity of memory cards and hard drives. compression technologies are distinguished from one another by whether or not they remove detail and color from the image. lossless technologies compress image data without removing detail, while "lossy" technologies compress images by removing some detail. joint photographic experts group (jpeg) is a lossy compression format supported by jpeg, pdf and postscript language file formats. most video formats are also lossy formats. tiff files are not and, as such, are far more stable than jpegs and other lossy file formats.

  11. Reducing the number of bits needed to encode a digital signal, typically by eliminating long strings of identical bits or bits that do not change in successive sampling intervals (e.g., video frames).

  12. A digital photograph creates an image file that is enormous. to enable image files to become smaller and more manageable cameras employ some form of compression such as jpeg. raw and tiff files have no compression and take up more space.

  13. 1. the act of squeezing or pressing  the first-aider applied compression to the chest of the casualty. 2. a serious condition in which the brain is compressed by blood or cerebrospinal fluid accumulating in it or by a fractured skull

  14. Смыкание (губок захватного устройства) cm. соmрutеr-соntrоllеd rоbоt 33. соntinuоus-раth mоtiоn движение робота по полностью программируемой траектории (при котором полная траектория, описываемая рукой манипулятора, программируется на программоноситель во время обучения так, чтобы каждая точка вдоль траектории движения регистрировалась для дальнейшего воспроизведения)

  15. Сжатие (данных); уплотнение; свертка; компрессия; упаковка

  16. Жёсткость (стержня) при сжатии; ~ in tension жёсткость (стержня) при растяжении; ~ in

  17. Продольно-поперечный изгиб, поперечный изгиб со сжатием; ~ and axial tension изгиб с осевым растяжением; ~ in two planes косой изгиб ~ of rebars [of reinforcing bars] гибка арматурных стержней beam ~ изгиб балки

  18. Сжатие о ~ along the grain сжатие вдоль волокон; ~ beyond

  19. Сжатое волокно; ~ in

  20. The intentional reduction in dynamic range to increase sustain and/or add punchiness, caused by a the use of a compressor/limiter.

  21. A process for removing redundant data from a digital media file or stream to reduce its size or the bandwidth used.

  22. A reduction of the time available for a scheduled storyboard to reach its final state.

  23. A way of making files smaller, either to fit into restricted storage space or to speed up transmission over the internet. popular compression standards include- jpeg- and- gif- for pictures,- mp3for music files,- mpeg, mp4, avi- and- mov- for movie footage, and- zip- for just about everything else.

Decompression, английский
  1. Декомпрессия, возвращение сжатых файлов к прежнему размеру.

  2. Декомпрессия

  3. The process by which the full data content of a compressed file is restored.

  4. Process by which the full data content of a compressed file is restored.

  5. 1. reduction of pressure 2. a controlled reduction of atmospheric pressure which occurs as a diver returns to the surface

  6. Распаковка; разуплотнение

  7. Декомпрессия; постепенное снижение давления

  8. The process of reversing the procedure that is run by compression software. during decompression, the compressed data returns to its original file size and format so it can be accessed or played.

  9. Снятие давления, разгрузка га

Conditioner, английский

Refrigerant, английский
  1. A substance that remains a gas at low temperatures and pressure and can be used to transfer heat. freon is an example and is used in air conditioning systems.

  2. A substance that produces a re-cooling effect while expanding or vaporizing.

  3. A substance that produces a recooling effect while expanding or vaporizing.

  4. A substance that produces a refrigerating effect while expanding or vaporizing

  5. The liquid used to absorb and transfer heat from one part of the home comfort system to another.

  6. The medium of heat transfer in a refrigeration system which absorbs heat by evaporation at low temperature and pressure and gives up heat on condensing at higher temperatures and pressures.

  7. Хладагент, первичный хладо- носитель

  8. Охлаждающее средство, хладагент. 2-propenal — 2-пропенал. бесцветная или бледно-желтая жидкость с удушливым запахом, формула сн2снсно; общепри- 110

Expenditure, английский
  1. Расход (ы); издержки; затраты

  2. Расход

  3. A cost or expense that is expended during an accounting period.

  4. Статья расходов (на приобретение активов)

Installation, английский
  1. Сооружение

  2. Setting up exhibit booth and materials according to instructions and drawings.

  3. The process of adding software to a computer system.

  4. Facilitating the acquisition of a new strategy or behaviour. a new strategy may be installed through some combination of nlp skills or techniques and/or any combination thereof.

  5. The act of connecting a customer to a network, e.g., telephone service.

  6. Введение в должность

Compression web, английский
    A member of a truss system which connects the bottom and top chords and which provides downward support.

R value, английский
    A measure of insulation. a measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. the higher the r value, the more insulating "power" it has. for example, typical new home's walls are usually insulated with 4" of batt insulation with an