
Новости переводов

26 апреля, 2024

Можно ли использовать изображения из Интернета для публикации в журнале?

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Подготовка к локализации сайта

23 апреля, 2024

Копирайтинг в переводах

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Переводы в мебельном производстве

18 апреля, 2024

Вариации английского языка в разных странах мира. Часть 4

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Редактирование текста с целью его улучшения

18 апреля, 2024

На сайт бюро переводов добавлен глоссарий химических терминов

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


    , вид подчинительной синтаксической связи, при которой зависимое слово уподобляется в выражении грамматических значений подчиняющему слову.

Approval, английский
  1. Код, посылаемый банком-эмитентом в подтверждение того, что пластиковая карта покупателя существует, пригодна к использованию и запрашиваемая сумма находится в пределах допустимого лимита. подтверждение запрашивается в процессе авторизации.

  2. Утверждение; одобрение

  3. Одобрение, утверждение, разрешение. может относиться к деятельности уполномоченных органов (см. regulatory approval) или этической экспертизе (см. approval in relation to institutional review board, ethical approval).

  4. The senior officer`s signature to a demand or application.

  5. A workflow decision point that can be used to obtain authorization from a person before continuing in the workflow.

  6. Одобрение

Congruentia [ae, f], латинский

Matching, английский
  1. Бухгалтерская концепция, разработанная в целях предотвращения обмана и ошибок, наиболее полной ее формой является «трехстороннее согласование», приводящая в соответствие заказ на покупку, запись о получении и счет-фактуру.

  2. A system of matchboards, or of sheets of wood veneer, arranged to emphasize grain pattern, as in book matching or herringbone matching. matheson joint in wrought-iron pipe, a belland- spigot joint. matl on drawings, abbr. for “material.” matrix 1. in mortar, the cement paste in which the fine aggregate particles are embedded. 2. in concrete, the mortar in which the coarse aggregate particles are embedded.

  3. Подбор; приведение в соответствие, адаптация; перекрестное типирование; проба на совместимость процесс, направленный на то, чтобы сделать исследуемую и контрольную группу сопоставимыми с точки зрения внешних факторов. можно выделить несколько видов подбора:

  4. Linking transactions from the electronic bank site to open documents in payment processing or to internal bank account ledger entries in bank reconciliation.- - -

  5. Establishing rapport by copying someone else’s gestures or physical state in a subtle way.

Negotiation, английский
  1. A process of reaching agreed terms among different stakeholders.

  2. Согласование

  3. Bargaining between two or more parties with the goal of reaching consensus or resolving a problem.

Coordination, английский
  1. Координация

  2. 1. the combining of two or more things as an effective unit, or the way things combine effectively  requires coordination between nursing staff and doctors 2. the ability to use two or more parts of the body at the same time to carry out a movement or task  the patient showed lack of coordination between eyes and hands. ‘alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disorder which sees a gradual decline in intellectual functioning and deterioration of physical coordination’ [nursing times] copd copd abbr chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  3. N сочинение (ант. subordination) co-ordinative a координатный co-ordinator n координатор copenhagen: ~ circle, ~ school копенгагенский кружок, копенгагенская школа (=glossematics) coprolalia n копролалия8

  4. Координация; согласование

  5. Координация, координирование; согласование ~ of dimensions in building координация размеров в строительстве

  6. The act of organ~zlng something; a process of communication from one source to two or more coterminous receivers which makes the receivers act in concert (regardless of or in addition to any communication that may exist among them). e.g., conducting an orchestra, the effects of anyone group member on the structure or organization of the group. in information theory, coordination and coorientation are logical complements and are measured in the same kinds of variables but at different times.

Interfacing, английский
  1. Сшивание (частных сетевых графиков)

  2. Сопряжение

  3. Interlining

Agreement, английский
  1. When the people involved in a legal dispute agree about something

  2. Соглашение, договор

  3. N грм. согласование, со- гласуемость (син. concord) maxim, phrase, transformation rule of ~ правило согласования

  4. Except vessels of less than eighty tons register, the master of a ship must enter into an agreement with every seaman whom he carries from any port in great britain as one of his crew; and that agreement must be in the form sanctioned by the board of trade. (see running agreement.)

  5. Соглашение; договор о as per ~ как было согласовано (об условиях производства работ, о поставках);

  6. A commitment between two or more parties based on a mutual understanding about their respective rights and obligations.

  7. A definitive and binding agreement between two trading partners for transacting messages over a specific business-to-business protocol. a trading partner agreement brings together common bi-directional message processing properties from specific business profiles of both partners. it is a comprehensive collection of all aspects governing the business transaction between the two trading partners. the trading partner agreement is typically derived from the profiles of each partner, with the ability to customize and override the required settings.

  8. Coach and coachee co-design at the start, and review regularly, their coaching agreement/alliance to determine what the coachee would like from the coaching interaction, whether there is an effective match between the needs of the coachee and the approach and methods of the coach and what the coach and the coachee’s responsibilities are. at the start it is important to ensure the coachee understands the nature of the coaching process and that they have options for responding to a request from the coach, and to establish what is appropriate in the relationship and to discuss specific parameters such as logistics, fees, scheduling see also agenda, ethical guidelines, professional standards

  9. A mutual understanding between the coach and the coachee or the mentor and the mentee about the terms and conditions of their professional relationship.

Harmonization, английский
  1. Гармонизация. достижение согласия по терминологии, понятиям и т. д., с тем чтобы различные объекты могли взаимодействовать на одной и той же основе.

  2. The process whereby two or more nations (or standards bodies) agree on the content and application of a standard. harmonization is accomplished by modification of a national standard (or agreement on a common document by two or more standards bodies) so that it is consistent with the harmonized standard or by countries agreeing to accept products and services that are in conformance with the harmonized standard even if they do not conform to the requirements of their national standard. furthermore, a standard may be said to be harmonized 3 if its text is technically equivalent to another standard (e.g., a national standard which is technically equivalent to an international standard). (eipsc)

Ayarlama, турецкий

Esgudum, турецкий

Утверждено для строительства, русский

Противоконденсатный нагреватель, русский