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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


  1. Corrigenda — подлежащее исправлению; исправления

  2. Corrected

  3. Correction

  4. Corridor

  5. Corrosion

  6. Corrosive

  7. Corrugated

Corrected, английский
    Скорректированный, исправленный

Correction, английский
  1. Species - an adjustment of the readings of the resistance-type electrical moisture meter to compensate for different species of wood. corrections are tabulated in as/nzs 1080 1:1997

  2. Любой заметный откат от ранее достигнутого уровня. иногда, коррекцией считают откат не менее 1/3 от предыдущего ценового движения;

  3. Коррекция, поправка

  4. Исправление, коррекция, поправка

  5. Любой заметный откат от ранее достигнутого уровня. иногда коррекцией считают откат не менее 1/3 от предыдущего цено¬вого движения.

  6. Поправка

  7. N псхлнгв. исправление correctness n правильность grammatical ~ грамматическая правильность

  8. Исправление; корректирование; корректировка; коррекция; корректура; введение поправки; поправка

  9. Поправка; исправление; корректирование о ~ for pull геод. поправка на эксцентриситет блоков (в инварных измерениях); ~ for slope поправка за наклон линии ~ of water стабилизация воды

  10. Reverse movement, usually downward, in the price of an individual stock, bond, commodity, or index. if prices have been rising on the market as a whole, and then fall dramatically, this is known as a correction within an upward trend. antithesis of a technical rally. see: dip, break.

Corridor, английский
  1. Коридор, узкая зона

  2. Проход

  3. See covert-way.

  4. Коридор

Corrosion, английский
  1. Corrosion

  2. The decay and loss of a metal due to a chemical reaction between the metal and its environment. it is a transformation process in which the metal passes from its elemental form to a combined (or compound) form.

  3. Коррозия

  4. The deterioration of metal or of concrete by chemical or electrochemical reaction resulting from exposure to weathering, moisture, chemicals, or other agents in the environment in which it is placed.

  5. Reaction between metal and oxygen accelerated by the presence of salt, water or intense heat

  6. The decay and loss of metal caused by a chemical reaction between the metal and another substance, such as contaminants in a lubricant.

  7. The deterioration of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment or other material.

  8. Loss or degradation of metal caused by chemical reaction and appearing as pitting and loss of material. galvanic corrosion is caused by electrical contact between dissimilar metals and by entrapped fluids that permit the electronic interchange of ions between adjoining metal surfaces. mechanisms of corrosion include crevice corrosion and stress corrosion in the form of cracking.

  9. Потеря или деградация металла, вызванная химической реакцией и проявляющаяся в виде питтинга и потери материала. гальваническая коррозия вызвана электрическим контактом между разнородными металлами и захваченными жидкостями, которые обеспечивают электронный обмен ионами между соседними металлическими поверхностями. механизмы коррозии включают щелевую коррозию и коррозию под напряжением в виде растрескивания.

  10. Loss or degradation of metal because of chemical reaction. corrosion, crevice: corrosion found in tight crevices or pores (pits) and accelerated by galvanic activity from high ion concentrations. corrosion-erosion: simultaneous occurrence of erosion and corrosion. corrosion, fretting: corrosion facilitated by fretting, particularly where a protective surface has been chafed in a corrosive environment. corrosion, poultice: corrosion occurring under a layer of foreign material (for example, under mud in automobile rocker panels).

  11. Deterioration of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. removal of material by chemical attack, such as the rusting of automobile components.1 crack, cold: cracks that occur in a casting after solidification, due to excessive stress generally resulting from nonuniform cooling.1 crack, cooling: cracks in bars of alloy or tool steels resulting from uneven cooling after heating or hot rolling. they are usually deep and lie in a longitudinal direction, but are usually not straight.1 crack, grinding: thermal cracks caused by local overheating of the surface being ground.1 crack, hot: cracks that develop before the casting has completely cooled, as contrasted with cold cracks, that develop after solidification.1 also called hot tear. crack, transverse: cracks at right angles to the length of the test object.1 crack, weld: cracks in weld fusion zones or adjacent base metal. usually a result of thermal expansion or contraction stresses related to temperature changes during welding.1

  12. Deterioration of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. removal of material by chemical attack, such as the rusting of automobile components. corrosion, crevice: localized corrosion found in regions where part or assembly geometry limits full exposure to the environment.

  13. Deterioration of a metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment, or removal of material by chemical attack (for example, rusting of ferrous automobile components). corrosion, crevice: localized corrosion found in regions where part or assembly geometry limits full exposure to the environment.

  14. Destruction, or deterioration of concrete reinforcement by chemical, electrochemical or electrolytic reaction. often results in the rusting/deterioration of reinforcing steel and frequently cause by from de-icing salt applied to the concrete or salts from seawater in a marine environment.

Corrosive, английский
  1. Корродирующее вещество; коррозионный

  2. A substance which destroys tissue, e.g. acid or alkali

  3. Вещество, вызывающее коррозию

Corrugated, английский

Коридор, русский
  1. Горизонтальное протяжённое коммуникационное помещение, связывающее отдельные помещения или части здания

  2. Совпадение междусловных пробелов по вертикали или наклонной линии в трех или более смежных строках

Corrigenda, латинский

Подлежащее, русский
    , главный член двусоставного предложения, обозначающий производителя (субъекта) действия или носителя признака (свойства, состояния), называемого сказуемым.

C. v, английский
    Curriculum vitae — жизнеописание, биография

Corp. del, английский
    Corpus delicti — состав преступления; вещественное доказательство;