All inc
Глоссарий гостиничной терминологии |
Питание в течение дня, включая напитки местного производства
All, английский
- Albanian lek
- Thread
- Airborne laser laboratory
- Acute lymphatic leukemia
- Все
- The total quantity; quite; wholly.—all aback, when all the sails are taken aback by the winds.—all ahoo, or all-a-ugh, confused; hanging over; crooked.—all-a-taunt-o, a ship fully rigged, with masts in and yards crossed.—all hands, the whole ship`s company.—all hands ahoy, the boatswain`s summons for the whole crew to repair on deck, in distinction from the watch.—all hands make sail! the cheering order when about to chase a strange vessel.—all hands to quarters! the call in armed merchantmen, answering to the beat to quarters in a man-of-war.—all in the wind, when a vessel`s head is too close to the wind, so that all her sails are shivering.—all over, resemblance to a particular object, as a ship in bad kelter: “she`s a privateer all over.”—all overish, the state of feeling when a man is neither ill nor well, restless in bed and indifferent to meals. in the tropics this is considered as the premonitory symptom of disease, and a warning which should be looked to.—all ready, the answer from the tops when the sails are cast loose, and ready to be dropped.—all standing, fully equipped, or with clothes on. to be brought up all standing, is to be suddenly checked or stopped, without any preparation.—paid off all standing, without unrigging or waiting to return stores; perhaps recommissioned the next day or hour.—all`s well, the sentry`s call at each bell struck (or half hour) between the periods of broad daylight, or from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m.—all to pieces, a phrase used for out-and-out, extremely, or excessively; as, “we beat her in sailing all to pieces.”—all weathers, any time or season; continually.
- The iso 4217 currency code for albanian lek.
All, английский
All, английский
All, английский
All, английский
All, английский
All, английский
All, английский
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia
All, английский
All, английский
All, шведский
All (traffic control) towers, английский
Все пункты увд
All - weld metal, английский
All accident notice offices, английский
Все отделы донесений о (летных) происшествиях
All activity associated view, английский
A view in crm that displays all activities associated with an entity.
All after, английский
All air defense liaison officers (in region), английский
Все офицеры связи системы пво района 60
All air route traffic centres (in region), английский
Все маршрутные центры увд района
All airway communications stations in wing, английский
Все связные радиостанции по трассе полета
All american canal, английский
Трансамериканский канал
All balls, английский
Usn enlisted slang for an all-male crew.
Производства, русский
Blanketreservation, русский
Планирование какого-либо определенного числа комнат (блока) для групп
No-showemployees, русский
Персонал, который работает по распорядку, предусматривающему проведение работ строго в отсутствие гостя.