
Новости переводов

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Box anchor

    Application of four (4) rail anchors to a sleeper, that is, two (2) to each rail with one on each side of the sleeper.

Anchor, английский
  1. Якорь, опора. опция в текстовых процессорах, которая связывает рамку или объект в рамке с абзацем. при удалении абзаца будет удалена и прикрепленная к нему рамка

  2. 1. an object designed to prevent or slow the drift of a ship, attached to the ship by a line or chain; typically a metal, hook-like or plough-like object designed to grip the bottom under the body of water (but see also sea anchor).

  3. Якорь, анкер

  4. N псхл. якорь5 anchoring n псхл. якорение6

  5. Якорь

  6. A large and heavy instrument in use from the earliest times for holding and retaining ships, which it executes with admirable force. with few exceptions it consists of a long iron shank, having at one end a ring, to which the cable is attached, and the

  7. [1] a device fastened to a chain or line, consisting either of a hook which embeds itself in the sea floor or of a heavy weight to hold the ship in place. the concept is said to have been developed in china for emperor yu (2205–2197 b.c.). [2] to place such a device. (from the anglo-saxon ancor.)

  8. Точка привязки; привязывать

  9. To fasten down or hold in place.

  10. Heavy object buried in ground to which a guy or snake line may be attached. also called deadman.

  11. Анкер; анкерное устройство о ~

  12. An arrangement of one or (usually) more pieces of gear set up to support the weight of a belay or top rope.

  13. (1) a heavy metal object designed in such a way that its weight and shape will help to hold a boat in its position when lowered to the sea bottom on a rode or chain. (2) the act of using an anchor.

  14. A format code in a desktop publishing or word processing document that keeps an element in the document, such as a figure or a caption or a label associated with the figure, in a certain position in the document. the anchored object is generally attached to another element in the document.

  15. A location or selection of text in a file that you name for reference purposes. bookmarks identify a location within your file that you can later refer or link to.

  16. To manipulate an interface element, such as a toolbar, so that it maintains the relative position to the anchored edges, when the display orientation or size changes.

  17. A stimulus that automatically creates a new state.

  18. Nlp term for stimulus response conditioning where a stimulus is paired with a response. thereafter when the stimulus - the anchor - is presented it reaccesses the response. for example, if you are in an intense emotional state when you hear a piece of music then at a later date the music will trigger the emotional state.

Anchor (box to text), английский

Anchor -, английский
  1. Анкерная балка

  2. Анкерная тяга

Anchor / anchor bolt, английский

Anchor / anchor bolt, английский

Anchor apeak / atrip, английский
    Панер / якорь встал

Anchor ball, английский
  1. Round black shape hoisted in the forepart of a vessel to show that it is anchored.

  2. A black ball or circle displayed in the forepart of a ship to indicate it is at anchor.

  3. A black, circular, day signal hoisted to show that a vessel is anchored. replaced at dusk by the anchor light.

Anchor beam, английский
    In a typical dutch barn in colonial america, a massive horizontal timber that spans the barn from one gable end to the opposite end. anchorage 1. in posttensioning, a device which anchors the tendons to the posttensioned concrete member. 2. in pretensioning, a device used to anchor the tendons temporarily during the hardening of the concrete. 3.

Anchor bed, английский
    Permanent chocks which hold a stored anchor in place.

Anchor bell, английский
    A warning bell rung by anchored ships during poor visibility.

Anchor bend, английский
  1. (fisherman’s bend) узел рыбачьего невода

  2. Рыбацкий штык

  3. A knot used to fasten an anchor to its cable.

Anchor block, английский
    The group of sleepers, with rail anchors or resilient fastenings, at each end of a module to be destressed. the anchor block is used for retaining the longitudinal movement of the rail when the rail is tensed.

Anchor bolt, английский
  1. A device for connecting timber members to concrete or masonry

  2. A bolt or other device used to secure a diamond-drill base to a solid foundation. it may or may not be threaded.

  3. A lag screw used to anchor drill base to platform or sills.

Anchor bolt., английский

Anchor bolt:, английский
    A bolt for the connection of the chimney to the foundation

Anchor bolts, английский
    Bolts to secure a wooden sill plate to concrete , or masonry floor or wall.

Anchor box, английский

Anchor box to text, английский
    Привязать объект к тексту

Anchor buoy, английский
  1. A small buoy secured by a light line to an anchor to indicate position of anchor on bottom.

  2. Буй якорной стоянки

  3. A small float attached to the anchor by light line to indicate its position.

Anchor cable, английский
  1. Line used to tie down a yarder to prevent tipping on a heavy pull (32).

  2. A cable or line, one end of which is held in a fixed position.

  3. Якорная цепь

  4. A cable attached to an anchor for raising and lowering it. it is generally conceded that a vessel should never ride to a shorter scope of cable than six times the depth of water. that is to say, if anchored in ten fathoms of water she should not have out less than sixty fathoms of cable for ordinary security. see also anchor chain.

Anchor cable., английский

Application, английский
  1. Оределенный метод передачи данных или протокол, обеспечивающий взаимодействие терминалов в сети.

  2. Приложение. прикладная программа или команда.

  3. Применение, использование; подача (напряжения); приложение (усилия); введение в действие; отклонение (рулей)

  4. Заявка (комплект официальных документов, представляемый заявителем в патентное ведомство для получения охранного документа: патента, регистрации товарного знака или промышленного образца) 10

  5. Заявка (комплект официальных документов, представляемый заявителем в патентное ведомство для получения охранного документа: патента, свидетельства о регистрации товарного знака или промышленного образца)

  6. The use of a technology to achieve a specific objective.

  7. Заявление

  8. 1. the process of putting a medication or bandage on a body part  two applications of the lotion should be made each day. 2. the process of asking officially for something, usually in writing  if you are applying for the job, you must fill in an application form.

  9. A word of extensive use, for the principles of adjusting, augmenting, and perfecting the relations between sciences.

  10. И infrastructure service provision аренда программных продуктов и инфраструктуры (на основе ежемесячных платежей) с доступом к приложениям через интернет или vpn

  11. Process ofapplyinga powder coat ing to the workpiece by means of coat ing equipment; can be automated or manual

  12. A collection of web-based lists, libraries, calendars, and other pages you use to share information and manage an area of your business, such as your projects, documents, and company information.

  13. A commerce server application is a logical representation of an application in microsoft internet information services (iis); it appears in both commerce server manager and the iis console trees. in the iis console tree an application is either at the root directory level of the web site or at a subdirectory level of the web site.

  14. A document that records the profile of the applicant.

  15. A set of instructions that a computer or device uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management.

  16. A web application that consists of a group of tightly related components such as asp.net web pages, wcf web services, and workflows that run in a .net application domain. an application is a unit of deployment, configuration, and management.

  17. The container for your company’s performancepoint planning business model definitions, predefined and user-defined dimensions, the mappings that connect these business model definitions with your company’s data source, and other performancepoint planning metadata like views, permissions, and process scheduling information.

  18. A runnable program that provides some service.

  19. Request for patent protection for an invention filed with the epo or other patent office.

  20. An initial statement of personal and financial information, which is required to approve your loan.

Approved abbreviations (when writing train authorities), английский
    Approved abbreviations are as follows: hrs hours jct - junction km - kilometre km/h- kilometre per hour loco - locomotive ll - light locomotives m - metres mins - minutes mt - mount no. - number pt-port rc - rail car tm - track vehicle or machine ta - train authority

Significant injury, английский