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Популярные языки в переводах за апрель 2024 года

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Глоссарий по геодезии
  1. Портативный геодезический прибор для измерения углов наклона линий на местности с точностью до десятых долей градуса,

  2. (от греч . ekklino - отклоняю и ...метр), портативный геодезический прибор для измерения углов наклона на местности.

Clinometer, английский
  1. Hand instrument used by foresters and timber cruisers to measure vertical angles. such angles, when correlated with specific distances, indicate the height of standing trees (12).

  2. An instrument for measuring vertical angles. climbing form 218 clerestory, 1 clevis hanger clip 1. a portion of a brick cut to length. 2.a special fastener made of light-gauge sheet metal or wire for the attachment of gypsum lath to channel or steel studs. 3. a small device, usually of metal, for holding larger parts in place, either by friction or by mechanical action, as a spring device of metal used to hold glass in a window. clip angle, lug angle a short angle iron that takes a portion of the stress of any member.

  3. An instrument for measuring the inclination of a vessel’s roll, heel, or list. also, but slightly incorrect, inclinometer.

  4. A borehole-surveying device consisting of a rubber-stoppered, glass culture tube partially filled with a dilute solution of hydrofluoric acid enclosed in a watertight brass or steel container the upper end of which is equipped with box threads fitting the pin thread of a drill-rod coupling. when attached to the lower end of a line of drill rods and suspended at a point in a borehole for approximately 1 hour, the acid etches the inside of the glass tube, forming what appears to be a line where the upper surface of the acid is in contact with the tube. the inclination of that line is measured and with necessary corrections for capillarity indicates the dip of the borehole at the point where the clinometer was suspended. in addition to the above end or plain type, there is the line clinometer and a special type used with the hall-kowe wedging device.

  5. A simple device for measuring vertical angles, ground slopes, dips, etc. consists of a hinged bar or sighting tube on which is mounted a circular scale and a pendulum or small spirit level.

  6. Clinometer rule. 2. an instrument used in plane-table surveying, con sisting of a telescope or sighting device pivoted to swing through a vertical graduated arc atop a vertical stand attached to a steel rule, one edge of which is parallel with the sight line of the telescope. 3. sometimes incorrectly used as a synonym for

  7. Клинометр

Портативный, русский
  1. Портативный , легкий

  2. , -ая, -ое сьoрысь новлoдлан, киын кутана

  3. (франц . portatif, от лат. porto - ношу), небольших размеров, удобный для ношения при себе, для переноски с одного места на другое.

Геодезический, русский

Эксцентриситет алидады, русский
    Несовпадение центров лимба и алидады. у теодолитов оптических э. а. исключается измерением угла в двух положениях трубы зрительной, т. е. при «круге право» кп и «круге лево» кл.

Эккер, русский
    Портативный прибор геодезический для определения планового положения пунктов путем построения на местности углов, кратных 90 или 45°. применяется при съемке небольших участков местности.