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13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

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Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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File Formats Glossary
    A multimedia container format defined by the 3gpp (third generation partnership project) to be used for 3g mobile phones. the 3g2 has some slightly enhanced storage and streaming features in comparison to the 3gp and can store the same streams of audio/vi

Multimedia, английский
  1. Мультимедиа

  2. The combination of multiple digitized data types; text, sound, computergenerated graphics and animations, photographs and video. the merger of digital technologies based on the use of computers. the technologies that are converging are computing, television, printing and telecommunications.

  3. Мультимедиа; системы с комплексным представлением информации multimedia accelerator акселератор мультимедиа multimedia access system система доступа к данным мультимедиа multimedia and supercomputing components group группа по разработке компонентов мультимедиа-систем и сверхбыстрых вычислений

  4. Multimedia refers to the presentation of information and instruction through a combination of graphics, audio, text, or video. multimedia instruction is often interactive.

Generation, немецкий

Partnership, английский
  1. Партнерство

  2. Association of two or more person (individuals or companies) formed for the purpose of making a profit. a partnership can be a general partnership or a limited partnership depending on the extent of each party`s liability. a general partnership is characterized by the unlimited liability of the general partners for partnership debts. also see: limited partnership.

  3. A legal entity or formal arrangement between two or more partners to manage and operate a business, governed by a partnership agreement. the partners have direct rights to a share of the assets and the profits of the partnership. an example of a partnership is a limited partnership.

  4. The set of rules on a computer and a portable device that allow digital media files and other information to be synchronized.

  5. Shared ownership among two or more individuals, some of whom may, but do not necessarily, have limited liability with respect to obligations of the group. see: general partnership, limited partnership, and master limited partnership.

  6. A firm owned by two to twenty people who share profits and usually have unlimited liability for the firm’s debts and obligations.

  7. Простое товарищество

Comparison, английский
  1. (логическое) сопоставление a) an ordinary comparison of two objects belonging to the same classes (v.a.k.) she is like her mother. b) weighing two objects belonging to one class of things with the purpose of establishing the degree of the

  2. Сравнение, сличение

  3. Сравнение

  4. N сравнение compensation 30 concept degree of ~ степень сравнения (тж. degree)

  5. Сравнение; сличение; сопоставление; компарирование

  6. This is an operation that compares things like if the values in two variables are equal. in processing the equals comparison is done with the double equals: ==. in netlogo it is done with a single equals: =. other comparisons are things like not equal and greater than.

  7. Short for "comparison ticket," a memorandum between two brokers that confirms the details of a transaction to be carried out.

3gp, английский
    A multimedia container format defined by the 3gpp (third generation partnership project) to be used on 3g mobile phones and certain mobile devices, such as the nintendo dsi. the 3gp file format stores video streams as h.263 or h.264, and audio streams as