File Formats Glossary |
- A cd or dvd image file, used for digital storage. it is usually a raw dump of the contents of the disk, and often contains the exact same file structure as an iso, to the point that the extensions are interchangeable.
- Inertial measurement group
- Immigration (icao)
Inertial measurement group, английский
Группа инерциальных измерительных приборов
Extensions, английский
Interchangeable, английский
Measurement, английский
- Set of operations having the object of determining a value of a quantity (1)
- Измерение. система мер.
- Измерение; замер
- The size, length, etc. of something which has been measured
- Измерение
- Обмер
- Оценка
- Измерение dust ~ измерение концентрации пыли
- Измерение. комплекс операций, имеющих целью определение значе-ния величины [32].
- The process of ascertaining the attributes, dimensions, extent, quantity, degree or capacity of some object of observation and representing these in the qualitative or quantitative terms of a data language. any empirical pursuit that places the observer outside his object of observation must consider measurement the fundamental process through which scientific constructs or models are linked to reality (->index, ->symptom). otherwise measurement is only one section in a circular process of computing a stable form. the traditional levels of measurement are nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.
- The magnitude of the property of an object calibrated against one or more units of measure.
- Измерение. комплекс операций, имеющих целью определение значения величины [32].
Interchange, английский
- Пересечение дорог в разных уровнях, транспортная развязка
- A collection of one or more document instances that comprises a single transmission and is exchanged from application to application within an organization or from one trading partner to another.
- Операции (банкоматов) с кредитными карточками чужих
- A station where passenger may alight from one train and board another on a different route. in the us it is referred to as a "transfer".
Mp2 mpeg-1 audio layer ii, английский
Part of the mpeg-1 video encoding format, mp2 predates the mp3 format and is used with older containers such as video cds. it generally has much larger-filesizes than mp3 but requires less powerful audio decoders to play back. this allows the file format
Flac, английский
- An open-source lossless audio format. has much higher file sizes than the same file encoded with a lossy format such as mp3 but is guaranteed to have the same quality as the source material. it still has compression and can reduce file sizes to 50-60% of
- Florida automatic computer