
Новости переводов

26 сентября, 2024

Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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File Formats Glossary
  1. One of the core files found on a dvd, it is a container format for all the movie data layered together, containing audio, video, subtitle, menu, and navigation data. vob files can be up to 1gb in file size to maximize compatibility, and for that reason, m

  2. Vacuum optical bench

Video object, английский

Vacuum optical bench, английский
    Вакуумный оптический стенд

Containing, английский

Navigation, английский
  1. The art and science of conducting a boat safely from one point to another.

  2. Навигация

  3. The art and science of conducting a ship safely from one point to another

  4. Мореходство, судоходство, плавание,

  5. Судовождение, судоходство

  6. The art of conducting vessels on the sea, not only by the peculiar knowledge of seamanship in all its intricate details, but also by such a knowledge of the higher branches of nautical astronomy as enables the commander to hit his port, after a long succession of bad weather, and an absence of three or four months from all land. any man without science may navigate the entire canals of great britain, but may be unable to pass from plymouth to guernsey.

  7. The science or art of planning, ascertaining, and recording the course of a vessel or aircraft; including fixing present and predicting future location, and collision avoidance. the word comes from the sanskrit navagati.

  8. Навигация; перемещение

  9. The mechanism used to direct users around a website.

Compatibility, английский
  1. 1. the ability of two drugs not to interfere with each other when administered together 2. the ability of a body to accept organs, tissue or blood from another person and not to reject them

  2. Совместимость

  3. Совместимость; соответствие

  4. Совместность; совместимость

  5. In reference to software, harmony on a task-oriented level among computers and computer programs.

  6. The degree to which a computer, an attached device, a data file, or a program can work with or understand the same commands, formats, or language as another. true compatibility means that any operational differences are invisible to people and programs alike.

  7. The extent to which a web site or web page displays as the designer expects from one browser to the next.

  8. Interoperability of related systems, often achieved through the adaptation of technical standards.

Wmv, английский
    A video compression format for several codecs by microsoft, designed originally for streaming applications on the internet. it has also become adopted as a video format compatible with blu-ray discs. it is often compared to mpeg-4 and h.264 in terms of vi

Swf, английский
  1. Previously standing as an abbreviation for shockwave flash, swf is a file format of a compiled fla used by adobe flash. a swf may contain vector graphics and rich media including images, audio, and video. it is widely adopted plugin for many desktop inter

  2. Special weapons facility

  3. See: sovereign wealth fund

  4. Shallow water flow