
Новости переводов

13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

26 сентября, 2024

Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

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What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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File Formats Glossary
    A video compression format for several codecs by microsoft, designed originally for streaming applications on the internet. it has also become adopted as a video format compatible with blu-ray discs. it is often compared to mpeg-4 and h.264 in terms of vi

Windows media video, английский
    A video file or stream in windows media format. the video content of the file or stream is encoded with one of the windows media video codecs.

Compression, английский
  1. A state or condition of being pushed or shortened by a force.

  2. Сжатие

  3. Сжатие (данных), уменьшение размеров файла изображения. см. также lossy и non-lossy. процесс упаковки данных с целью уменьшения занимаемого ими пространства на накопителе

  4. Компрессия, сжатие

  5. The reduction of volume of a vapor or gas by mechanical means.

  6. Digital video pictures can be compressed with a number of techniques. these include: jpeg and jpeg-2000 (for still images), m-jpeg and mpeg (for moving pictures).

  7. The reduction in gain at one level of a picture signal with respect to the gain at another level of the same signal.

  8. A digital photograph creates an image file that is huge, a low-resolution 640x480 image has 307,200 pixels. if each pixel uses 24 bits (3 bytes) for true color, a single image takes up about a megabyte of storage space. to make image files smaller almost every digital camera uses some form of compression. see the jpg entry below.

  9. The application of any of several techniques that reduce the amount of information required to represent that information in data transmission. this method reduces the required bandwidth and/or memory.

  10. A method of reducing the size of a digital image file to free up the storage capacity of memory cards and hard drives. compression technologies are distinguished from one another by whether or not they remove detail and color from the image. lossless technologies compress image data without removing detail, while "lossy" technologies compress images by removing some detail. joint photographic experts group (jpeg) is a lossy compression format supported by jpeg, pdf and postscript language file formats. most video formats are also lossy formats. tiff files are not and, as such, are far more stable than jpegs and other lossy file formats.

  11. Reducing the number of bits needed to encode a digital signal, typically by eliminating long strings of identical bits or bits that do not change in successive sampling intervals (e.g., video frames).

  12. A digital photograph creates an image file that is enormous. to enable image files to become smaller and more manageable cameras employ some form of compression such as jpeg. raw and tiff files have no compression and take up more space.

  13. 1. the act of squeezing or pressing  the first-aider applied compression to the chest of the casualty. 2. a serious condition in which the brain is compressed by blood or cerebrospinal fluid accumulating in it or by a fractured skull

  14. Смыкание (губок захватного устройства) cm. соmрutеr-соntrоllеd rоbоt 33. соntinuоus-раth mоtiоn движение робота по полностью программируемой траектории (при котором полная траектория, описываемая рукой манипулятора, программируется на программоноситель во время обучения так, чтобы каждая точка вдоль траектории движения регистрировалась для дальнейшего воспроизведения)

  15. Сжатие (данных); уплотнение; свертка; компрессия; упаковка

  16. Жёсткость (стержня) при сжатии; ~ in tension жёсткость (стержня) при растяжении; ~ in

  17. Продольно-поперечный изгиб, поперечный изгиб со сжатием; ~ and axial tension изгиб с осевым растяжением; ~ in two planes косой изгиб ~ of rebars [of reinforcing bars] гибка арматурных стержней beam ~ изгиб балки

  18. Сжатие о ~ along the grain сжатие вдоль волокон; ~ beyond

  19. Сжатое волокно; ~ in

  20. The intentional reduction in dynamic range to increase sustain and/or add punchiness, caused by a the use of a compressor/limiter.

  21. A process for removing redundant data from a digital media file or stream to reduce its size or the bandwidth used.

  22. A reduction of the time available for a scheduled storyboard to reach its final state.

  23. A way of making files smaller, either to fit into restricted storage space or to speed up transmission over the internet. popular compression standards include- jpeg- and- gif- for pictures,- mp3for music files,- mpeg, mp4, avi- and- mov- for movie footage, and- zip- for just about everything else.

Originally, английский

Compatible, английский
  1. Describes different hardware devices that can use the same software or programs without modification, or with appropriate software.

  2. Совместимый

  3. Совместный; совместимый; смешиваемый (напр, о красках)

  4. Compatible pieces of equipment can work together; incompatible ones can’t.

Vob, английский
  1. One of the core files found on a dvd, it is a container format for all the movie data layered together, containing audio, video, subtitle, menu, and navigation data. vob files can be up to 1gb in file size to maximize compatibility, and for that reason, m

  2. Vacuum optical bench