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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Spark ignition

Глоссарий технических терминов по водонагревателям (английский)
  1. Intermittent ignition device that utilizes a spark to light a burner flame.

  2. Воспламенение [электрическое зажигание] запальной свечой

  3. System that uses an electric spark to ignite a fuel

Ignitability, английский
    The ease with which ignition of a material can be initiated.

Ignitability (dust cloud), английский

Ignitable gas, английский
    Any gas or the gas phase of any material that is capable of fueling a fire and burning, including a flammable gas (nfpa 921).

Ignitable liquid, английский
  1. Any liquid or the liquid phase of any material that is capable of fueling a fire, including a flammable liquid, combustible liquid, or any other material that can be liquefied and burned (nfpa 921).

  2. Any liquid or the liquid phase of any material that is capable of fueling a fire, including a flammable liquid, combustible liquid, or any other material that can be liquefied and burned.

Ignitable mixture, английский
    A generic term used to describe either a mixture of dust in air or a hybrid mixture that can burn, flame, or explode and that is within its flammable range (nfpa 499).

Ignitabulum, i, n, латинский

Ignite, английский

Ignited pilot, английский
    Зажигательное устройство (горелки для сжигания продуктов скважины при пробной эксплуатации)

Igniter, английский
  1. Воспламенитель

  2. A component that provides high-voltage electric current needed to start a discharge lamp.

  3. Electronic ignition module that acts as a voltage booster or amplifier.

Igniter circuit tester, английский
    Прибор для проверки электроцепи воспламенителя

Igniter cord, английский

Igniter gas, английский
    Продукты сгорания заряда воспламенителя

Igniter set, английский

Igniter, spark igniter, spark plug, английский

Ignitibility index (scale 0-20),, английский

Igniting, английский

Ignition, английский
  1. Allumage

  2. Зажигание, воспламенение; запуск (двигателя)

  3. The initiation of combustion, as evidenced by flame, glow, or explosion.

  4. The process of initiating self-sustained combustion.

  5. Initiation of combustion. see also compression ignition engine

Ignition, английский

Ignition, немецкий

Ignition and separation assembly, английский
    Система воспламенения и отделения [разделения, расцепки]

Ignition arch, английский

Intermittent, шведский

Воспламенение, русский
  1. Воспламенение , взрыв

  2. Возгорание материала

  3. Пламенное горение вещества, инициированное источником зажигания и продолжающееся после его удаления.

Stand by loss, английский
    The amount of heat lost while unit is in stand by mode.

Solenoid, английский
  1. A coil of wire in the form of a cylinder that carries a current; resembles a bar magnet.

  2. Соленоид, электромагнит

  3. Соленоид

  4. A coil, that when energized, attracts a sliding iron core; used to control position of a spool in a valve body.

  5. A solenoid is a coil consisting of a number of loops of wire or cable to carry electric current. it may be used for both magnetizing and demagnetizing purposes.