Имеющееся в наличии количество ресурсов в течение заданного временного интервала
Accessibility, английский
- N когн., синт. дос- тупность3 accessing n доступ cue
- Доступность; достижимость
- Доступность (объекта); удобство осмотра и обслуживания (аппарата, машины) о ~ to all parts доступность ко всем частям [узлам] (машины, конструкции)
- The quality of a system incorporating hardware or software to engage a flexible, customizable user interface, alternative input and output methods, and greater exposure of screen elements to make the computer usable by people with cognitive, hearing, physical, or visual disabilities.
- The extent to which a contractor’s or employer’s facility is readily approachable and does not inhibit the mobility of individuals with disabilities, particularly such areas as the personnel office, worksite and public areas.
Availability, английский
- The percentage of time that an item or system is able to perform its designed function.
- (1) the fraction of a fish population which lives where it is susceptible to fishing during a given fishing season. (2) catch per unit of effort. (3) a term sometimes used to describe whether a given fish of a given size can be caught by a given type of g
- Наличие; доступность
- N наличие avesta n «авеста» axon n аксон6 b
- The quality or condition of a photovoltaic system being available to provide power to a load. usually measured in hours per year. one minus availability equals downtime.
- A level of service provided by applications, services, or systems.
- The condition of a user that can be displayed to the user’s contacts to communicate whether the user is currently online and available, offline and unavailable, and so on.
- The periods of time when a resource can be scheduled to participate in a service activity.
- The period in which the project financing is available for drawdown.
- Использование кредитных средств
- The quality or condition of a photovoltaic system available to provide power to
- "the ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given instant of time or during a given time interval, assuming that the required external resources are provided.
Количество, русский
- ~ of informatioia message количество информации в сообщении
- Кол.; кол-во
- Количество, число, сумма, цифра, контингент, наличность, состав; величина, мера. ср. величина и часть. , число , бессчетное количество, неисчислимое количество, несметное количество, несчетное количество
- – число, величина, численная определенность. о количестве спрашивают: «сколько», «как много», «как долго». см. также категория.
- , философская категория, выражающая внешнюю определенность объекта: его величину, число, объем, степень развития свойств и т. д.
Baseline cost of work performed, английский
Availability, английский
- The percentage of time that an item or system is able to perform its designed function.
- (1) the fraction of a fish population which lives where it is susceptible to fishing during a given fishing season. (2) catch per unit of effort. (3) a term sometimes used to describe whether a given fish of a given size can be caught by a given type of g
- Наличие; доступность
- N наличие avesta n «авеста» axon n аксон6 b
- The quality or condition of a photovoltaic system being available to provide power to a load. usually measured in hours per year. one minus availability equals downtime.
- A level of service provided by applications, services, or systems.
- The condition of a user that can be displayed to the user’s contacts to communicate whether the user is currently online and available, offline and unavailable, and so on.
- The periods of time when a resource can be scheduled to participate in a service activity.
- The period in which the project financing is available for drawdown.
- Использование кредитных средств
- The quality or condition of a photovoltaic system available to provide power to
- "the ability of an item to be in a state to perform a required function under given conditions at a given instant of time or during a given time interval, assuming that the required external resources are provided.