Box, английский
Box, английский
Box, английский
Box, английский
Ящик (почтовый), русский
Box cheese, английский
Cheese that has dripped off the pizza into the box it arrived in, hardened, and remains stuck there. immortalized one particularly altered college evening by mr. mike greene. example mike runs into the room, interrupting an impromptu munchie fest, the empty pizza box on the floor. empty but for the box cheese, mike yells, diving for the box with a plastic fork.
Bowl, английский
- An open-top diffusing glass or plastic enclosure used to shield a light source from direct view and to redirect or scatter the light.
- A wide shallow container used for holding liquids
- Унитаз
- The enclosed oval or round curve of letters like ‘d’, ‘g’, b’, and ‘o’. in an open bowl, the stroke does not meet with the stem completely; a closed-bowl stroke meets the stem.
- Чашеобразная часть (чего-л.); углубление (ложки, подсвечника, чашки весов, резервуара фонтана)