
Новости переводов

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Accumulated benefit obligation (abo)

    An approximate measure of the liability of a pension plan in the event of a termination at the date the calculation is performed. related: projected benefit obligation.

Approximate, английский
  1. Приблизительный ар-ps ammonium perchlorate-poly- styrene (propellant) полистирол- перхлоратаммониевое ракетное топливо

  2. Приблизительный

  3. Приблизительно

Termination, английский
  1. This usually refers to the physical act of terminating a cable with a special connector, which for coaxial cable is, usually, bnc. for fibre optic cable this is the st connector. it can also refer to the impedance matching when electrical transmission is

  2. 1). the load connected to the output end of a transmission line. 2). the provisions for ending a transmission line and connecting to a bus bar or other terminating device.

  3. The video cable requires an impedance of 75 ohms at normal video signal bandwidth. this is often called `low z`. there is a switch on the back of the monitors to select either 75 ohm or `high z` (sometimes `high/low`). if a signal is looped through more than one monitor all should be set to `high` except at last, which should be to `low` or 75 ohm.

  4. Preparation of the end of a fiber to allow connection to another fiber or an active device, sometimes also called "connectorization".

  5. Прекращение, расторжение

  6. An ornamental element which finishes off an architectural feature such as a dripstone.

  7. The act of ending something  termination (of pregnancy) abortion

  8. N окончание (слова ) terminography n терминография

  9. The ending of a thread, process, or program.

  10. Расторжение (соглашения, договора)

Calculation, английский
  1. Вычисление

  2. Расчет

  3. Калькуляция; вычисление; счет; подсчет; расчет

  4. Основы расчёта ~ of design основные положения проектирования, основы расчёта 52 batter

  5. Расчёт; вычисление; подсчёт; исчисление о ~ based on

  6. Исчисление

Obligation, английский
  1. Обязательство.

  2. Обязательство, облигация, см. bond

  3. A bond containing a penalty, with a condition annexed for payment of money or performance of covenants.

  4. Обязательство

  5. A legally binding commitment.

  6. A legal responsibility, such as to repay a debt.

  7. Денежное обязательство

Accumulated dividend, английский
    A dividend that has reached its due date, but is not paid out. see: cumulative preferred stock.

Accumulate, английский
  1. Broker/analyst recommendation that could mean slightly different things depending on the broker/analyst. in general, it means to increase the number of shares of a particular security over the near term, but not to liquidate other parts of the portfolio t

  2. Broker/analyst recommendation that could mean slightly different things depending on the broker/analyst. in general, it means to increase the number of shares of a particular security over the near term, but not to liquidate other parts of the portfolio to buy a security that might skyrocket. a buy recommendation, but not an urgent buy.

  3. To amass or collect. when oil and gas migrate into porous formations, the quantity collected is called an accumulation.