Annuity due
An annuity with n payments, where the first payment is made at time t = 0, and the last payment is made at time t = n - 1.
Annuity, английский
- A regular periodic payment made by an insurance company to a policyholder for a specified period of time.
- Частная пенсия
- A tax sheltering vehicle. an unsecured contractbetween the company and the annuitant(s) that grows deferred-free and isused to provide for one`s later years. all income taxes are deferred untilmaturing of the annuity. capital gains and income accumulate tax deferred.results in a stream of payments made to the annuitant during his or herlifetime under the annuity agreement. taxes are paid on the income, interestearned and the capital gains but only to the extent as and when they arereceived. currently, there is no annual limit on purchases, but there is notax credit for purchases. an annuity is not an insurance policy.
- Ежегодная рента
Annuity assurance, английский
Пенсионное страхование
Annuity certain, английский
An annuity that pays a specific amount on a monthly basis for a set amount of time.
Annuity factor, английский
Present value of $1 paid for each of t periods.
Annuity function, английский
Функция аннуитета
Annuity in arrears, английский
An annuity with a first payment one full period hence, rather than immediately.
Annuity patent, английский
Патент, поддерживаемый в силе при ежегодной уплате пошлины
Annuity starting date, английский
The date when an annuitant starts receiving payments from an annuity.
Due, английский
К оплате
Due, итальянский
Due and payable, английский
К оплате
Due at destination, английский
Freight and/or other charges to be collected in the destination country. see also collect, ccx.
Due at origin, английский
Freight and/or other charges to be collected in the origin country.
Due bill, английский
- An instrument evidencing the obligation of a seller to deliver securities sold to the buyer. occasionally used in the bill market.
- Счет к оплате
Due but not yet received, английский
Причитающийся, но не полученный
Due care, английский
- The standard of reasonable care, skill, ability, and judgment which, if not met, constitutes negligence; such a standard may be imposed by contract or by operation of law in the absence of a contract. this term implies the performance of duties and services by a professional which is consistent with the level of performance provided by reputable professionals in the same geographical area at the same period of time.
- In the context of information security, due care means handling data in a prudent manner which any right-thinking person would consider to be appropriate. due care is normally not explicitly documented in security policies and procedures.
- Надлежащая заботливость
Due care., английский
Due consideration, английский
Надлежащее встречное удовлетворение
Due course of law, английский
Установленный законом порядок
Due date, английский
- The date when payment of duties and taxes is due
- Дата окончания; дата выполнения заказа
- The date by which some task or action should be completed.
Annuity factor, английский
Present value of $1 paid for each of t periods.
Annuity certain, английский
An annuity that pays a specific amount on a monthly basis for a set amount of time.