Mechanical aerator
Глоссарий по водоснабжению и охране водных ресурсов |
Mechanical aeration device, английский
Механический аэратор, русский
Aerator, английский
- The round screened screw-on tip of a sink spout. it mixes water and air for a smooth flow.
- A screen-like insert screwed onto a faucet outlet. it mixes air with the flowing water to reduce splashing.
- Аэратор (устройство для диспергирования воздуха
- Аэратор
Aerator fitting, английский
A device which introduces air into an exiting stream of water.
Aerator solids, английский
Твердые вещества иловой смеси (смеси активного ила и сточных вод)
Aerator-clarifier unit, английский
Аэротенк-отстойник (сооружение, совмещающее функции аэротенка и вторичного отстойника)
Mechanical, английский
Mechanical (road) sweeper, английский
Mechanical accumulator, английский
Гидроаккумулятор механический в отл. от пневматического, использующего энергию сжатого газа
Mechanical adhesion, английский
Adhesion between surfaces in which the adhesive holds the parts together by interlocking action.
Mechanical advantage, английский
- Передаточное отношение (механизма)
- The ratio of the output force exerted by a mechanism to the input force applied to it.
Mechanical aerated system, английский
Mechanical aeration, английский
Mechanical aeration device, английский
Mechanical agitation process, английский
Mechanical air machine, английский
Mechanical alloying, английский
Mechanical analysis, английский
Mechanical analysis., английский
Mechanical and process engineering part of design, английский
Mechanical application, английский
The application of plaster or mortar by pumping and spraying, rather than by hand with a trowel. mechanical bond 1. the keying of a plaster coat: (a) with another coat or a plaster base below or (b) as a result of plaster which is partially troweled through metal lath. 2. in reinforced concrete construction, a bond between concrete and specially shaped steel reinforcing bars or rods.
Mechanical back focal distance, английский
Molten calcine, английский
Mechanical aeration device, английский