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Characteristic curve

Photo Chemical Glossary
  1. A curve in which d is plotted against log exposure resulting from

  2. Характеристика; характеристическая кривая

  3. Curve that expresses film density as function of log relative exposure. these curves are useful in determining exposure correction factors and in defining the gamma characteristics of the film. charge coupled device (ccd): solid state optical sensor used in imaging systems. incoming radiation induces electrical charges stored in semiconductor structures for reading.

  4. Кривая, показывающая плотность пленки как функцию логарифмической относительной экспозиции. эти кривые полезны при определении коэффициентов коррекции экспозиции и гамма-характеристик пленки. устройство с зарядовой связью (ccd): твердотельный оптический датчик, используемый в системах визуализации. приходящее излучение индуцирует электрические заряды, хранящиеся в полупроводниковых структурах для считывания.

Curva característica, испанский

H & d curve (hurter and driffield) (rt), английский

H and d curve (rt), английский

Sensitometric curve (rt), английский

Characteristic, английский
  1. Property that helps to distinguish between items of a given population (3)

  2. A quality which allows something to be recognised as different  cancer destroys the cell’s characteristics.  adjective being a typical or distinguishing quality  symptoms characteristic of anaemia  the inflammation is characteristic of shingles.

  3. N характеристика (см. тж. portrayal) articulatory ~ артикуляторная характеристика perceptual ~ перцептивная характеристика, характеристика восприятия

  4. Характерная особенность, признак; характеристика, особенность ~s of the loading особенности [параметры] нагружение (конструкции)

  5. The characteristic dimension dc

Characteristic, английский

Characteristic (aton), английский
    Характерная черта, особенность, (средств

Characteristic ash curve, английский

Characteristic buckling resistance, английский

Characteristic buckling resistance:, английский
    The load associated with buckling in the presence of inelastic material behaviour, the geometrical and structural imperfections that are inevitable in practical construction, and follower load effects.

Characteristic buckling stress, английский

Characteristic buckling stress:, английский
  1. The membrane stress associated with the characteristic buckling resistance.

  2. The nominal membrane stress associated with buckling in the presence of inelastic material behaviour and of geometrical and structural imperfections.

Characteristic curve (rt), английский
    A curve which expresses film density as a function of log relative exposure. these curves are useful in determining exposure correction factors and to define the gamma characteristics of the film.

Characteristic diagram, английский
    A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect).

Characteristic distortion, английский
    Характеристическое искажение

Characteristic distortion compensation, английский

Characteristic echaust velocity, английский
    Характеристическая скорость

Characteristic equation, английский
    Характеристическое уравнение

Characteristic error, английский
    Характеристическая ошибка

Characteristic feature, английский
    Отличительный признак (изобретения)

Characteristic feature of the, английский
    Decorated and flamboyant styles. flowing tracery 423 material, generally displaying elaborate flower patterns and the like. floriated, floreated decorated with floral patterns. flowing tracery: little st. mary’s, cambridge (c. 1350)

Characteristic frequency, английский

Characteristic function, английский
    Характеристическая функция

Characteristic impedance, английский
  1. Характеристический импеданс

  2. Характеристический импеданс; характеристическое сопротивление; волновое сопротивление

Характеристика, русский
  1. ,..1) описание характерных, отличительных качеств, черт, свойств чего-либо или кого-либо...2) отзыв, заключение о трудовой, общественной деятельности кого-либо.

  2. , целая часть десятичного логарифма. напр., lg 300 = 2,4771, где 2 есть характеристика для lg 300; lg 0,3 = ,4771, где = -1 есть характеристика для lg 0,3.

  3. Качественный параметр для определения ценности бриллианта

  4. Отличительное свойство.

  5. Отличительное свойство. характеристика градуировочная (calibration characteristic) – зависимость между значениями величин на входе и выходе средства измерений, полученная экспериментально.

  6. Отличительное свойство (исо 9000, п. 3.5.1).

  7. Официальный документ, в котором содержится оценка деловых и личных качеств человека.

Determining, английский
    Определение о ~ reactions

Correction, английский
  1. Species - an adjustment of the readings of the resistance-type electrical moisture meter to compensate for different species of wood. corrections are tabulated in as/nzs 1080 1:1997

  2. Любой заметный откат от ранее достигнутого уровня. иногда, коррекцией считают откат не менее 1/3 от предыдущего ценового движения;

  3. Коррекция, поправка

  4. Исправление, коррекция, поправка

  5. Любой заметный откат от ранее достигнутого уровня. иногда коррекцией считают откат не менее 1/3 от предыдущего цено¬вого движения.

  6. Поправка

  7. N псхлнгв. исправление correctness n правильность grammatical ~ грамматическая правильность

  8. Исправление; корректирование; корректировка; коррекция; корректура; введение поправки; поправка

  9. Поправка; исправление; корректирование о ~ for pull геод. поправка на эксцентриситет блоков (в инварных измерениях); ~ for slope поправка за наклон линии ~ of water стабилизация воды

  10. Reverse movement, usually downward, in the price of an individual stock, bond, commodity, or index. if prices have been rising on the market as a whole, and then fall dramatically, this is known as a correction within an upward trend. antithesis of a technical rally. see: dip, break.

Characteristics, английский
  1. The distinguishing qualities of a navigation aid or buoy, including shape and color, whether fixed or flashing, and flashing sequence.

  2. A high-performance fiber with high chemical resistance that does not burn in air. it has no melting point and does not drip when exposed to flame. the fiber and fabrics from pbi retain their flexibility, dimensional stability, and significant strength without embrittlement even when exposed to flame or extreme heat. the fiber emits little smoke in extreme conditions. it processes well on conventional textile equipment, having processing characteristics similar to polyester. it can be used in 100% form or blended with other fibers. it has a high moisture regain and low modulus with comfort properties similar to cotton. the natural color of pbi is a gold-khaki shade, but it can be dyed to almost any medium to dark shade with conventional basic dyes.

  3. Acetate fabrics are in appearance fast-drying, wrinkle and shrinkage resistant, crisp or soft in hand depending upon the end use.

  4. Although modacrylics are similar to acrylics in properties and application, certain important differences exist. modacrylics have superior resistance to chemicals and combustion, but they are more heat sensitive (lower safe ironing temperature) and have a higher specific gravity (less cover).

  5. Although the properties of the nylons described above vary in some respects, they all exhibit excellent strength, flexibility, toughness, elasticity, abrasion resistance, washability, ease of drying, and resistance to attack by insects and microorganisms.

  6. Because acrylic fibers are thermoplastic, fabrics may be heat-set for wrinkle resistance and to provide permanency to pleats. acrylic fabrics have low moisture absorbency and dry relatively quickly. in general, acrylic fibers are resistant to the degrading effects of ultraviolet rays in sunlight and to a wide range of chemicals and fumes. they provide warmth in fabrics that are lightweight, soft, and resilient. acrylic fibers have relatively poor flame resistance compared with other fibers. some acrylic fabrics, particularly knit types, approximate the hand of fine wool. because of the composition and cross section of the fiber, fabrics made therefrom have a high bulk to weight ratio. this is further enhanced with the so-called “high bulk” spun yarns.

  7. Glass fiber is incombustible and will tolerate heat up to 1000°f without material damage. potential strength is not realized in woven fabrics or even in yarns, because the fiber is brittle and fracture points may develop, but nevertheless, very high tensile strength is obtained in woven fabrics, and is retained at elevated temperatures. the fiber originally was difficult to color but methods have been developed to accomplish this. moisture absorption is low. electrical and insulation resistance is high.

  8. Polychlal fibers have a soft, lamb’s wool-like hand and moderate moisture regain. the fibers are also characterized by high flame resistance and high abrasion resistance.

  9. Polyester fibers have high strength and are resistant to shrinking and stretching. fabrics are quick drying and tend to have wrinkle resistance and crease retention, wet and dry. polyester is used alone and in blends. it has been one of the first fibers to be developed in fabrics with durable-press features.

  10. Polyethylene fibers have a low specific gravity, extremely low moisture regain, the same tensile strength wet and dry, and are resistant to attack by mildew and insects. these qualities have made polyethylene fiber suitable for industrial applications, geotextiles, outdoor furniture, and similar applications. polyethylene fiber does not dye, and in most cases, it is colored by the addition of pigments and dyes to the material prior to spinning. it has a low melting point, a property that has restricted its use in apparel.

  11. Polypropylene fibers have a number of advantages over polyethylene fibers in the field of textile applications. the degree of crystallinity, 72 to 75%, results in a fiber that is strong and resilient, and does not fibrillate like high-density polyethylene. polypropylene has a high work of rupture, which indicates a tough fiber, and may be made with tenacities as high as 8.0 to 8.5 grams per denier. the melting point of polypropylene is 165°c, which is low by comparison with nylon or polyester, but is high enough to make it suitable for most textile applications. so light that it actually floats, polypropylene fiber provides greater coverage per pound than any other fiber. it is highly resistant to mechanical abuse and chemical attack.

  12. Rayon yarns are made in a wide range of types in regard to size, physical characteristics, strength, elongation, luster, handle, suppleness, etc. they may be white or solution dyed. strength is regulated by the process itself and the structure of the yarn. (also see polynosic fiber.) luster is reduced by including delustering materials, such as titanium dioxide pigments, in the fiber when it is extruded. the suppleness of the yarn is controlled by the number of filaments in the yarn, the denier or gauge of the individual filaments or fibers, and the fiber cross-section.

  13. Spandex is lighter in weight, more durable, and more supple than conventional elastic threads and has between two and three times their restraining power. spandex is extruded in a multiplicity of fine filaments which immediately form a monofilament. it can be repeatedly stretched over 500% without breaking and still recover instantly to its original length. it does not suffer deterioration from oxidation as is the case with fine sizes of rubber thread, and it is not damaged by body oils, perspiration, lotions, or detergents.

Electrical, английский

Semiconductor, английский
  1. A solid material characterized by comparatively high resistivities.

  2. A material whose resistivity lies between that of conductors and insulators, e.g., germanium and silicon. solid state devices such as transistors, diodes, photocells, and integrated circuits are manufactured from semiconductor materials.

  3. Полупроводник

  4. Any material that has a limited capacity for conducting an electric current. certain semiconductors, including silicon, gallium arsenide, copper indium diselenide, and cadmium telluride, are uniquely suited to the photovoltaic conversion process.

  5. A substance, commonly silicon or germanium, whose ability to conduct electricity falls between that of a conductor and that of a nonconductor (insulator). the term is used loosely to refer to electronic components made from semiconductor materials.

  6. An electronic material that can be an insulator under one condition and switch to a conductor under a different condition shear-thinning

Характеристик, русский

Устройство, русский
    Устройство, (у)строение, построение, строй, склад, складка, уклад, структура, механизм, организм; изготовление, приготовление, выполнение, исполнение, осуществление, организация. , конструкция, образование, строение

Оптический, русский

Используемый, русский

Электрические, русский

Safelight, английский
    A darkroom or processing area lamp which emits light of a colour that will not

Cross-bow, английский
    A curvature across the full width of the strip of metal that renders it somewhat