Photo Chemical Glossary |
- A unit of measurement (1 nm=10-9 metres) commonly used to define
- A unit of measurement of length equal to one thousand millionth of a metre. symbol nm
Measurement, английский
- Set of operations having the object of determining a value of a quantity (1)
- Измерение. система мер.
- Измерение; замер
- The size, length, etc. of something which has been measured
- Измерение
- Обмер
- Оценка
- Измерение dust ~ измерение концентрации пыли
- Измерение. комплекс операций, имеющих целью определение значе-ния величины [32].
- The process of ascertaining the attributes, dimensions, extent, quantity, degree or capacity of some object of observation and representing these in the qualitative or quantitative terms of a data language. any empirical pursuit that places the observer outside his object of observation must consider measurement the fundamental process through which scientific constructs or models are linked to reality (->index, ->symptom). otherwise measurement is only one section in a circular process of computing a stable form. the traditional levels of measurement are nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales.
- The magnitude of the property of an object calibrated against one or more units of measure.
- Измерение. комплекс операций, имеющих целью определение значения величины [32].
Artwork master, английский
An accurate one-to-one pattern, usually a single image, which is used to
Metal hardening, английский
A thermal, mechanical, or chemical treatment used to increase the