Performance curve
Глоссарий по архитектуре и конструкциям |
A graphic representation of an operating characteristic of a piece of equipment, such as a fan; shows how such a characteristic varies as a function of a single parameter (for example, volume flow rate vs. fan speed). percolation test perforated tape covering a joint
Curve, английский
- A track with continuous change in direction of alignment by means of an arc of a single or variable radius.
- Кривая
- Площадь, ограниченная (участком) кривой нагрузка - деформация ~ of bending moment diagram площадь эпюры моментов
Curve, английский
Curve, английский
Curve analyzer, английский
Анализатор кривых
Curve behavior, английский
Поведение кривой; характер изменения кривой
Curve complexity, английский
Сложность кривой
Curve compound, английский
A curve comprising two or more differing radii but in the same direction.
Curve fitting, английский
- Нанесение (элемента) контура (детали) по заданным координатам (на экране дисплея, при программировании)
- Вычерчивание кривой по точкам curve-fitting algorithm алгоритм подбора кривой curve-fitting compaction уплотнение при помощи приближенного описания кривой curve-fitting program программа вычерчивания кривых
Curve follower, английский
Повторитель кривых; графоповторитель
Curve follower logic, английский
Логика программного слежения
Curve generator, английский
Генератор кривых
Curve object, английский
Объект-кривая; объект типа "кривая"
Curve of cross-sectional areas, английский
Строевая по шпангоутам
Curve of the coast, английский
When the shore alternately recedes and projects gradually, so as to trend towards a curve shape.
Curve plotter, английский
Curve point, английский
Точка кривой; сглаженный узел
Curve reduction, английский
Выпрямление кривой
Curve reverse, английский
A curve comprising successive and closely spaced curves in opposite directions. it is usual to connect reverse curves with a straight.
Curve scanner, английский
Прибор для снятия кривых; сканер кривых
Curve shot, английский
A shot using a slightly elevated cue and bottom-side english to create massé (swerve) action to curve the cue ball a small amount around an obstacle ball
Curve top, английский
A bifocal lens with the top line of the segment slightly curved instead of straight.
Representation, английский
- N репрезента- ция, представление knowledge ~ представление знаний internal ~ псхл. внутреннее представление mental ~ ментальная репрезентация
- A collateral statement of such facts not inserted on the policy of insurance, as may give the underwriters a just estimate of the risk of the adventure. (see warranty.)
- A representation is a set of conventions about how to describe a class of things. representation will generally consist of four parts: 1. a lexicon that determines which symbols are in it vocabulary; 2. a structural part that describes the constraints on the symbols; 3. a collection of methods or procedures that allow the symbols to be manipulated and queried; and 4. a semantics that specifies the meaning of the symbols and their relationships. re-ranking in handwriting and text recognition systems, the task of re-ranking allows the candidate interpretations developed by the recognizer to be ranked or scored according to the language model. see also: word n-gram re-ranking, word-tag model.
- If something stands in place of or is chosen to substitute for something else, the former is considered a representation of the latter. e.g., representation of constituencies in government, linguistic representation of an event (->symbol). the 66 belief that all knowledge is a representation of the properties of the real world is as unacceptable as the insistence that all descriptions or messages are about something else.
Characteristic, английский
- Property that helps to distinguish between items of a given population (3)
- A quality which allows something to be recognised as different cancer destroys the cell’s characteristics. adjective being a typical or distinguishing quality symptoms characteristic of anaemia the inflammation is characteristic of shingles.
- N характеристика (см. тж. portrayal) articulatory ~ артикуляторная характеристика perceptual ~ перцептивная характеристика, характеристика восприятия
- Характерная особенность, признак; характеристика, особенность ~s of the loading особенности [параметры] нагружение (конструкции)
- The characteristic dimension dc
Percolation, английский
- The downward movement of water into soil.
- Просачивание, фильтрация
- The movement of groundwater in the zone of saturation under hydrodynamic
Perforated, английский
- In leather, this is the process of die-cutting small holes to form a pattern. the holes can vary in size, density and pattern. railroading: cutting fabric on the cross grain, usually to avoid seams in large upholstered pieces. fabric is also referred to as railroaded when the pattern runs horizontally off the bolt. fabric with directional patters or pile (such as velvet) should not be railroaded.
- Пер4х>рированный
Grading curve, английский
A graphical representation of the proportions of different particle sizes in a material; obtained by plotting the cumulative or separate percentages of the material passing grading curve 469 grader grade beam grader, towed grader a multipurpose machine used for leveling and crowning, mixing and spreading, ditching and bank sloping, and side casting material, or for light stripping operations; not intended for heavy excavation. through sieves in which the aperture sizes form a given series.
Perspective drawing, английский
A graphic representation of a project or part thereof as it would appear three-dimensionally. persienne 720 persona perspective drawing