- Боеприпасы
- This word had an infinite variety of meanings. it includes every description of warlike stores, comprehending not only the ordnance, but the powder, balls, bullets, cartridges, and equipments.—ammunition bread, that which is for the supply of armies or garrisons.—ammunition chest, a box placed abaft near the stern or in the tops of men-of-war, to contain ammunition, for the arms therein placed, in readiness for immediate action.—ammunition shoes, those made for soldiers and sailors, and particularly for use by those frequenting the magazine, being soft and free from metal.—ammunition waggon, a close cart for conveying military effects.—ammunition wife, a name applied to women of doubtful character.
- The explosive and propellant components of military projectiles, including bullets, bombs, cartridges, fuses, grenades, mines, missiles, powder, primers, pyrotechnics, rockets, shot, shrapnel, and the like.
Боеприпасы, русский
Munition, французский
Ammo, английский
- Ammunition
- Army mobile missile operation
Amn, английский
- Airman
- Ammunition
- Airspace management and navigation (eatm unit)
Не амуниция, а патроны, боеприпасы, русский
Боепитание, русский
Боеприпасов, русский
Description, английский
- Описание
- Описание (примеров осуществления изобретения)
- N описание phonetic ~ фонетическое описание sensory-based ~ псхл. описание, основанное на восприятиях structural ~ структурное описание
- Описание; характеристика description formописательная форма
- Описание; характеристика; обозначение
- Part of a patent application or specification. discloses the invention as claimed, specifies the technical field to which the invention relates and indicates any prior art the applicant is aware of.
Particularly, английский
Propellant, английский
- Ракетное топливо; компонент ракетного топлива
- [1] the charge used to expel the projectile from a cannon. [2] the substance (usually fuel and an oxidant) used to give impetus to a rocket or missile.
- 1. пропеллент; 2. ракетное топливо. см.
Components, английский
Projectiles, английский
Bodies which are driven by any one effort of force from the spot where it was applied.
Pyrotechnics, английский
- Пиротехнические сигнализационные
- Ammunition, flares, star shells, or fireworks used for entertainment or military purposes such as signaling and target illumination. q
Бомба взрывного действия, русский
Боеприпасы, русский