Глоссарий медицинских терминов |
- The science of the use of microscopes
- Use of microscope to produce a magnified image of microscopic objects
Микроскопия, русский
Один из методов исследования и идентификации микроорганизмов, который осуществляется с помощью микроскопов, при обязательном окрашивании бактерий.
Microscope, английский
- Microscopio
- A scientific instrument with lenses, which makes very small objects appear larger the tissue was examined under the microscope. under the microscope it was possible to see the cancer cells. comment: in an ordinary or light microscope the image is magnified by lenses. in an electron microscope the lenses are electromagnets and a beam of electrons is used instead of light, thereby achieving much greater magnifications.
- Device used to form a highly magnified image of tiny objects for clear visualization
- Instrument that provides enlarged images of small objects. microscope, compound: conventional microscope, using geometrical optics for magnification. also called laboratory microscope. microscope, interference: magnifier using the wavelength of light as a unit of measure for surface contour and other characteristics. microscope, metallographic: metallurgical microscope incorporating a camera. also called a metallograph. most metallographic microscopes share these features: (a) stand with concealed shock absorbers, (b) intense light source, (c) inverted stand so that the test object is face down, (d) viewing screens for prolonged tasks such as dirt count or grain size measurements, (e) bright, dark and polarized illumination options. microscope, metallurgical: microscope designed with features suited for metallography. microscope, phase contrast: laboratory microscope with two additional optical elements to transmit both diffracted and undiffracted light, revealing refractive index discontinuities in a completely transparent test object. microscope, polarizing: microscope with polarizing elements to restrict light vibration to a single plane for studying material with directional optical properties. as fibers, crystals, sheet plastic and materials under strain are rotated between crossed polarizers on the microscope stage, they change color and intensity in a way that is related to their directional properties. mig welding: see gas metal arc welding.
- Instrument that provides enlarged images of very small objects.
Microscopic, английский
- Observable only with the aid of a microscope.
- Objects or organisms that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
Biometry, английский
The science which applies statistics to the study of living things biometry of the eye measurement of the eye by ultrasound biometry of a fetus the measurement of the key parameters of growth of a fetus by ultrasound
Pharmaceutics, английский
The science of the preparation and dispensing of prescribed drugs plural