Глоссарий по криптовалютам и блокчейну |
A form of digital currency based on mathematics, where encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds. furthermore, cryptocurrencies operate independently of a central bank.
Криптовалюта, русский
Цифровые деньги, созданные по определенным алгоритмам с применением криптографии (шифрования). слово «криптос» в греческом языке означает «секрет», отсюда и название цифровых денег. методы шифрования позволяют криптовалюте быть защищенной от мошенничества, при этом иметь такую характеристику, как аудируемость, т.е. транзакции с криптовалютой публично доступны для проверки.
Mathematics, английский
- The science which treats of every kind of quantity that can be numbered or measured.
- Математика
- Originally, the science of number and quantity. but with the birth pf numerous more qualitative formalisms, (e.g., logic, propositional calculi, set theory), with the emergence of the unifying idea of a mathematical structure, with the advent of the axiomatic method emphasising inference, proof and the descriptions of complex systems in terms of simple axioms, and, finally, with self-reflective efforts such as meta-mathematics, mathematics has become the autonomous (->autonomy) science of formal constructions. emphasising its formal character and its applicability to all conceivable worlds, mathematics has been likened to a language whose semantics is supplied by other sciences or by particular applications. although all constructions are inventions of the human mind, cannot be found in nature and have no necessary connection with the world outside mathematics, they nevertheless arise in conjunction with solving certain kinds of problems:(1) real world problems, (e.g., geometry evolved in efforts of measuring the earth, game theory grew out of concerns for social conflict resolution, statistics from the need to test hypotheses on large numbers of observations, recursive function theory from the desire for efficient algorithms,) (2) intellectual curiosity and playfulness, (e.g., markov chain theory stems from interest in poetry, probability theory from games of chance, the four-color problem, symmetry and much of topology (see the mobiusband) from`interest in artistic expression), and (3) interest in the powers and limitations of ma thema tics and the mind, (e. g., goedel` s incompleteness theorem from the inherent undecidability or incompleteness of systems, the theory of logical types from disturbing paradoxes, the differential and integral calculi from efforts to transcend the smallest distinctions practically possible). ,however, it is a characteristic of mathematics that the problems giving rise to its constructions are soon forgotten and the constructions develop a life of their own, checked only by such validity criteria as internal consistency, decidability and completeness. empirical data from an existing world do not threaten the products of mathematics. 48 matrix; a many-dimensional arrangement of numbers suitable to various transformations which form the basis of matrix algebra. a one-dimensional matrix is called a scalar. most frequent are two-dimensional, n-by-m, matrices which might contain the coefficients (->parameter) of a set of linear equations or specify a mapping from an n-dimensional to a m-dimensional vector space (->hyperspace).
Encryption, английский
- The process of transforming text into an unintelligible form called cipher.
- A method of encoding data for security.
- Защита сообщения от неправомочного прочтения, основанная на преобразовании его в шифрованный текст. расшифровать этот текст, т.е. восстановить исходное сообщение, можно только с помощью ключа, использовавшегося при его шифровании
- The rearrangement of the bit stream of a previously digitally encoded signal in a
- An encoder electronically alters a signal so that it can be clearly seen only by recipients who have a decoder to reverse encryption. selective addressability/scrambling designates receivers to descramble a signal. each decoder has a unique address.
- The rearrangement of the bit stream of a previously digitally encoded signal in a systematic fashion to make the information unrecognizable until restored on receipt of the necessary authorization key. this technique is used for securing information transmitted over a communication channel with the intent of excluding all other than authorized receivers from interpreting the message. can be used for voice, video and other communications signals.
- Encryption is a process by which a document (plaintext) is combined with a shorter string of data, called a key (eg. ), to produce an output (ciphertext) which can be "decrypted" back into the original plaintext by someone else who has the key, but which is incomprehensible and computationally infeasible to decrypt for anyone who does not have the key.
- Шифрование
- The process of converting readable data (plaintext) into a coded form (ciphertext) to prevent it from being read by an unauthorized party.
- To use a code to render data unintelligible. an encryption key is data that when supplied to an encryption program and the original data to be encrypted yields the encrypted data. a decryption key when supplied with a decryption program and encrypted data the recovers the original data. many times these two keys are the same.
- Кодирование (в телефонии, банковской связи)
Generation, немецкий
Independent, английский
- One who logs and sells his output on the open market; not associated with a mill or under company or dealer contract (19).
- Независимый; автономный
- Независимый, автономный
- Независимый, самостоятельный; рантье (лицо, живущее на доходы от капитала)
- Независимый
- A независимый
- A merchant ship under naval control, but sailing alone and unescorted by any warship.
Digital commodity, английский
A digital commodity is a scarce, electronically transferrable, intangible, with a market value.
Consensus process, английский
The process a group of peers responsible for maintaining a distributed ledger use to reach consensus on the ledger’s contents.