Sha 256
Глоссарий по криптовалютам и блокчейну |
The cryptographic function used as the basis for bitcoin’s proof of work system.
Sha, английский
- Sidereal hour angle
- State highway administration (maryland)
- System hazard analysis (faa)
Sha (secure hash algorithm), английский
Is a family of cryptographic hash functions published by the national institute of standards and technology (nist) as a u.s. federal information processing standard (fips). sha256 is an algorithm used in bitcoin that takes an input of any size which can be any form of data(text, jpeg, pdf, etc.), mixes it up and creates a fixed size output(a hash) which is 256-bit (32-byte) long . you can think of the hash as the fingerprint of the data. hashes are one-way functions – they cannot be decrypted back. the only way to decrypt a hash is by brute forcing it. brute force means to systematically try all the combinations for an input. brute force attack will always find the input, no matter its complexity. the downside is whether or not you will still be alive when it finally guesses it
Sha-1, английский
A cryptographic hash function designed by the united states national security agency and a u.s. federal information processing standard published by the united states nist. shade (n)
Sha-256, английский
Криптографическая функция хэширования, лежащая в основе протокола доказательства выполнения работы bitcoin, а также некоторых других криптовалют.
Sha-512, английский
Sha:h 'king', английский
From persian
Sha:h ma:t 'the king is dead', английский
Sha:sh 'muslin', английский
Shaaaap, английский
Shaanxi, английский
Shaatz!, английский
An exclamaton to be used when one is very impressed. example shaatz! that girl was hot.
Shaba, английский
Shabam, английский
Awesome, cool, that rocks! example shabam! we won the game!
Shabby, английский
Shabby chic, немецкий
Abgenutzt, ärmlich und heruntergekommen wirkende kleidung
Shabka, английский
Shablamo, английский
A word used to express extreme surprise or excitement. example man, i thought i was in for another routine day of classes, but then during science, shablamo! pop quiz.
Shaboose, английский
To take something from someone when they have asked you if you want some before going to get it--and you declined. the best description is when you ask your friend i am going to get a burger and fries, you want something? they decline, but when you return, they take a substantial portion (more than a couple of fries). shabooser, shaboosee, shaboosist, shaboosing, shaboosable. example if i had known you were going to shaboose my potato salad, i would have got more for you.
Shabrah, английский
Shabs, английский
Shock absorber
Cryptographic, английский
- Криптографический
- Криптографический; шифровальный
Smart contracts, английский
- Smart contracts are contracts whose terms are recorded in a computer language instead of legal language. smart contracts can be automatically executed by a computing system, such as a suitable distributed ledger system.
- Are computer protocols that facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract, or that obviate the need for a contractual clause. smart contracts usually also have a user interface and often emulate the logic of contractual clauses. proponents of smart contracts claim that many kinds of contractual clauses may thus be made partially or fully self-executing, self-enforcing, or both. smart contracts aim to provide security superior to traditional contract law and to reduce other transaction costs associated with contracting
Scrypt, английский
- An alternative proof of work system to sha-256, designed to be particularly friendly to cpu and gpu miners, while offering little advantage to asic miners.
- Криптографический алгоритм хэширования, разработанный для валюты лайткоин (ltc). по сравнению с функцией sha-256 вычисления происходят быстрее и требуют меньшей вычислительной мощности.