Глоссарий технических терминов |
Repetition, английский
- Повторение (импульсов)
- Повторение
- N повтор (син. reiteration) ~ of final consonants повторение конечных согласных 4 между простыми предложениями в составе сложно-подчинённого. repetitive 78 rule
- An instance of a cycle in a multiple cycle series.
- Using the same element multiple times in a space to create rhythm and unity.
Frequency, английский
- A measure of the rate of occurrence of an event expressed as the number of occurrences of an event in a given time. see also likelihood & probability
- Частота
- The number of times a wave-like radio signal changes from the very positive to the very negative charge per second.
- The number of complete cycles of a periodic waveform that occur in a given length of
- Standard, primary основной эталон частоты
- The number of times a complete electromagnetic wave cycle occurs in a fixed unit of time, usually one second. the rate at which a current alternates, measured in hertz on a telecommunications medium.
- The number of complete cycles of a periodic waveform that occur in a given length of time. usually specified in cycles per second (hertz).
- The number of cycles per unit of time, denoted by hertz (hz); 1 hertz 1 cycle per second
- The number of times that the wave oscillates per second (the number of periods of oscillations per second). also, the number of light waves passing a fixed point in a given unit of time, or the number of complete vibrations in that period of time.
- The number of times an electromagnetic wave oscillates in a second, or the number of wave peaks that pass a point in second; measured in hertz.
- Frecuencia
- The number of oscillations per second (a) of the current or voltage in an alternating- current electric circuit, or (b) of a sound wave, fresco 442 or (c) of a vibrating solid object; expressed in hertz (abbr. hz) or in cycles per second (abbr. cps). fresco, buon fresco the technique of painting water colors on plaster when it is almost but not quite dry; in such work, waterbased colors unite with the base; any retouching is done when the plaster is dry (i.e., fresco secco). fresco secco, secco a mural, often fugitive, painted with water-based colors on dry plaster.
- 1. the number of times something takes place in a given time the frequency of micturition 2. the rate of vibration in oscillations
- Стабильность частоты
- N частота; частотность; повторяемость fundamental ~ основаная частота list ~ частота в списке text ~ текстовая частота
- Частота ~ of concrete vibrator частота колебаний, создаваемых вибратором при уплотнении бетонной смеси ~ of occurrence повторяемость (напр, гидрологической величины) ~ of sampling частота отбора проб
- The number of crests passing a fixed point at a given time.
- The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, expressed in hertz (hz).
- Measured in hertz (hz), the number of cycles per second of a sound wave or audio signal. a high-frequency sound (example, 12,000 hz) has a high pitch, and a low-frequency sound (example, 200 hz) has a low pitch.
- The number of times a category of events, of objects or of individuals has been observed, the number of members in a class (->probability, ->law of large numbers).
- In windows media player, the number, such as 88.5 or 101.7, used to locate a radio station.
- The measure of how often a periodic event occurs, such as a signal going through a complete cycle. frequency is usually measured in hertz (hz), with 1 hz equaling 1 occurrence (cycle) per second. frequency is also measured in kilohertz (khz, or 1,000 hz), megahertz (mhz, or 1,000 khz), gigahertz (ghz, or 1,000 mhz), or terahertz (thz, or 1,000 ghz).
- The number of events divided by the reach of the events.
- In uniform circular motion or in any periodic motion, the number of revolutions or cycles completed in unit time. friction false-twist texturing: see texturing, false-twist method.
- The number of repetitions per unit time of a complete waveform, expressed in
- The rate of vibration for a light wave or other electromagnetic wave
- The number of times a specified event occurs within a specified interval (e.g. accidents per year).
- Frequency in uniform circular motion or in any periodic motion is the number of revolutions or cycles completed in unit time. the international systems of units expresses frequency in hertz (1 hz = 1 cycle per second).
- Number of complete wave cycles passing a given point per second or the number of vibrations per second. frequency, fundamental: in resonance testing, the frequency at which the wavelength is twice the thickness of the test material. frequency, pulse repetition: number of pulses per second. frequency, response: amplification (gain) of a receiver over a range of frequencies. frequency, test: in ultrasonic testing, the nominal wave frequency in a given test.
- Number of times per second that a cyclical waveform repeats. the unit of frequency is hertz (hz).
- Number of times per second that a cyclical waveform repeats. the unit of frequency is hertz (hz). g
- Number of times per second that a cyclical waveform repeats. the unit of frequency is hertz (hz). full-wave current: single-phase or three-phase alternating current converted to produce unidirectional current. rectified current contains more amplitude variation, or ripple, than direct current from a battery.
- Number of complete wave cycles passing a given point per second or the number of vibrations per second.7
- A term used in ellipse to indicate certain periods or durations. used in calculations within some ellipse modules.
Repeatability, английский
- Precision under repeatability conditions (6)
- The degree of agreement between a sensor's output values in response to the same input value when this same input condition is presented multiple times. the repeatability is usually expressed as a percentage of full scale range (i.e. 1% repeatability).
- Повторяемость, способность имиджсеттера или другого выводного устройства каждый раз давать те же самые результаты при выводе тех же самых данных. важная характеристика для вывода цветоделенных фотоформ
- The amount of times a connector can be mated within an interface before the amount of attenuation measured exceeds the telcordia gr-20 standard
- Степень совпадения позиций (робота) при повторении позиционирования в одинаковом режиме и одинаковом способе
- Повторяемость; единообразие измерений (операций и процедур)
- Повторяемость (напр, результатов испытаний) repellence, repellency (водо) отталкивающая способность
- Повторяемость. степень близости результатов последовательных измерений одного и того же аналита, проведенных в повторяющихся условиях, например тем же методом, с тем же материалом, тем же оператором и той же лабо-раторией, за небольшой период времени [28, 40]. результаты выражаются в виде среднеквадратического отклонения повторяемости, коэффициента вариации повторяемости или доверительного интервала среднего значения. так же: степень близости результатов последовательных измерений одной и той же измеряемой вели-чины, выполненных при одних и тех же условиях измерений.
- Повторяемость. степень близости результатов последовательных измерений одного и того же аналита, проведенных в повторяющихся условиях, например тем же методом, с тем же материалом, тем же оператором и той же лабораторией, за небольшой период времени [28, 40]. результаты выражаются в виде среднеквадратического отклонения повторяемости, коэффициента вариации повторяемости или доверительного интервала среднего значения. так же: степень близости результатов последовательных измерений одной и той же измеряемой величины, выполненных при одних и тех же условиях измерений.
- Ability to reproduce a result. for example, a detectable indication, in separate processings and tests from a constant source.
- Ability to reproduce a result, for example a detectable indication, in separate processings and tests from a constant source. see also probability of detection.
Reproducibility, английский
- Precision under reproducibility conditions (6)
- Воспроизводимость research institute (ri)
- Воспроизводимость
- Воспроизводимость (напр, результатов испытаний)
Pedestai, английский
Damaged, английский