
Новости переводов

13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Cause of disease

Англо-русский глоссарий терминов по вакцинологии и иммунизации
    Причина болезни

Cause, английский
  1. A lawsuit, litigation, or action

  2. Причина

  3. N причина relation causee n субъект каузируемой ситуации

  4. The circumstances, conditions, or agencies that brought about or resulted in the fire or explosion incident, damage to property resulting from the fire or explosion incident, or bodily injury or loss of life resulting from the fire or explosion incident.

Cause & effect chart, английский

Cause & effect diagram, английский

Cause and effect, английский
    Real or perceived casual relationship involving two or more events in time.

Cause and effect diagram, английский
    A type of diagram that documents all the factors that contribute to or affect a given situation (all the causes that lead to a certain effect). cbcp (n)

Cause di risoluzione, итальянский
    Sono le cause di risoluzione di un loan agreement (come il mancato rimborso di una rata capitali o interessi, cambiamenti nell`assetto societario del prenditore, ecc.), che oltre a risolvere il contratto obbligano il prenditore a rimborsare in anticipo gl

Cause of action, испанский
    The charges that make up the case or lawsuit. (see counts)

Cause value, английский

Cause-and-effect, английский

Cause-and-effect diagram, английский
    A tool used to examine quality factors

Cause-effect relations, английский
    Причинно-следственные связи

Cause-specific mortality rate, английский
    Показатель смертности, вызванной конкретной причиной числителем является число смертей, вызваных конкретной причиной (болезнью) в течение определенного промежутка времени, а знаменателем – численность популяции в середине временного интервала.

Caused by changes in temperature, английский
    Перемещения [смещения], вызванные изменениями температур air ~ подвижность воздуха; движение воздуха

Causer, английский
    N каузатор

Causes, английский
    Variations in yarn size, dye, absorption, or luster. 2. the device that carries the traveler up and down the package in ring spinning. (also see ring spinning and revolving ring spinning.)

Causes could include, английский
    (a) movement along rock fractures triggered during reinjection of high-pressure water into a hydrothermal reservoir, (b) reinjected fluid cooling the hot rock or altering the reservoir’s natural stress field, or (c) project operating conditions causing changes in rock pressure (modified after stober and bucher, 2021). induced seismicity risk should be estimated in engineered and next generation geothermal projects, and precautions against induced seismicity can be taken at geothermal plants (modified after dincer and ezzat, 2018; doe, 2012).

Causes of death, английский

Causeway, английский
    [1] a raised road or track across a body of water. [2] a long, narrow, barge-like craft, used to assist the discharge of cargo during amphibious operations.

Causeway (typically across wet lan, английский

Disease, английский
  1. A condition that stops the body from functioning in the usual way  an infectious disease  she is suffering from a very serious disease of the kidneys or from a serious kidney disease.  he is a specialist in occupational diseases. (note: the term disease is applied to all physical and mental reactions which make a person ill. diseases with distinct characteristics have individual names. for other terms referring to disease, see words beginning with path-, patho-.)

  2. The return of bitter-tasting, partly digested food from the stomach to the oesophagus

  3. N мед. болезнь

  4. Болезнь; заболевание

  5. Organisms suffer from disease when their normal function is impaired by some genetic disorder, or more often from the activity of a parasite or other organism living within them. many diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi.

  6. Any condition in which the normal structure or function of the body is damaged or impaired

Cause-effect relations, английский
    Причинно-следственные связи

Case investigation form, английский
    Карта расследования случая заболевания; карта эпидобследования