Community immunity
Англо-русский глоссарий терминов по вакцинологии и иммунизации |
Коллективный иммунитет см. herd immunity (коллективный иммунитет).
Community, английский
- Коллектив; община; общество; население; группа населения; населенный пункт
- A group of people having common rights, privileges, or interests, or living in the same place under the same laws and regulations.
- A group of people who live and work in a district the health services serve the local community.
- N коллектив, сообщест- во | а общественный; официальный interpreting speech ~ языковое сообщество: complex ~ ~ сложное
- Община; общество; объединение
- The species that occur together in space and time; (see diversity and isotherms). c. stability: the tendency of a community to return to its original state after a disturbance (competition, temporarily changing environment, etc.) • resiliance: the speed at which a community returns to its former state after it has been disturbed. • resistance: the ability of a community to avoid displacement from its present state by a disturbance. c. dynamically fragile: one that is stable for only a very limited range of environmental characteristics, e.g. a stable and predictable environment (predator-prey and human caused disturbances). c. dynamically robust: one that is stable within a wide range of conditions, e.g. in a very variable and unpredictable environments. c. interaction: specifies how many species can flourish in a given system, e.g., tide pool, canopy, grassland, etc. a generalist (predator) can have a positive effect by increasing species diversity; if the prey (established by growth and reproduction) is more dominant than the predator community. c. environmental interaction: a stable “environment“ that has the potential to evolve to a complex and very stable system; a constantly changing environment will not allow an ever increasing complexity - complexity does not necessarily stand for stability, instead it should be seen as a dynamic succession within the food-web. c. structure: the list of species and their relative abundance in a community; the higher the probe, the better the interpretability of its structure.
- A site template that is designed to create an online community where people come together to share ideas or get answers to their questions.
- The collective of people who interact through or use online resources.
- Местное население
- Group of interacting populations of organisms
Community, английский
Community (cards), английский
Community access to natural resources information, английский
Community agency professionals, английский
Community antenna television, английский
Community antenna television (catv), английский
Assumed to be cable television, catv uses fiber and coaxial media to provide voice, video, or data services
Community antenna tv, английский
Кабельное телевидение с общей антенной; кабельное телевидение с коллективным приемом
Community assistance panel, английский
Community assistance panel (cap), английский
A group of people from a community and from health and environmental agencies who work with atsdr to resolve issues and problems related to hazardous substances in the community. cap members work with atsdr to gather and review community health concerns, provide information on how people might have been or might now be exposed to hazardous substances, and inform atsdr on ways to involve the community in its activities.
Community association, английский
Community association dues, английский
Community banking, английский
Community base station, английский
Community based organization, английский
Community basic, английский
One of five support levels for sharepoint solutions provided by the third party development community. it is the second in order from lowest to highest level of support.
Community building, английский
Community care, английский
- The providing of help to people such as those who are elderly or mentally ill in order to allow them to stay in their own homes, rather than requiring them to be cared for in hospitals or care homes
- Оказание помощи людям после пребывания в лечебных учреждениях, напр., в психиатрических больницах com – com
Community center, английский
- A building or group of public buildings for the social, cultural, and educational activities of a neighborhood or entire community. community-facilities plan a graphic and written statement depicting a desirable pattern of public facilities (e.g., schools and parks) within an area, including their character, location, size, and service populations along with their suggested construction schedule.
- Районный или городской центр для проведения развлекательных, спортивных и др. мероприятий
Community center (retail), английский
In addition to convenience goods, provides for the sale of goods such as apparel or furniture. typical area is 100,000 to 350,000 square feet with two or more anchor tenants.
Community chest, английский
Средства, собранные в определенном районе для оказания помощи нуждающимся
Коллективный, русский
Conjugated vaccine, английский
- Конъюгированная вакцина вакцина, иммуногенность которой повышена путем присоединения полисахаридов капсулы бактериальной клетки к белковым носителям (carrier proteins). см. также vaccines (вакцины).
- Конъюгированная вакцина вакцина, иммуногенность которой повышена путем присоединения полисахаридов капсулы бактериальной клетки к белковым носителям (carrier
Communication plan, английский
План информационной работы