
Новости переводов

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Популярные языки в переводах за апрель 2024 года

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Информационные технологии (словарь)

    Broker, английский
    1. (брокер, маклер) лицо или фирма, которая действует, как посредник между покупателем и продавцом, обычно требуя плату за комиссию; обычно, требуется лицензия для работы с ценными бумагами и большинством других продуктов;

    2. ’s loan - брокерская ссуда:

    3. Посредник

    4. Originally a broken tradesman, from the anglo-saxon broc, a misfortune; but, in later times, a person who usually transacts the business of negotiating between the merchants and ship-owners respecting cargoes and clearances: he also effects insurances with the underwriters; and while on the one hand he is looked to as to the regularity of the contract, on the other he is expected to make a candid disclosure of all the circumstances which may affect the risk.

    5. [1] in general: an agent employed to effect bargains and contracts, as a middleman or negotiator, for a fee or commission. the broker does not take possession of the subject matter of the negotiation, and generally contracts in the names of those who employ him, rather than his own. [2] in insurance: an agent procuring marine insurance on vessels, or against fire. [3] in shipping: one who acts as agent in buying and selling ships; also in procuring freight, arranging loading and discharge, etc.

    6. A person or company that arranges for the truck transportation of cargo belonging to others, using for-hire carriers to provide the actual truck transportation.

    7. An individual who is paid a commission for executing customer orders. either a floor broker who executes orders on the floor of the exchange, or an upstairs broker who handles retail customers and their orders. also, person who acts as an intermediary between a buyer and seller, usually charging a commission. a "broker" who specializes in stocks, bonds, commodities, or options acts as an agent and must be registered with the exchange where the securities are traded. antithesis of dealer.

    8. A broker has passed a broker’s license exam and received education beyond what the state requires of real estate agents. they understand real-estate law, construction, and property management. real estate agents are required to work under the supervision of a broker.

    9. An individual who acts as an agent for a buyer and a seller and charges a commission for his/her services. an example of a large brokerage firm is marsh. an example of a state firm is abd in california.

    Программирование с фиксированным числом задач; мультипрограммирование с постоянным число задач; пакетный мультипрограммный режим с постоянным числом задач;, русский

    Программа-менеджер объектных данных;, русский