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Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Scintillation probe

Diamond Glossary (алмазы и бриллианты - глоссарий терминологии)
    An electronic logging device consisting of a scintillation-type gamma ray detecting unit built into a container small enough to be lowered into a borehole.

Probe, английский
  1. Sonde

  2. 1. an instrument used to explore inside a cavity or wound 2. a device inserted into a medium to obtain information  verb to investigate the inside of something  the surgeon probed the wound with a scalpel. (note: probing – probed)

  3. Probeta

  4. A surgical sounder.—to probe. to inquire thoroughly into a matter.

  5. A small tube containing the sensing element of electronic equipment, which can be lowered into a borehole to obtain measurements and data.

  6. To conduct a search for mineral-bearing ground by drilling or boring.

  7. To lower drill rods, etc., to locate obstructions and/or to determine the attitude of a piece of junk in a borehole.

  8. Зонд. трубка, применяемая для отбора пробы или измерения каких-либо показателей (например, давления) потока газа, в частности газа, движущегося по трубопроводу.

  9. See sensor; transducer.

  10. In leak testing, the physical means for sensing a gaseous leak, typically a tube having a fine opening at one end, used for directing or collecting a stream of tracer gas. detector probes are used for pressure testing and tracer probes are used for vacuum testing.

  11. Transducer.

Probe, английский

Probe, латинский

Probe (et, mt, ut), английский
    An assembly containing a small coil or coils designed for eddy current inspection of small areas immediately adjacent to the coil and an electromagnet producing magnetic fields for magnetic inspection. the unit has two jointed laminated pole pieces permitting adjustment to varying surfaces configuration. also the device contains a microphone used with an ultrasonic leak detector to receive ultrasonic energy resulting from leakage. see search unit.

Probe array, английский
    Комплект измерительных головок (с контактными щупами), храня-, щихся (в магазине станка с чпу) в виде матрицы

Probe card, английский
    Зондовая плата

Probe current, английский
    Зондовый ток

Probe double ended, английский

Probe drilling rock bolting, английский

Probe effect, английский
    Эффект пробника; эффект зондирования

Probe fill factor, английский

Probe for international quiet solar year, английский
    Кла «пикси» для ис- 447 следований по программе международного года спокойного солнца

Probe gas, английский
    Tracer gas that issues from a fine orifice in a tracer probe so as to impinge on a restricted (small) test area.

Probe index, английский
  1. Point on a transverse wave or surface wave transducer through which the emergent beam axis passes. see also point of incidence.

  2. Point on a transverse wave or surface wave transducer through which the emergent beam axis passes.7,23 see also point of incidence.

Probe single ended, английский

Probe software, английский
    Программное обеспечение для измерения (напр., детали; контактным щупом

Probe tactile sensor, английский
    Датчик тактильного ощупывания 64. рrосеss rоbоt технологический робот (для выполнения технологических операций или технологических переходов), производственный робот см. также tесhnоlоgiсаl rоbоt 65. рrоgrаm mеdium программоноситель

Probe voltage, английский
    Зондовое напряжение

Probe wobble (et), английский
    The change in angular orientation between a surface probe and the inspection surface. probe wobble results in lift-off variations.

Probe, test, немецкий

Probe-, versuchs-, немецкий

Electronic, английский
  1. Associates, incorporated фирма «электроник ассо- шиитс инкорпорейтед»

  2. Communications, incorporated фирма «электронике комьюникейшнз инкорпорейтед»

  3. Devices, incorporated фирма «электроник дивайсиз :ин- корпорейтед»

  4. Электронный

  5. [emergency] locator transmitter аварийный радиомаяк

  6. One of the music genres that appears under genre classification in windows media player library. based on id3 standard tagging format for mp3 audio files. id3v1 genre id # 52.

Scintillation, английский
  1. With respect to radiation protection , scintillation is the process where by a material will emit light photons when exposed to ionising radiation . the light photons can be measured with a photo-multiplier tube which will multiply the events to produce a

  2. This term is used to describe the rapid changes in irradiance levels in a cross section of a laser beam produced by atmospheric turbulence.

  3. The mirrorlike reflections a diamond’s facets make when it is turned while being exposed to light.

  4. Scintillation is the intense sparkle that comes from a diamond when it moves. black and white sparkles of scintillation show well in flood lit or office lighting environments where fire can be totally absent. under pin point or spot lights fire also adds to scintillation.

  5. Emission of light of specific frequencies after the absorption of electromagnetic radiation, such as x-rays or gamma rays.

Wedge clinometer, английский
    An end clinometer the bottom end of which is shaped to match the wedge-guide pin on the drive wedge; hence the two can be fastened together with copper shear rivets. when the drive wedge is driven into the wooden plug in the borehole, the copper rivets break, and after the clinometer has been removed from the borehole the relation of the bearing and inclination readings to the flat face of the projection on the bottom of the clinometer ease can be used to orient and place the deflection wedge in a manner so as to direct the deflected hole to follow the desired course.

Sidewall coring tool, английский
    An eccentric sampling device that gouges a small sample, sometimes in the form of a core, from the sidewall of a borehole. also called sidewall sampler.