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16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Volcanic rock

Diamond Glossary (алмазы и бриллианты - глоссарий терминологии)
    Any rock of volcanic origin; volcanic igneous rocks are those erupted as molten masses, forming lava flows, dikes in the crater walls, volcanic plugs, etc.

Rock, английский
  1. To display a certain style. example that guy was rocking a mullet.

  2. A large mass of stone forming a hill, cliff, promontory, or the like

  3. The cue ball

  4. 1) 1900-е - 30-е, танцевать; 2) раскачиваться под музыку; 3) заниматься сексом (b.b. king, you rock me baby).

  5. An extensive geological term, but limited in hydrographical parlance to hard and solid masses of the earth`s surface; when these rise in insulated masses nearly to the surface of the sea, they render navigation especially dangerous.—half-tide rock. a rock which appears above water at half-ebb.

  6. A segment of the earth’s hard mineral crust projecting above the sea bed and forming a potential hazard to navigation.

  7. Разг. кусочек льда для напитков

  8. Per astm d653 and isrm, any naturally formed aggregate of mineral matter occurring in large masses or fragments.

Rock, английский
    To display a certain style. example that guy was rocking a mullet.

Rock, английский

Rock, английский

Rock, шведский

Rock & roll, английский
    One of the music genres that appears under genre classification in windows media player library. based on id3 standard tagging format for mp3 audio files. id3v1 genre id # 78. rodc (n)

Rock 1, 2, 3, английский
    When referring to drywall, this means to install drywall to the walls and ceilings (with nails and screws), and before taping is performed.

Rock asphalt, английский
    Porous rock such as sandstone or limestone that has become impregnated with natural asphalt through a geological process. rock-cut said of a temple or tomb excavated in native rock without the aid of masonry, or with but little masonry; usually presents an rockwell hardness number a measure of rockwell hardness; determined by use of a machine having an indentor which can be loaded; the number is derived from the net increase in depth of impression that the indentor makes in the material as the load on the indentor is increased from a fixed load to a higher load, and then returned to the minimum load.

Rock association, английский

Rock base, английский

Rock bind, английский

Rock bit, английский

Rock body, английский

Rock bolt, английский

Rock bolter, английский

Rock bolting, английский

Rock bolting and screening machine, английский

Rock bolting drilling, английский

Rock bolting rig, английский

Rock bolts, английский
    Steel bar with larger plates at its head. these are driven into the interior surface of the tunnel to stabilize and add strength to the rock. see soil nails.

Rock bump, английский

Sedimentary rock, английский
  1. Any rock or rocks formed by materials chemically or mechanically laid by water or wind. they are generally characterized by a layered structure known as bedding or stratification. see limestone, sandstone, shale.

  2. A consolidated deposit of clastic particles, chemical precipitates, or organic remains accumulated at or near the surface of the earth under "normal" low temperature and pressure conditions. sedimentary rocks include consolidated equivalents of alluvium, colluvium, drift, and eolian, lacustrine, marine deposits; e.g., sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, clay-stone, shale, conglomerate, limestone, dolomite, coal, etc. compare - sediment. hp seep - (noun) an area, generally small, where water outflows slowly at the land surface. flow rates for seeps are too small to be considered as springs, but reflow and / or lateral subsurface flow keeps the surface or near soil saturated during dry periods. sw & gg

  3. A rock composed of materials that were transported to their present position by wind or water. sandstone, shale, and limestone are sedimentary rocks.

Sludgebound, английский
    Any part of the drill-string equipment clogged by impacted cuttings.