
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Diamond impregnated

Diamond Glossary (алмазы и бриллианты - глоссарий терминологии)
    Having diamonds distributed throughout a matrix. compare surface set.

Diamond, английский
  1. Брильянт - конфигурация головы и плеч, в которой воротник “разорван”, поэтому конфигурация имеет ромбовидный вид;

  2. Mineral composed essentially of carbon crystallized at extremely high temperatures and pressures; in nature, diamonds form 150 to 200km (93 to 124 miles) or more below the earth`s surface. diamond is the hardest of all known natural substances (10 on the mohs scale); its refractive index is 2.417, dispersion 0.044, specific gravity 3.52, and its lustre is adamantine. diamond ranges from colourless to yellow, brown, gray, orange, green, blue, white, black, purple, pink and extremely rarely, red. transparent and near-colourless is a desirable colour, diamond is a highly valued gemstone.

  3. A diamond is a precious gem, comprised of a crystalline form of pure carbon, the hardest naturally occurring substance.

  4. The hardest known substance composed of carbon crystallized in the isometric system, the more common crystal forms being the octahedron and rhombic dodecahedron. the cube and some com¬plex and combination forms of the isometric system are found, as well as rounded, distorted, twinned, and cryptocrystalline forms. although very hard, diamond has excellent cleavage and breaks readily under a blow, yielding flat surfaces parallel to the octahedral planes. diamonds usually are classified as either "gems" or "industrials" on the basis of color, shape, size, crystal form, and the size and location of inclusions or other imperfections. dia¬monds sometimes also are classified on a geographical basis, such as angolas, brazilians, congos, sierra leones, or west africans. this does not strictly mean that diamonds so classed come from that specific geographical area but that they are similar to stones characteristically produced by mines in that locality. a method for synthesizing diamonds has been developed, and small industrial diamonds have been produced on a commercial scale. these synthetic diamonds are commonly called "manmade" and/or "mm diamonds."

  5. Ore drill manufacturers association. see dcdma.

Diamond (impregnated) wire, английский

Diamond - shaped lattice, английский

Diamond ashlar, английский
    A rectangular building stone having a face that is pyramidal rather than flat.

Diamond ballas, английский

Diamond bit, английский
  1. Any bit having diamonds inset in its crown, which serve as the cutting points or media. commonly also called boart bit, boart-set bit, bort bit, bort-set bit, bortz bit, bortz-set bit.

  2. A drill bit that has small industrial diamonds embedded in its cutting surface. cutting is performed by the rotation of the very hard diamonds over the rock surface.

Diamond bit core head, английский
    Алмазная головка колонкового снаряда набора со съемным керноприемником

Diamond boring, английский

Diamond broker, английский
    A person who buys packets of diamonds from the marketing agency of the diamond syndicate or other source, re-sorts the diamonds, and acts as a retail agent selling directly to consumers. compare diamond buyer, diamond dealer. 32 a glossary of the diamond-drilling industry

Diamond buyer, английский
    A person who buys diamonds directly from the producer at or near the site where the diamonds are found or mined. not to be confused with diamond broker who is sometimes miscalled a diamond buyer. diamond chip. a fragment of a diamond crystal. also called chip, chip diamond.

Diamond chip, английский

Diamond chisel, английский

Diamond cleavage, английский
    The plane along which a diamond crystal can be split easily. the four planes parallel¬ing the faces of an octahedron are those generally referred to as the cleavage planes, or diamond cleav¬age. all crystalline diamonds are more or less brittle and will be fractured by a sufficiently violent blow, but the irregular surface of a fracture cannot be mistaken for the brilliant flat surface produced by cleaving. the carbon has no cleavage, and in ballas cleavage is absent or very poorly defined. diamond cleaving. the act or process of splitting dia¬monds into smaller pieces, which may be more readily used as tool points, gems, or drill diamonds. diamond concentration. the ratio of the area of a single-layer bit face covered by the inset diamonds or, in an impregnated bit, the bulk proportion of the crown occupied by diamonds.

Diamond cleaving, английский

Diamond compact bit, английский
    Буровое долото, армированное синтетическими алмазами, применяемое для бурения мягких пород и пород средней плотности

Diamond compact coring bit, английский
    Буровая коронка, армированная поликристаллическими синтетическими алмазами

Diamond compact cutters, английский
    Самозатачивающиеся поликристаллические синтетические алмазы, применяемые для армирования буровых долот

Diamond concentration, английский

Diamond content, английский
    The number of carats of diamonds inset in the crown of a diamond bit. also called stone content, stone weight.

Diamond core drill, английский
    A rotary-type drill machine using equipment and tools designed to recover rock samples in the form of cylindrical cores from rocks penetrated by boreholes. see core drill, diamond drill.

Diamond core drilling machine, английский
    Установка колонкового бурения алмазным инструментом

Distributed, английский
  1. Распредел

  2. Распределенный; рассредоточенный

  3. Сотри t i ng en v i ronmen t распределенные вычисления

  4. New treasury issues in dealers` hands are said to be distributed.

Throughout, английский

Drawpoint, английский
    Heavy chisel cut across the face of a bit blank a short distance from a diamond to serve as a starting point for calking the metal toward and around a diamond being handset.

Cement plug, английский
    Hardened cement material filling a portion of a borehole.