Drill bar
Diamond Glossary (алмазы и бриллианты - глоссарий терминологии) |
A drill column that is set horizontally instead of vertically in an underground workplace.
Bar, английский
- Barre;allonge de déboucheuse
- A unit of pressure equal to 100 kilopascals.the millibar (1/1000 bar) is commonly used in aviation and meteorology. the pascal (newton/meter² ) is the s.i. unit for pressure.
- I barometer
- Barometer
- Barometric (pressure)
- Barrier
- Battery acquisition radar
- Bureau of aeronautics representative
- Препятствие (юридическое препятствие выдаче патента, подаче заявки и т. д.)
- См. bar graph
- Large mass of sand or earth, formed by the surge of the sea. they are mostly found at the entrances of great rivers or havens, and often render navigation extremely dangerous, but confer tranquility once inside. see also: touch and go, grounding. alfred lord tennyson`s poem "crossing the bar" is an allegory for death.
- Пруток, стержень, штанга, бар, береговой
- A steel with a u-shaped claw at one end and a chisel point at the other; often used as a lever for lifting heavy objects. pin-connected truss any truss having its main members joined by pins.
- [1] a shoal across the mouth of a tidal estuary. [2] a unit of atmospheric pressure. [3] a turning-bar.
- A region of shallow water usually made of sand or mud.
- See: builders` all risk
- Slang for one million dollars.
- The enclosed horizontal stroke in characters ‘a’, ‘h’, and ‘e’.
- Пряжка на орденской ленте к английским орденам
- Burnup absorber rods
- Board of airline representatives (yy)
Bar, английский
Bar, английский
Bar, английский
Bar, польский
Bar, немецкий
Bar, шведский
Bar, испанский
All of the lawyers qualified to practice law. for example, a state bar includes all of the lawyers qualified to practice law in that state
Bar, французский
= 0.987 atmosphere = 1.02 kg/cm2 = 100 kilopascal = 14.5 lbs/square inch.
Bar (a.), шведский
Bar (structural), английский
Bar (transformer bar), английский
Bar -, английский
- Арматурная сетка из круглых стержней [прутков] base ~ несущий каркас
- Календарный график работ
- Узел соединения стержней; соединение стержней beam ~ 1. сопряжение балок 2. соединение элементов составной балки
Bar - wire, английский
Bar and channel topography, английский
A local-scale topographic pattern of recurring, small, sinuous or arcuate ridges separated by shallow troughs irregularly spaced across low-relief flood plains(slopes generally 2 -6 %); the effect is one of a subdued, sinuously undulating surface that is common on active, meandering flood plains. micro-elevational differences between bars and channels generally range from <0.5 to 2 m and are largely controlled by the competency of the stream. the ridge-like bars often consist of somewhat coarser sediments compared to the finer textured sediments of the micro-low troughs. compare - meander scroll, meander belt. sw
Bar and chucking machine, английский
Токарный станок для прутковых и патронных работ
Bar association, английский
Bar bag (также front bag), английский
Bar bender, английский
Bar bending, английский
In reinforced concrete construction, the process of bending reinforcing bars to various shapes.
Bar billiards, английский
«бильярд с перекладиной» (вид бильярда-автомата, по истечении установленного времени перекладина автоматически опускается и игра прекращается)
Horizontally, английский
Точность плюс-минус з см по вертикали и горизонтали ~ of separation точность разделения (зернистого материала на фракции)
Underground, английский
- Подземный
- Below grade or ground level, as underground drain lines or cables.
Horizontal, английский
- Горизонталь; горизонтальный
- Горизонталь; горизонтальный 287
- At right angles to the direction of gravity; on the level; parallel to the horizon; neither vertical nor inclined.
- A direction parallel to the horizon, or what is commonly termed lying flat. one of the greatest inconveniences navigators have to struggle with is the frequent want of a distinct sight of the horizon. to obviate this a horizontal spinning speculum was adopted by mr. lerson, who was lost in the victory man-of-war, in which ship he was sent out to make trial of his instrument. this was afterwards improved by smeaton, and consists of a well-polished metal speculum about 3-1/2 inches in diameter, inclosed within a circular rim of brass, so fitted that the centre of gravity of the whole shall fall near the point on which it spins. this is the end of a steel axis running through the centre of the speculum, above which it finishes in a square for the convenience of fitting a
Dump bailer, английский
A bailer used in borehole-cementation work, provided with a valving device that empties the contents of the bailer (cement) at the bottom of a borehole. also called liquid dump bailer.
Draw works, английский
A countershaft and drum substituted in rotary drilling for the band wheel, calf wheel, bull wheel, and sand reel used in the cable-tool method as a means of handling drill-string-equipment casing and drivepipe in the course of drilling a borehole; modern designs provide gears for several speeds. 36 a glossary of the diamond-drilling industry