
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Dispersive transport

Глоссарий по охране вод
    Перемещение с дисперсией (перенос загрязняющих веществ вдоль водотока при одновременном их распространении по всему объему водотока)

Dispersive medium, английский
  1. Medium in which the propagation velocity depends on the wave frequency.

  2. Medium in which the propagation velocity depends on the wave frequency.7 distance amplitude correction: compensation of gain as a function of time for difference in amplitude of reflections from equal reflectors at different sound travel distances.7 refers also to compensation by electronic means such as swept gain, time corrected gain, time variable gain and sensitivity time control.7,22

Dispersive mirrors, английский
    Mirrors which provide some amount of chromatic dispersion for the reflected beam

Dispersive wave, английский
    A linearly propagating wave which is split off by a soliton wave under certain conditions

Transport, английский
  1. Транспорт; транспортный

  2. Транспорт; перевозка; транспортировка, транспортные средства, см. transportation

  3. Railway transport

  4. Road transport

  5. A private ship hired by government for carrying troops, stores, and munitions of war. the proportion of tonnage for troops embarked in transports is two tons per man.

  6. [1] to carry, move, or convey goods or people from one place to another. [2] a private ship or aircraft employed in the movement of troops or munitions of war. [3] formerly, to send into banishment as a convict. [4] a person so banished.

  7. Транспорт; транспортные средства; транспортировка; перемещение air ~ 1. воздушный транспорт; воздушные перевозки 2. транспорт на воздушной подушке 3. пневмотранспорт 4. атмосферный перенос (загрязняющих примесей)

  8. The mechanical system in a tape recorder that moves tape past the heads. the transport controls tape motion during recording, playback, fast forward and rewind.

  9. A mechanism for moving data from one point to another.

  10. Ways of moving people and goods.

Transport, немецкий

Transport, французский

Transport activity, английский

Transport adapter, английский
    A software component that enables message exchange through a specific transport.

Transport address, английский
    The transport-specific identification for the location to which messages are sent or from which messages are received.

Transport adhesion, английский
    Adhesion of the powder to the substrate before curing

Transport agreement, английский
    An agreement between the business profiles of two trading partners to use a specific transport protocol (as2) while exchanging messages.

Transport air group, английский
    Транспортная авиационная группа

Transport axes, английский

Transport by railway, английский

Transport cafe, английский
    Кафе для водителей грузовиков (обычно на автостраде)

Transport calendar, английский
    The days the carrier can pick up and transport goods.

Transport cargo, английский

Transport cbannel, английский

Transport chain, английский

Transport command pilot, английский
    Летчик транспортной авиации

Перемещение, русский

Displacement distance, английский
    Расстояние, на котором заменяется данный объем воды (в водотоке)

Discoloured water, английский
    Необеспеченная вода (питьевая вода, имеющая повышенную цветность)