Tarring of soil(s)
Глоссарий терминов в деревянном строительстве |
Смолизация грунта, русский
Закрепление песчаных или лёссовых грунтов нагнетанием растворов синтетических смол с отвердителем
Tarragon, английский
Tarragona, английский
Tarras, английский
Tarrasa, английский
Tarred brown paper, английский
Бумага, покрытая или пропитанная гудроном для увеличения сопротивления проникновению воды или водяных паров.
Tarred felt, английский
Tarred with the same brush, английский
Equivalent to “birds of a feather.”
Tarring, английский
- [1] the application of tar to something (standing rigging, for example) as a protective. [2] tarring and feathering is a very unpleasant form of punishment which was well-known in the revolutionary united states, but seldom applied at sea. almost the only reference to it as a nautical practice is found in ordinances or usages of the sea which specified: a lawfully convicted thief or felon shall have his head shorn, and boiling pitch poured upon his head, and feathers or down strewn upon it so that he may be known. and he is to be put ashore at the first landing place they come to.
- Гудронирование task 1. задача; задание 2. обязанность 3. амер, норма рабочего 4. налог; пошлина
Tarring and feathering, английский
A punishment now obsolete,—inflicted by stripping the delinquent, then smearing him with tar, covering him with flocks and feathers, and towing him ashore. it was ordered in the naval enactments of richard i. for theft.
Tarrock, английский
The kittiwake, larus tridactylus, a small species of gull.
Tarry, английский
Tarry stool, английский
Dark and sticky solid matter which is passed out of the bowels
Bucket dredge, английский
Total [summary] cost estimate, английский