Глоссарий авиационных и аэрокосмических терминов |
Female aviator (obsolete, potentially offensive in modern use.)
Flaps, английский
Flaps (often confused with any of the other moveable surfaces) are used on wings to increase lift and/or increase drag as an aircraft flies progressively slower. increased lift is usually achieved by increasing the wing area and the camber(shape) of the wing to a lesser extent. increased drag will arise from increasing the area and camber but the greatest effect is achieved with large changes in camber.
Available seat miles, английский
Available seat miles (asms) is a measure of an airline flight’s passenger carrying capacity. it is equal to the number of seats onboard an aircraft multiplied by the distance flown in miles. for example, a 100-seat aircraft flying 100 miles would result in 10,000 asms. seats that are not available for sale to revenue-paying passengers (e.g., seats reserved for crew rest, etc.) are excluded from this calculation. the amount of asms flown by an airline during a specified period equals the sum of asms flown on all flights during the period.