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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Asset-weighted composites

Глоссарий по инвестициям
    An aggregation of individual portfolios representing a similar investment objective or strategy, weighted by the beginning-of-period market values of the constituent portfolios.

Composite, английский
  1. Композиты - композитная конструкция является наиболее дорогим методом производства досок для виндсерфинга. легкая пенная масса путем нагрева запечатывается стекловолокном, усиленным экзотическими материалами, такими как карбон и кевлар, которые связываютс

  2. Композиционный материал смрт component компонент, составная часть; узел; деталь смрт computer вычислитель (ная машина)

  3. A combination of conventional materials such as gypsum with reinforcement fibers such as carbon or glass so as to provide the material with greater strength.

  4. Смешанный; составной

  5. Композит, композиционный материал

  6. A composite is an aggregation of one or more portfolios into a single group that represents a particular investment objective or strategy. see www.gipsstandards.org.

  7. An article or substance of two or more constituents, generally, with reinforcing elements dispersed in a matrix or continuous phase.

  8. Hard or soft constructions in which the fibers themselves are consolidated to form structures rather than being formed into yarns.

  9. An aggregated set or group of objects that is recognized as an object itself (for example, characters in a paragraph, a named range of cells in a spreadsheet, or a grouped set of drawing objects).

  10. 1. an article or substance of two or more constituents, generally, with reinforcing elements dispersed in a matrix or continuous phase. 2. hard or soft constructions in which the fibers themselves are consolidated to form structures rather than being formed into yarns. rigidity of these constructions is controlled by the density, the modulus of the load-bearing fibers, and the fraction of fusible fibers. strength is controlled by adhesion and shear-yield strength of the matrix unless fibers are bonded in a load-transferring matrix. 3. a structure made by laminating a nonwoven fabric with another nonwoven, with other materials, or by impregnating a nonwoven fabric with resins.

  11. Композитный (модуль). модуль памяти, собранный из чипов с меньшей глубиной адресного пространства, чем у самого модуля. как правило, это происходит на ранней стадии производства модулей памяти большой емкости, когда соответствующие чипы редки и дороги. дополнительная адресная линия модуля при этом эмулируется с помощью линии ras чипа. естественно, такой метод не способствуют ни быстродействию, ни совместимости, поэтому применять композитные модули следует с осторожностью. композитный модуль, как правило, имеет дополнительную микросхему для конверсии адресного бита в ras и необычно большое количество чипов. само по себе большое количество чипов не является критерием композитности, но надо иметь в виду, что оно увеличивает электрическую емкость и энергопотребление, что также не улучшает работу модуля.

  12. A material made from two or more components that has properties different from the constituent materials. composite materials have two phases: matrix (continuous) phase, and dispersed phase (particulates, fibers). for example, steel-reinforced cement is a composite material. the concrete is the matrix phase and the steel rods are the dispersed phase. the composite material is much stronger than either of the phases separately.

  13. A homogeneous material created by the synthetic assembly of two or more materials (a selected filler or reinforcing elements and compatible matrix binder) to obtain specific characteristics and properties.

  14. A construction unit in which stone that is to be exposed in the final use is permanently bonded or joined to concealed material.

Composite, английский

Composite action, английский
    Transfer of stress between components of a member designed so that in resisting loads, the combined components act together as a single member.

Composite air strike force, английский
    Смешанная ударная авиационная группа

Composite application, английский
    An application that consists of both client-side and webbased components.

Composite arch, английский
    An arch whose curves are struck from four centers, as in english perpendicular gothic; a mixed arch.

Composite assembly, английский
    A combination of two or more materials

Composite attribute, английский
    Составной атрибут

Composite beam, английский
    A structural beam composed of different materials so interconnected that the beam responds to loads as a unit.

Composite beam:, английский
    A composite member subjected mainly to bending

Composite behaviour, английский

Composite behaviour:, английский
    Behaviour which occurs after the shear connection has become effective due to hardening of concrete

Composite board, английский
    A type of hardboard, esp. one fabricated for use in heat insulation. composite capital the topmost member of a

Composite bus enumerator, английский
    A bus enumerator for composite devices.

Composite cable, английский
  1. A cable with a combination of optical fibers and copper (coaxial, twisted pair, or power). often confused with hybrid cables

  2. A cable containing both fiber and copper conductors. also known as hybrid cable.

Composite cable roof system, английский

Composite channel, английский
    Составной канал (цвета) composite classсоставной класс

Composite character, английский
    A text element consisting of a base character and a diacritic or accent mark. although most common in the latin script, other scripts (including greek, devanagari, and tamil) also have composite characters.

Composite coating, английский

Composite color, английский
    Совмещенный цвет

Aggregation, английский
  1. Агрегация (простое сочетание известных признаков изобретения, не дающее нового положительного эффекта)

  2. Объединение; соединение; собирание; агрегирование; агрегация

  3. Term used to denote the adding together of the taxpayer`s income from all sources in order to determine the applicable tax rate for income tax purposes.

  4. A process by which the properties of a collection are described in terms of the sums of the properties of the units contained in that collection. the most elementary aggregative procedure is counting and a frequency so obtained represents the properties of a set by number rather than by the list of elements it contains. aggregation gives rise to macro theories of micro processes and yields measures and insights not demonstrable by means of the units aggregated thereby. e.g., the statement "the average family has 2.5 children" describes the property of an aggregate, not of a real family. the correlation coefficient is also a measure that aggregates numerous observations neither is capable of demonstrating that relation by itself. quantum physics, economics and the social sciences are most successful in describing their objects as aggregates. aggregation is justifiable whenever units are sufficiently independent and similar, e.g., in expressing political opinions through voting or market preferences through individual purchases. aggregation leads to misleading indicators and theories whenever the whole collection exhibits an organization not expressed in a mere summation (->system, ->externalities). in econometrics, that difference is represented in so-called interaction effects.

  5. A collection of objects that makes a whole. an aggregation can be a concrete or conceptual set of whole-part relationships among objects.

  6. A collection of shared objects.

  7. A table or structure containing pre-calculated data for an online analytical processing (olap) cube. aggregations support the rapid and efficient querying of a multidimensional database.

  8. Process in corporate financial planning whereby the smaller investment proposals of each of the firm`s operational units are aggregated and effectively treated as a whole.

  9. A collection of individual units or particles gathered together into a mass or body.

Individual, английский
    Физическое лицо

Investment, английский
  1. Инвестиции; капитальные вложения, см. capital investment

  2. Инвестиция

  3. The first process of a siege, in taking measures to seize all the avenues, blocking up the garrison, and preventing relief getting into the place before the arrival of the main army with the siege-train.

  4. Финансирование; капиталовложение; вклад; инвестиция

  5. The purchase of stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, real property, an annuity, collectibles, or other assets, with the expectation of obtaining income or capital gains-or both-in the future.

  6. A discrete asset or group of assets held for future income, appreciation, or both and tracked separately.

  7. The creation of more money through the use of capital.

  8. An item of value purchased for income or capital appreciation. capital investments include equipment, pipes and other fixed assets. financial investments include stocks, bonds, and other securities.

Constituent, английский
  1. A substance which forms part of something  the chemical constituents of nerve cells

  2. N составляющая (син. phrase) analysis discontinued ~ разрывная составляющая immediate ~ непосредственно составляющая obligatory ~ обязательная составляющая ultimate ~ конечная составляющая unique ~ единичная составляющая

  3. Составляющая (часть) ~s of concrete компоненты бетона или бетонной смеси

  4. A person who is associated with, or who is a member of, a non-profit organization.

Assignment / transfer clauses, английский
    Typically an assignment is an agreement to transfer all of the rights (but not the obligations) under a contract to a new lender evidenced by an assignment agreement. the specific definition will be governed by local law. 

Asset-backed securities (abs), английский
    A security issued as part of a securitisation, which is backed by a portfolio assets, which may or may not be income generating.