Chain graph
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An alternate means of showing the multivariate relationships in a belief net. this graph includes both directed and undirected arcs, where the directed arcs denote head/tail relationships as in a belief graph and the undirected arcs show multivariate relationships among sets of variables. (see graph c.1.) graph c.1 —
Chain, английский
- Unit of length equal to 66 feet (20).
- A system of interlinking pins, plates and rollers that transmits power from the front cranks to the rear wheel.
- Цепь
- Арка из воздушных петель
- When mountains, hills, lakes, and islands are linked together, or follow each other in succession, so that their whole length greatly exceeds their breadth, they form what is termed a chain. a measuring chain is divided into links, &c., made of stout wire, because line is apt to shrink on wet ground and give way. the chain measure is 66 feet.
- [1] a series of metal links (rings) passing through one another to form a flexible tie with high 67 chain tensile strength. [2] a group of related islands forming a more-or-less straight line (if the line is curved they form an arc).
- Цепь; мерная цепь ~ of holes линия [цепочка] отверстий ~ of locks многоступенчатый шлюз ~ of power plants каскад гэс ~ of triangulation звено [ряд, дуга] триангуляции band ~ стальная мерная лента (геодезиста); мерная цепь
- Группа людей, покупающих дома по цепочке один у другого
- Arrangement of microbial cells in form of a line
- A unit of linear measurement equaling 22 yards or 1/80 of a mile.
Chain, английский
Chain and sprocket drive, английский
Power transmission in which a roller chain engages with two or more toothed wheels or sprockets. used mainly on bicycles, motorcycles, and in engines as a drive from crankshaft to camshaft.
Chain arrester gear, английский
Аэродромная тормозная установка с тяжелой цепью
Chain base index, английский
For this type of index, a value in any specific time period is based on the value of the same entity in the preceding period. changes in values can be compared between sequential time periods. this differs from a fixed base index in which values in any period are based on the initial value. see: fixed base index, index number
Chain binders, английский
Yarns running in the warp direction on the back of a woven carpet which hold construction yarns together.
Chain block, английский
A combination of sheaves over which chains are arranged in the same manner as the rope in a block and tackle. also called chain hoist.
Chain block., английский
Chain bolt, английский
At the top of a door, a spring bolt which is actuated by a chain attached to it.
Chain bond, английский
Masonry construction which is bonded together by an embedded iron bar or chain.
Chain brow way, английский
Chain bucket dredger, английский
Chain bucket excavator, английский
Chain bucket loader, английский
A bucket-wheel excavator in which the buckets are on a roller chain.
Chain cable, английский
Chain carrier, английский
Chain case, английский
Case to enclose a chain and sprocket drive.
Chain casing, английский
Chain coal cutter, английский
Chain command, английский
Chain component id, английский
Multivariate, английский
Relationships, английский
The lifestyle subcategory containing apps to help you with your personal relationships.
Undirected, английский
Relationship, английский
- Отношение: соотношение; связь; взаимоотношение; взаимосвязь
- Отношение, степень родства
- A way in which someone or something is connected to another the incidence of the disease has a close relationship to the environment. he became withdrawn and broke off all relationships with his family.
- Зависимость, соотношение
- A connection between objects.
- A logical connection between entities.
- A smartart graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to illustrate connections.
- An association established between common fields (columns) in two tables. a relationship can be one-to-one, many-to-many, or one-to-many.
Bucket brigade algorithm, английский
An algorithm used in classifier systems for adjusting rule strengths. the algorithm iteratively applies penalties and rewards to rules based on their contributions to attaining system goals.
Binit, английский
An alternate name for a binary digit (e.g., bits). see also: entropy.