Parastratigraphic rock unit
Словарь стратиграфических терминов |
A grouping o f strata identified by objective lithologic criteria but lacking in either mappability or, most commonly, in lithologic homogeneity and constancy (krumbein and sloss, 1963, p. 333).
Identified, английский
Lithologic, английский
(adjective) pertaining to the physical character of a rock. hp
Homogeneity, английский
- Гомогенность
- N однородность (языка ) fiction of ~ иллюзия однородности (языка )
- Гомогенность; однородность
- The degree to which items are similar.
In contrast to lithostratigraphic units, английский
A lithodemic unit generally does not conform to the law o f superposition (north american stratigraphic code, 1983, p. 859).
Laminaset, английский
A group or set o f conformable laminae (campbell, 1967, p. 16-17, 20).