Performance based regulation (pbr)
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- Any rate setting mechanism that attempts to link rewards (generally profits) to desired results or targets. pbr sets rates, or components of rates, for a period of time based on external indices rather than a utility’s cost of service. other definitions include light-handed regulation that is less costly and less subject to debate and litigation. a form of rate regulation that provides utilities with incentives to reduce their costs.
- Regulatory approaches rely on the application of financial incentives and disincentives related to specific outputs to induce desired behaviours on the part of regulated companies. pbr links company outputs to revenue and can be applied to achieve benefits such as increased innovation, increased standards for quality of supply, reduced losses and a range of other things which are perhaps otherwise not addressed by regulatory approaches such as rate-of-return.
Components, английский
Definitions, английский
Files that are used to help detect harmful or unwanted software and to prevent it from installing or running on your computer.
Regulation, английский
- A rule or order prescribed for management or government
- Регулирование
- Регулирование, правило, постановление
- Any rule prescribing permitted or forbidden conduct, whether established by legislation or the action of an administrative agency; also
- The act of regulating the regulation of the body’s temperature
- Any systematic (rule-like or determinate) behavior of one part of a system that tends to restrict the fluctuations in behavior of another part of that system. while both parts must lie in the same feedback loop, regulation involves this basic asymmetry
- The process whereby the designated government authority provides oversight and establishes rules for firms in an industry. regulation places constraints on behavior, establishes good (or bad) incentives, and addresses issues that are politically contentious. decisions are implemented through a rule or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law.
- Норма
- A rule or order issued by governmental executive authorities or regulatory agencies and having the force of law. regulations implement policies and are mostly specifi c for particular groups of people, legal entities or targeted activities. regulation is also the act of designing and imposing rules or orders. informational, transactional, administrative and political constraints in practice limit the regulator’s capability for implementing preferred policies.
- The order in which trains are run in practice so as to minimise delay
- The use of on-line generation, storage, or load that is equipped with automatic generation
Litigation, английский
- A case, controversy, or lawsuit
- Тяжба. судебный процесс.
- Оспаривание (приоритет в суде)
- Оспаривание (приоритета в суде)
- Судебный процесс
- A lawsuit or the process of carrying one out.
Approaches, английский
The trenches, zig-zags, saps, and other works, by which a besieger makes good his way up to a fortified place. (see trenches.)
Application, английский
- Оределенный метод передачи данных или протокол, обеспечивающий взаимодействие терминалов в сети.
- Приложение. прикладная программа или команда.
- Применение, использование; подача (напряжения); приложение (усилия); введение в действие; отклонение (рулей)
- Заявка (комплект официальных документов, представляемый заявителем в патентное ведомство для получения охранного документа: патента, регистрации товарного знака или промышленного образца) 10
- Заявка (комплект официальных документов, представляемый заявителем в патентное ведомство для получения охранного документа: патента, свидетельства о регистрации товарного знака или промышленного образца)
- The use of a technology to achieve a specific objective.
- Заявление
- 1. the process of putting a medication or bandage on a body part two applications of the lotion should be made each day. 2. the process of asking officially for something, usually in writing if you are applying for the job, you must fill in an application form.
- A word of extensive use, for the principles of adjusting, augmenting, and perfecting the relations between sciences.
- И infrastructure service provision аренда программных продуктов и инфраструктуры (на основе ежемесячных платежей) с доступом к приложениям через интернет или vpn
- Process ofapplyinga powder coat ing to the workpiece by means of coat ing equipment; can be automated or manual
- A collection of web-based lists, libraries, calendars, and other pages you use to share information and manage an area of your business, such as your projects, documents, and company information.
- A commerce server application is a logical representation of an application in microsoft internet information services (iis); it appears in both commerce server manager and the iis console trees. in the iis console tree an application is either at the root directory level of the web site or at a subdirectory level of the web site.
- A document that records the profile of the applicant.
- A set of instructions that a computer or device uses to perform a specific task, such as word processing, accounting, or data management.
- A web application that consists of a group of tightly related components such as asp.net web pages, wcf web services, and workflows that run in a .net application domain. an application is a unit of deployment, configuration, and management.
- The container for your company’s performancepoint planning business model definitions, predefined and user-defined dimensions, the mappings that connect these business model definitions with your company’s data source, and other performancepoint planning metadata like views, permissions, and process scheduling information.
- A runnable program that provides some service.
- Request for patent protection for an invention filed with the epo or other patent office.
- An initial statement of personal and financial information, which is required to approve your loan.
Innovation, английский
- Нововведение
- Нововведение; новшество
- Новшество; нововведение; новаторство о ~s in building technology нововведение [новые достижения] в строительной технологии; ~s in
- The introduction and dissemination of a new idea, production method or product throughout a society and economy and leading to change in both. considered a primary source of economic growth.
- Реструктуризация (задолженности)
Parallel path flow, английский
- As defined by nerc, this refers to the actual flow of electric power on an electric system’s transmission facilities resulting from scheduled electric power transfers between two other electric systems. (electric power flows on all interconnected parallel paths in amounts inversely proportional to each path’s resistance.) contract transmission paths, the electricity contracted for between sellers and buyers, do not define the way electricity actually flows.
- The flow of electric power along a transmission system as a result of scheduled power transfers between two other electric systems. (the power flows on all interconnected parallel paths in amounts inversely proportional to each path’s resistance.)
Epbb (expected performance-based buy-down), английский
An epbb is a type of up-front incentive based on an estimate of your solar system’s expected performance. the performance estimate is based on system size, geographic location, orientation at time of application. the epbb incentive is offered only to systems smaller than 30 kw ac in california, under the california solar initiative.