
Новости переводов

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Глоссарий по кибернетике
    Being beyond the reach or apprehension of experience. its opposite is immanence (kant). a state of transcendence indicates that a cognitive system is not powerful enough (->theory of logical types) to cope with or represent the information present, e.g., the experience of paradox.

Apprehension, английский
    A feeling of anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen

Experience, английский
  1. Опыт

  2. N опыт

  3. Опыт; стаж; квалификация; мастерство; знания

  4. A set of scenarios that lead to a desired outcome by a customer segment.

  5. The problem here is that the "ance" and "ence" endings both usually mean the same thing, and can sound similar. the differences in spelling usually depend on the original latin root word and how it came into english. we say skip the rules and just memorize the difference (or seek assistance).

Information, английский
  1. Knowledge of a particular event or situation, or knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact.

  2. Информация

  3. Facts about something  have you any information about the treatment of sunburn?  the police won’t give us any information about how the accident happened.  you haven’t given me enough information about when your symptoms started.  that’s a very useful piece or bit of information. (note: no plural: some information; a piece of information.)

  4. N информация | attr. информационный flow, structure source of ~ источник информации 1 ранее использовался в более широком значении как ‘умозаключе- ние’. 2 получение выводных данных в процессе обработки информации и/или языка и само выводное знание, умозаключение; мыслительная операция, в ходе которой человек выходит за пределы данных в тек- сте сведений и получает новую информацию. 3 аффикс, вставляемый внутрь корня слова при словообразовании или словоизменении.

  5. In admiralty courts, implies a clause introduced into a citation, intimating that in the event of a party cited not appearing, the court will proceed in his absence.

  6. Информация; данные; сведения

  7. Координационный комитет ин4юрмации о проектируемых и возводимых объектах строительства

  8. Literally that which forms within, but more adequately

  9. Data that has been recorded, classified, organized, related or interpreted so that meaning is apparent.

  10. Contextualised data providing answer to a certain question decreasing uncertainty.

  11. Информация, сведения

Thermodynamic entropy, английский
    The quantity of energy no longer available to do physical work. every real process converts energy into both work or a condensed form of energy and waste. some waste may be utilized fn processes other than those generating it (->recycling) but the ultimate waste which can no longer support any process is energy in the form of dispersed heat (->second law of thermodynamics). all physical processes, despite any local and temporal concentration of energy they may achieve, contribute to the increased overall dispersion of heat. ill, ii i ii ii `! i"i !i " :1 76 entropy therefore irreversibly increases in the known universe.

Transduction, английский
  1. A process embodied in an input-output device for converting or coding without memory one type of signal, motion, wave or sequence of characters into another. e.g., a loudspeaker produces sound waves from electrical oscillations, the human eye converts patterns of light into nerve impulses. such devices are called transducers and are describable by a transformation or function. transformation

  2. Mechanism of horizontal gene transfer in bacteria in which genes are transferred through viral infection