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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Technological determinism

Глоссарий по кибернетике
    The belief that technology develops (-)development) by its own laws, that it realizes its own potential, limited only by the material resources available, and must therefore be regarded as an autonomous (->autonomy) system controlling and ultimately permeating all other subsystems of society. evidence for the first proposition is largely taken from the natural history of technology, its progressive character and the coocurance of independent (->independence) inventions. evidence for the second proposition stems from the unwarranted generalization that everything that is invented is ultimately installed and ignores human playfulness, individual and collective interests and man`s cognitive limitations. the conclusion is nevertheless supported by the fact that technology has indeed penetrated all spheres of human existence from interpersonal communication, to definitions of the quality of life in technological terms.

Determinism, английский
  1. N филос. детерминизм

  2. Детерминизм

  3. Fully ordained in advance. a deterministic chaos system is one that gives random looking results, even though the results are generated from a system of equations.

Technological, английский
  1. (научно-) технический; технологический

  2. Технологический

Technological (амер.), английский

Technological armour, английский
    Технологическая бронь

Technological card of inspection, английский

Technological change, английский
  1. Технический прогресс

  2. Mostly considered as technological improvement, that is, more or better goods and services can be provided from a given amount of resources (production factors). economic models distinguish autonomous (exogenous), endogenous and induced technological change. autonomous (exogenous) technological change is imposed from outside the model (i.e., as a parameter), usually in the form of a time trend affecting factor or/and energy productivity and therefore energy demand or output growth. endogenous technological change is the outcome of economic activity within the model (i.e., as a variable) so that factor productivity or the choice of technologies is included within the model and affects energy demand and/or economic growth. glossary, acronyms, chemical symbols and prefi xes annex i induced technological change implies endogenous technological change but adds further changes induced by policies and measures, such as carbon taxes triggering research and development efforts.

Technological diagnostics lab, английский

Technological dynamic drift, английский

Technological flow chart of ndt, английский

Technological forecasting, английский

Technological innovation, английский
    Технический прогресс

Technological instruction manual of magnetic particle nondestructive inspection, английский

Technological park, английский
    Технологический парк

Technological part, английский
    Технологическое звено системы энергетики

Technological procedure of ndt, английский

Technological process, английский

Technological reserve, английский
    Технологический резерв

Technological robot, английский
    Технологический робот (для выполнения технологических операций или технологических переходов) cm. рrосеss rоbоt

Technological test, английский

Technological university of the philippines, английский

Technology, английский
  1. The use of tools and knowledge to meet human needs.

  2. Техника; технология

  3. Техника (означает все знания или неотъемлемую часть знаний о: научных принципах или открытиях; промышленных процессах; материальных и энергетических ресурсах; средствах транспорта и связи, постольку, поскольку эти знания непосредственно касаются развития производства товаров или сферы услуг; документы юнеско)

  4. N технология speech recognition ~ технология распознава- ния речи3

  5. Национальный институт стандартов и технологии

  6. Технология

  7. The body of knowledge about, and the systematic study of, methods, techniques and hardware applied in the adaptation of the physical environment to man`s needs and wants. the application of scientific knowledge to build or improve the infrastructure of agriculture, industry government and daily life. (technology must not be confused with the very infrastructure it generates). technology has autocatalytic properties. it favores the use of technical devices and processes even in solving social problems, e.g., by using fertilizers to enhance agricultural production rather than a different form of work organization, by using computers for national planning rather than decentralized decision making processes.

  8. The practical application of knowledge to achieve particular tasks that employs both technical artefacts (hardware, equipment) and (social) information (‘software’, know-how for production and use of artefacts). supply push aims at developing specifi c technologies through support for research, development and demonstration. demand pull is the practice of creating market and other incentives to induce the introduction of particular sets of technologies (e.g., low-carbon technologies through carbon pricing) or single technologies (e.g., through technology-specifi c feed-in tariffs).

Development, английский
  1. Разработка; доводка

  2. Разработка; развитие; проявление

  3. Разработка; отработка; отладка; вариант; модификация

  4. Вариант; развитие (изобретения)

  5. 1. the process of growing, or of becoming larger and stronger, or more complex  the development of the embryo takes place in the uterus. 2. something which happens and causes a change in a situation  report any developments to me at once.

  6. N развитие cognitive ~ когнитивное развитие

  7. Министерство жилищного строительства и городского развития (сша)

  8. Property under construction, including preparation and installation of infrastructure

  9. Any computer code or materials, other than products, fixes or preexisting work, developed by microsoft or in collaboration with customer, which is provided to customer in the course of performance of a statement of services.

  10. Разработка (месторождения).

  11. Event, happening, occurrence

  12. Event, happening, occurrence something that has happened, or the act of making or improving something

  13. The evolution of something an individual is working on. personal qualities, mental well-being, or useful skills can all be developed and improved.

Autonomous, английский
  1. A system with functions capable of operating without direct human control. biological sensors (biosensors): devices used to detect the presence or concentration of a biological analyte, such as a biomolecule, a biological structure, or a microorganism.

  2. Controlled by computer programs and not people.

Controlling, английский

Proposition, английский
  1. N лог., лнгв. сужде- ние, пропозиция3 affirmative ~ утвердительное суждение

  2. Предложение; суждение; предположение; высказывание; фраза

  3. Разг. человек, с которым ведутся дела pro – pul

Progressive, английский
    A 1 длительный; 2 про- грессивный (ант. regressive) aspect, assimilation, dissimilation

Independent, английский
  1. One who logs and sells his output on the open market; not associated with a mill or under company or dealer contract (19).

  2. Независимый; автономный

  3. Независимый, автономный

  4. Независимый, самостоятельный; рантье (лицо, живущее на доходы от капитала)

  5. Независимый

  6. A независимый

  7. A merchant ship under naval control, but sailing alone and unescorted by any warship.

Independence, английский
  1. Г. индепенденс {шт. канзас, сша)

  2. Независимость

  3. In probabilistic expert systems, an attribute x is independent of another attribute y given a set of attributes w

  4. Self-suficiency concerning information. independent systems are closed to information. variation outside the boundaries of independent systems do not affect the variation within. there is no input. in statistics, two variables are independent if the coocurance of their values is mere chance, e.g., zero correlation. in logic and set theory, two variables are independent if the relation between them is the mere cartesian product of two properties. two individuals are independent if each does what he wants to do, neither having to consider the behavior of the other. a clock is designed to be independent of variation in temperature, geographical location including gravity while it is correlated with other clocks and communicating its output states to an observer. independent systems maybe a source but not the receiver of communication (->closed system, ->closure). .

Generalization, английский
  1. N амер. ге- нерализация, абстрактизация, расширение; обобщение; over~ сверхгенерализация

  2. Обобщение

  3. Inferring general principles from recurring events. so if we see x at the bus stop every tuesday, we generalize that he is always there at that time. of course, one day he isn’t….

  4. An objective conclusion

  5. An objective conclusion a perception based on observations (for example, “americans are usually friendly”). different from a stereotype (for example, “all americans are friendly”)

Everything, английский

Individual, английский
    Физическое лицо

Collective, английский
    A собирательный | n кол- лектив noun

Conclusion, английский
  1. Вывод;

  2. Вывод; умозаключение

  3. Заключительный раздел текста, в котором суммируются основные моменты.

Nevertheless, английский
    Тем не менее

Interpersonal, английский
  1. A интерперсо- нальный function

  2. Межперсональный; межабонентский

Communication, английский
  1. Связь; связной

  2. (кан.) решение экспертизы

  3. N коммуни- кация; процесс передачи информации; mis~ недопонимание, непонимание | attr. комму- никативный disorder, impairment, strategy cross-cultural (intercultural) ~ межкультурная коммуникация non-verbal ~ невербальная, неречевая комму- никация verbal ~ вербальная, речевая коммуникация

  4. Передача (распространение) информации процесс информирования населения.

  5. Corresponding by letter, hail, or signal. (see line of communication and boyaux.)

  6. Loosely, the transmission of structure across systems differentiated in time and in space, the process by which one mind affects another, interaction mediated by signals, symbols or messages. more formally and in cybernetics, communication is that construct an observer requires when he cannot take a dynamic system apart without loss (->ana~ysis), yet wants to distinguish, understand and say something about that system`s parts, variables or members, or alternatively, when he wants to explain the behavior of anyone of its parts yet cannot accomplish this adequately without reference to other parts of the system. communication ~s what integrates and distinguishes the participation of individuals in such wholes as groups, communities, societies. a more detailed analysis of communication processes reveals that they involve patterns that convey information, are subjected to numerous constraints and are describable in terms of transformations, including encoding, decoding, (->coding), transmission, and distortions due to the characteristics of a channel. historically, communication. was thought of as a binary relation between a sender and a receiver. modern conceptions of communication include complex networks possibly with feedback loops having the effect of memory, coordination, and coorientation and exhibiting dynamic properties not manifest in, and explainable by, reference to the properties of the.communicators involved (->constructivism). communications (plural

Definitions, английский
    Files that are used to help detect harmful or unwanted software and to prevent it from installing or running on your computer.

Synchronicity, английский
    Jung`s term for an acausal connection between events that renders them meaningful to an observer, e.g., precognition, coincidences of dreams with independently (->independence) occuring events, the frequent coocurrance of particular numerals within a short time period of a longer sequence.

Thermodynamic entropy, английский
    The quantity of energy no longer available to do physical work. every real process converts energy into both work or a condensed form of energy and waste. some waste may be utilized fn processes other than those generating it (->recycling) but the ultimate waste which can no longer support any process is energy in the form of dispersed heat (->second law of thermodynamics). all physical processes, despite any local and temporal concentration of energy they may achieve, contribute to the increased overall dispersion of heat. ill, ii i ii ii `! i"i !i " :1 76 entropy therefore irreversibly increases in the known universe.