
Новости переводов

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Constraint analysis

Глоссарий по кибернетике
    A formal method for decomposing the constraint within a whole system into several constraint within subsets of its variables, (i.e., of an ordinality lower than the original) so that the latter fully accounts for the former. constraint analysis thereby reveals the component structure of an observed system. the method, developed by ashby who stated it in set theoretical and hence qualitative terms, is now also known by the name reconstructability analysis and stated in probabilistic and hence quantitative terms (->information theory). 17

Analysieren, немецкий

Analysis, английский
  1. Analyse (action)

  2. (анализ) исследование и оценка информации для выбора лучшей стратегии поведения на рынке;

  3. Анализ; расчет

  4. A scientific procedure for dividing a complex experience into simpler constituents.

  5. An examination of a substance to find out what it is made of (note: the plural is analyses.) analyst 18

  6. Анализ

  7. N анализ, разбор, разложение constituent auditory ~ аудитивный анализ comparative ~ сопоставительный анализ (син. contrastive ~) componential ~ компонентный (оппозитив- ный) анализ12 conceptual ~ анализ концептов content ~ контент-анализ13 contrastive ~ сопоставительный анализ (син. comparative ~) contrastive-typological ~ сопоставительно- типологический анализ conversation(al) ~ конверсационный анализ, анализ бытового (устного) диалога discourse ~, ~ of discourse а) анализ дискурса; дискурс-анализ; б) языкознание distributional ~ дистрибутивный анализ error ~ анализ ошибок 7 увеличение протяженности текста при переводе. 8 один или более безударный слог в начале стихотворной строки, до начала обычного метра. 9 тип повтора, начало второй части фразы повторяет окончание пер- вой фразы: «men in great place are thrice servants: servants of the sovereign or state; servants of fame; and servants of business.» – francis bacon. 10 например, angel - glean. 11 с оттенками смысла, в противоположность цифровому, с дискрет- ным (да/нет) смыслом. 12 анализ по семантическим множителям. 13 анализ связи содержания информации с её целевой установкой. analytic(al) 20 antithetic(al) immediate constituent ~ , ~ of the immediate constituent разложение на непосредственно составляющие; анализ непосредственно со- ставляющих; анализ по непосредственно со- ставляющим proper ~ собственное разложение semantic ~ семантический анализ sentence ~ синтаксический разбор spectrographic ~ спектрографический анализ speech ~ анализ речи: automatic ~ ~ автоматический string ~ цепочечный анализ1 structural ~ структурное разложение, струк- турный анализ text ~ анализ текста transformational ~ трансформационный анализ typological ~ типологический анализ analytic(al)

  8. The resolution of anything into its constituent parts: mathematically, it is the method of resolving problems by reducing them to equations.—analysis of curves is that which shows their properties, points of inflection, station, variation, &c.—analysis of finite quantities is termed specious arithmetic or algebra.— analysis of infinites is a modern introduction, and used for fluxions or the differential calculus.—analysis of powers is the evolution or resolving them into their roots.—analysis of metals, fluids, solids, earths, manures, &c.

  9. Анализ. см. test (испытание). analysis of variance (anova)

  10. Literally, reducing a whole to its parts. in mathematics, analysis is the investigation of limiting processes and provides a firm foundation for the infinitesimal calculus. although leibniz thought infinitesmals to be infinitely small but real quantities, modern interpretations consider these mere constructions as in quantum physics. in cybernetics, analysis refers to the limiting process in a system involving an observer and the observed. the observer draws distinctions which the observed opposes or violates forcing the observer to relate the parts distinguished until a stable description of the system involving the observer emerges (->second-order cybernetics). in a cybernetic analysis, the whole is described not merely in terms of its parts but most significantly by the pattern that connects them (->relation, ->communication, ->organization). such an analysis reveals the wholistic properties of a system without loss or destruction.

  11. In conceptual design, the breaking down and examination of business and user information into use cases and scenarios documenting work processes. in logical design, the identification of services, objects, attributes, and relationships from scenarios. in physical design, the examination of physical constraints of the infrastructure and the physical requirements of the application to select candidate implementation technologies and to draft a preliminary deployment model.

  12. Анализ. см. test (испытание).

Analysis, английский

Analysis, английский

Analysis (structural), английский

Analysis (изучение), английский

Analysis and check, английский

Analysis and evaluation div., английский

Analysis and evaluation staff, английский

Analysis block, английский
    Блок анализа

Analysis by holographic interferometry, английский

Analysis by holography, английский

Analysis by synthesis, английский
    Анализ через синтез

Analysis grid, английский
    Структура анализа, сетка анализа

Analysis management objects, английский
    A collection of .net namespaces included with analysis services, used to provide administrative functionality for client applications.

Analysis of adequacy, английский

Analysis of causes, английский
    Причинный анализ

Analysis of corporate cash flows, английский
    Анализ денежного оборота предприятия

Analysis of covariance, английский
    Ковариационный анализ

Analysis of discovery index and exploration success, английский
    Историко-статистический анализ добычи и запасов. метод оценки неоткрытых ресурсов (нефти и газа), основанный на статистическом анализе за длительный период таких показателей, как годовая добыча и коэффициент (геологической) разведанности запасов

Analysis of dynamic, английский

Constraint, английский
  1. Сдерживание (отношение события к последующей работе, из-за которого работа не может быть начата; отношение работы к последующему событию, из-за которого это событие не может совершиться)

  2. N 1 ограничение (син. restriction); 2 то же, что и cognitive principle functional head c~ уис один из принципов универсальной грамматики, согласно кото- рому фунциональная вершина требует нали- чия определенных признаков у своих ком- плементов 1 рассматриваемые в логике утвердительные выражения. mental ~s умственные ограничения

  3. The difference between a set and a subset indicating that the variety that exists under one condition is less than the variety that exists under another (after ashby). for an observer, constraints become apparent when he finds that a system can assume fewer states than are logically possible or hypothesised by him. within a cartesian product a constraint is the complement of a relation, the former contains all states excluded by the latter. information is a measure of the constraint imposed by a condition or message.

  4. A limitation or a restriction.

  5. Сдерживающий фактор

  6. Any restriction that occurs to the transverse contraction normally associated with a longitudinal tension, and that hence causes a secondary tension in the transverse direction.

Theoretical, английский
  1. Теоретический

  2. Теоретический theor/y теория; учение; принцип; гипотеза ~ of buckling теория продольного изгиба ~ of elasticity теория упругости ~ of elastic stability теория устойчивости упругих систем ~ies of failure теории [гипотезы] прочности ~ of plastic behavior теория пластичности ~ of plasticity теория пластичности ~ of plates теория тонких пластин ~ of shallow shells теория пологих оболочек ~ of shells теория оболочек ~ of stability теория устойчивости ~ of structures теория сооружений, строительная механика ~ of thin shells теория тонких оболочек ~ of torsion теория кручения

Qualitative, английский
    Качественный; выраженный в качественной форме

Reconstructability, английский
    Property of a system whose model is composed of simpler parts. in reconstructability analysis, the analyst obtains data from a system to be analysed for its reconstructability, he hypothesises a generative model and compares the data obtained from both. if the artificial data match those actually observed or if their difference is statistically insignificant, he is justified in saying that the structurally simpler model explains, accounts for, simulates (->simulation), replicates or reconstructs the system which gave rise to the original data. the idea stems from ashby`s constraint analysis. klir is associated with its formalization and name. recursion or recursiveness

Probabilistic, английский
  1. Вероятностный

  2. Attribute of non-deterministic systems whose transitions between states follow known or ascertainable probabilities (->probability). the ergodic behavior of probabilistic systems is describable as a markov chain. probabii.ity

Quantitative, английский
  1. A квантитативный

  2. Количественный

Information, английский
  1. Knowledge of a particular event or situation, or knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact.

  2. Информация

  3. Facts about something  have you any information about the treatment of sunburn?  the police won’t give us any information about how the accident happened.  you haven’t given me enough information about when your symptoms started.  that’s a very useful piece or bit of information. (note: no plural: some information; a piece of information.)

  4. N информация | attr. информационный flow, structure source of ~ источник информации 1 ранее использовался в более широком значении как ‘умозаключе- ние’. 2 получение выводных данных в процессе обработки информации и/или языка и само выводное знание, умозаключение; мыслительная операция, в ходе которой человек выходит за пределы данных в тек- сте сведений и получает новую информацию. 3 аффикс, вставляемый внутрь корня слова при словообразовании или словоизменении.

  5. In admiralty courts, implies a clause introduced into a citation, intimating that in the event of a party cited not appearing, the court will proceed in his absence.

  6. Информация; данные; сведения

  7. Координационный комитет ин4юрмации о проектируемых и возводимых объектах строительства

  8. Literally that which forms within, but more adequately

  9. Data that has been recorded, classified, organized, related or interpreted so that meaning is apparent.

  10. Contextualised data providing answer to a certain question decreasing uncertainty.

  11. Информация, сведения

Conservation lak, английский
    A principle of great importance in a variety of scientific constructs. in the physics of closed systems, energy neither increases nor decreases as the system evolves (->first law of thermodynamics). no known case has contradicted this law. energy merely changes its form and usability with all quantities always summing to a fixed total. in information theory the total amount of information transmitted within a system is a similar constant. it can be decomposed in numerous ways leaving no quantity unaccounted for. conserved quantities are also called invariants and the conceptualization of quantities such that a conservation law remains true usually leads to powerful theories or accounting algebras.

Coorientation, английский
    The communication of relationships among communicators to anyone of them; a process of communication in which a receiver responds not to the communications two or more sources emit, but to how these communications coocur or to how the behavior of coterminous communictors is patterned. e.g., a child might respond to its parents neither as separate individuals, nor to the couple as a whole unity, but to how it perceives the parents to relate to one another. coorientation is a fundamental process by which individuals integrate themselves into a social group (->internalization). in information theory, coorientation and coordination are logical complements and are measured in the same kinds of variables but at different times. 19