Augen structure
Глоссарий горнодобывающей промышленности |
Augen, английский
Augen gneiss, английский
Gneiss with feldspar appearing as eyes in the bedrock.
Augen schist, английский
Augen-blast, английский
Augen-clast, английский
Augenblicklich einsetzendes starkes rauscherlebnis, немецкий
Augend, английский
Первое слагаемое
Augens [ntis], латинский
Structure, английский
- Конструкция; структура
- The way in which an organ or muscle is formed
- N структура; организация grammar bulge of ~ выпуклость суждения communicative ~ коммуникативная структура (син. information ~) coordinated ~ сочиненная структура deep ~ тг, псхл. глубинная структура (ант. surface ~) feature ~ структура признаков typed feature ~ структура типизированных признаков hierarchical ~ иерархическая структура information ~ информационная структура (син. communicative ~) innate ~ врожденная структура internal ~ внутренняя структура layer of ~ слой структуры phrase ~ структура непосредственно состав- ляющих, нс-структура; фразовая структура propositional ~ пропозициональная структура reference ~ псхл. опорная структура sentence ~ структура предложения surface ~ тг, псхл. поверхностная структура (ант. deep ~) syntactic ~ синтаксическая структура text ~ организация текста underlying ~ структура, лежащая в основе studies n учение comparative ~ сравнительно-исторические исследование stuttering n заикание (син. stammering)
- That part of the geology of a region that pertains to the altitude of the rocks, the nature and amount, if any, of their deformation, and the distri¬bution and mutual relations of their features.
- Изменить [реконструировать] существующее сооружение
- Visible, non-smooth surface characteristics
- There are at least three near synonymous definitions. (1) the complex of concurrent relations among a set of objects with the number of objects more numerous than the ordinality of the relations connecting them, e.g. a graph, a network. (2) a multitude of coocurrances of values, n-tuples, that deviate from chance in some but not all respects. here structure is manifest in the probabiltiy distribution that a system with a structure as defined in (1) is capable of generating. (3) a pattern that connects the components of a machine or organism, e.g., the command structure of a military unit ->(3), the distribution of obligations and responsibilities in a formal organization ->(2), the wiring in a piece of electronic equipment ->(1). the components which are connected within a concrete system, machine, organism or society, enter the description of that system`s structure but not that system`s organization.
- A user-defined value type that, similar to a class, can contain constructors, constants, fields, methods, properties, indexers, operators, and nested types. unlike classes, however, structures do not support inheritance.
- The design and composition of a program, including program flow, hierarchy, and modularity.
- The sway design feature that allows users to change the navigation and layout model of a particular sway document.
- Rocks, ledges and dropoffs on the floor where fish might gather and feed.
- The way in which a specific behaviour functions, as opposed to the reason it exists (content).
- The description of how a project financing is drawdown, repaid, and collateralized secured.
- Manner of building. the arrangement or interrelation of all the parts
- One of the larger features of a rock mass, like bedding, foliation,
- A construction such as a bridge (rail, road, foot or equestrian), viaduct, retaining wall, tunnel or similar, signal or electrification post or gantry, station construction such as a platform wall, track drainage manhole or cable pit, and any other construction on network rail controlled infrastructure.
- A geological formation of interest to drillers. for example, if a particular well is on the edge of a structure, the wellbore has penetrated the reservoir (structure) near its periphery.
- Организация разделов и порядок идей в части письма.
Structure, английский
Structure a rayons, французский
Structure and texture of rocks (soils), английский
Structure bit, английский
- A hollow, cylindrical chopping bit used in the lake superior iron districts to sample soft or highly fractured iron formations by wash boring.
- An obsolete term, colloquially used in the midwestern united states as a synonym for core bit.
Structure bond, английский
A bond connecting the steelwork of an overhead line structure, bridge, or other metal structure to the traction earth. this bond is provided to prevent the rise of hazardous voltages on structures and steelwork.
Structure cell, английский
Элементарная ячейка (кристаллическою решетки
Structure claim, английский
- Формула (изобретения)на устройство
- Формула (изобретения) на устройство
Structure clearance register, английский
A register of all structures that have been built inside the structure outline standard for the line section and therefore require to be part of a formal inspection and assessment process. the register should detail the structure location and type, and the clearance standards required at the location.
Structure containing relics of, английский
Buddha or of
Structure contour, английский
Structure de barrage, французский
Auger hole, английский
Augen schist, английский