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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Strain ellipsoid

Глоссарий горнодобывающей промышленности

    Ellipsoid, английский
    1. Эллипсоид

    2. Эллипсоид ~ of inertia эллипсоид инерции ~ of revolution эллипсоид вращения

    Ellipsoidal, английский

    Ellipsoidal coordinate system, английский
      A coordinate system in reference to a flattened sphere.

    Ellipsoidal height, английский

    Ellipsoidal, focal or projection spot light, английский
      A special-purpose light that projects a well-defined, easy to shape beam; often used to project patterns onto backgrounds. a theater staple.

    Ellipsoideus [a, um], латинский

    Strain, английский
    1. Deformation produced on a body by an outside force.

    2. 1. a condition in which a muscle has been stretched or torn by a strong or sudden movement 2. a group of microorganisms which are different from others of the same type  a new strain of influenza virus 3. nervous tension and stress  her work is causing her a lot of strain.  he is suffering from nervous strain and needs to relax.  verb to stretch a muscle too far  he strained his back lifting the table.  she had to leave the game with a strained calf muscle.  the effort of running upstairs strained his heart.

    3. Tensión, presión; torcedura, esguince

    4. A change in the form or shape of a body or material which is subjected to an external force.

    5. Штамм

    6. Деформация; напряжение; натяжение о ~ at a point деформация в точке; ~ in a transverse direction поперечная относительная деформация

    7. Relative elongation or shortening of a material as result of

    8. Variants of the same species resulted due to certain variations/mutations in their genes

    9. The change per unit of length in a linear dimension of a stressed body. it may be thought of as the deformation caused by an applied load and is measured in inches of change per inch of stressed length, or in percentage of dimensional change of a specified stressed length.

    10. Deflection or alteration of the shape of a material by external forces.

    11. Deflection or alteration of the shape of a material by external forces. see also stress.

    12. Deformation resulting from a stress.

    Strain, английский

    Strain aging, английский
      Aging induced by cold working.

    Strain annealing, английский
      Отжиг для снятия напряжений

    Strain at failure, английский

    Strain bar, английский

    Strain break, английский

    Strain burst, английский

    Strain cleavage, английский

    Strain distribution slope, английский
      Наклон кривой распределения деформации

    Strain energy, английский
    1. The work which is done in deforming a body.

    2. The work done in deforming a body.

    3. The work done in deforming a body within the elastic limit of the material. it is more properly elastic strain energy and can be recovered as work rather than heat.

    Strain gage, английский

    Strain gage transducer, английский

    Strain gauge, английский
      A very fine wire or thin foil which exhibits a change in resistance proportional to the mechanical strain imposed on it; usually mounted on or bonded to some type of carrier material or wound on a jig or fixture; used in the experimental determination of stresses.

    Strain relief method, английский

    Strain cleavage, английский