Activity company
Глоссарий ИТ-терминов |
Any company from which transaction data is included on a centralized customer statement.
Activity, английский
- Активность; работа; действие; деятельность
- Работа (задание, для выполнения которого потребляются временные, материальные и трудовые ресурсы) см. job
- In cpm terminology, a task or item of work that must be performed in order to complete a project.
- 1. what someone does difficulty with activities such as walking and dressing 2. the characteristic behaviour of a chemical the drug’s activity only lasts a few hours. antibacterial activity effective action against bacteria
- N деятельность cognitive ~ когнитивная деятельность13 speech ~ речевая деятельность activization n когн. активизация (то же, что и activation)
- The virtue of acting. the sphere of activity is the surrounding space to which the efficacy of a body extends, as the attraction of the magnet.
- Активность; деятельность; работа (в сетевом планировании) ~ of soil активность грунта
- A collaborative action, such as sharing, calendar sharing, or using a whiteboard.
- A functional work structure in which one or more persons and pieces of equipment participate and in which resources are consumed, produced, and used. an activity can be decomposed into subactivities.
- A pattern of work performed together for a single purpose. an activity may use or produce work products and may be tracked by a work item.
- A single task in a runbook that performs a specific function.
- A unit of program behavior in windows workflow foundation. single activities can be composed together into more complex activities.
- A user action, such as a change to status, social tags, or profiles. notification of these changes can be sent to other users through an activity feed.
- In a statechart diagram, the response an object in a particular state makes to an event without changing its state. unlike actions, activities have non-negligible execution times and can be interrupted. the keyword do indicates an activity.
- In windows live (primarily through profile), online actions, such as updating a status message, publishing photos, or updating profile info. these actions can take place on windows live or on other services someone has connected to their profile, such as facebook or twitter. these actions can show up as updates in feeds within windows live or on connected services.
- The posts and comments that are occurring on a social network page, for example a facebook page.
- (of a soil) ratio of plasticity index to clay fraction.
- A measure of how radioactive a particular radioisotope is. activity is calculated by the number of atoms disintegrating per unit of time. its unit of measurement is the curie. see specific activity.
- Degree of radioactivity of a particular isotope. activity is expressed as the number of atoms disintegrating per unit of time. measured in becquerels.
- Степень радиоактивности того или иного изотопа. активность выражается количеством атомов, распадающихся в единицу времени. измеряется в беккерелях.
- In radiographic testing, degree of radioactivity of a particular isotope. activity is expressed as the number of atoms disintegrating per unit of time. measured in becquerels. ae: acoustic emission testing.
Activity, английский
Activity -, английский
Анализ деятельности
Activity accounts, английский
Хозяйственные счета, счета производства; счета видов деятельности, см. production accounts — (в снс; счета производства отраслей, производящих товары, производителей услуг — государственных учреждений; счета частных некоммерческих организаций, производящих услуги для домашних хозяйств; счета услуг, оказываемых одними домашними хозяйствами другим.в этих счетах отражается валовой выпуск товаров и услуг в сфере промежуточного потребления— первичные затраты и косвенные налоги за вычетом субсидий)
Activity actual completion date, английский
Фактическая дата окончания работы
Activity allocation, английский
Распределение активности activity allocatorраспределитель действий; распределитель активности
Activity analysis, английский
Анализ процесса activity-based costing 1. функционально-стоимостной анализ; 2. оплата на базе фактического использования; вычисление расходов на основе выполняемых действий
Activity arrow, английский
Стрелка в сети (графическое изображение работы в сетевом графике) см. activity link
Activity assembly, английский
A .dll or an .exe file containing a .net assembly that implements the logic for a workflow activity.
Activity based costing (abc), английский
The process of identifying the specific costs associated with day to day activities.
Activity budget, английский
Activity button, английский
A button at the bottom of the navigation pane used for grouping list places in which are common to a task or a work process relevant to the users role. when the activity button is activated, the navigation pane displays the links to the list places which have been assigned to that activity button and the content area displays one of the list places assigned to the activity button.
Activity charge, английский
Операционная комиссия - комиссия, уплачиваемая банку для покрытия расходов по обслуживанию счета;
Activity code, английский
Код работы (состоит из кодов-определителей предшествующего и последующего событий)
Activity controller, английский
Контроллер действий; блок управления активностью
Activity count, английский
Индекс активности
Activity data, английский
Data generated as part of a business transaction by executing an activity within an application. it is characterized by an exclusive write access pattern.
Activity data sheet, английский
Перечень данных о выполнении работ
Activity description, английский
Определение работы (название видов работ в сетевом графике)
Activity detection, английский
- Refers to a method built into some multiplexers for detecting movement within
- Refers to a method built into some multiplexers for detecting movement within the camera’s field of view (connected to the multiplexer), which is then used to improve camera recording update rate.
- Обнаружение активности. это имеющаяся в некоторых видеомультиплексорах функция детектирования движения в поле зрения подсоединенной видеокамеры для повышения скорости обновления записи.
Transaction, английский
- Любое событие в результате которого происходит изменение финансовой позиции организации в ходе её обычной работы. примером транзакции является осуществление покупки с помощью кредитной карты.
- (транзакция) соглашение между покупателем и продавцом, для продажи актива;
- Операция открытия/закрытия позиции.
- Экономическая операция (в снс; элементарный акт хозяйственной деятельности, совершаемый между хозяйственными единицами: производство, капиталовложения, потребление и др.; операции могут быть односторонними и двусторонними, капитальными и текущими, товарными и нетоварными, фактическими и условными, расчетными)
- A transaction is a digitally signed message authorizing some particular action associated with the blockchain. in a currency, the dominant transaction type is sending currency units or tokens to someone else; in other systems actions like registering domain names, making and fulfilling trade offers and entering into contracts are also valid transaction types.
- A data manipulation action processed by a database.
- A physical economic exchange action.
- A social economic exchange action.
- An event or condition that is recorded in asset, liability, expense, revenue, and/or equity accounts. sales to customers or purchases from vendors are examples of transactions.
- The pairing of two or more actions that are performed together as a single action; the action succeeds or fails as a whole.
- The posting or registration of a change on a document or a journal line.
- The delivery of a security by a seller and its acceptance by the buyer.
- Операция
- Language use to achieve ends rather than maintain social relationships.
- Information that entrance transfers to another computer system, either directly (via dll or other interface) or by saving it in a transfer file.
Centralized, английский
- Hvac system a heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning system having a single heating and/or cooling source for air distribution.
- Централизованный
Configuration item, английский
Any component that needs to be managed to deliver a service. in service manager, configuration items might include services, hardware, software, buildings, people, and formal documentation, such as process documentation and service level agreements (sla).
Sql expression, английский
Any combination of operators, constants, literal values, functions, and names of tables and fields that evaluates to a single value.