Data & analytics
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The business subcategory containing apps to help businesses gather and analyze data.
Analytic, английский
- That which partakes of the property of analysis, and is reducible thereby.
- Аналитический
Analytic chart, английский
A report type that displays cube data in a visual, interactive chart format.
Analytic completion, английский
Аналитическое расширение
Analytic editing, английский
Where a movie sequence is constructed like an argument rather than a narrative
Analytic editing, английский
Where a movie sequence is constructed like an argument rather than a narrative
Analytic epidemiologic study, английский
A study that evaluates the association between exposure to hazardous substances and disease by testing scientific hypotheses.
Analytic form, английский
Analytic function, английский
Analytic grid, английский
A report type that displays cube data in a visual, interactive tabular format.
Analytic group, английский
Analytic languages, английский
Those languages which use few grammatical morphemes and have a low morpheme to word ratio.
Analytic model, английский
In data mining, a structure and process for analyzing and summarizing a database. some examples would include a classification and regression trees (cart) model to classify new observations, or a regression model to predict new values of one (set of) variable(s) given another set. see also: data mining, knowledge discovery in databases.
Analytic process, system, английский
Refers to the part of the total testing process that involves measurement and analysis, as opposed to the pre-analytic part that deals with all the steps prior to performing the test and the post-analytic part that deals with all the steps after the test result is once available.
Analytic scoring, английский
Scoring a mark for each component of a task.
Analytic signal, английский
Analytic study, английский
Analytic syntax, английский
Analytic truncation error, английский
Ошибка аналитического усечения
Analytic workspace, английский
Analytic(al) study, английский
Аналитическое исследование исследование, в ходе которого проверяют гипотезу о наличии причинно- следственной связи между заболеванием или состоянием здоровья или другой зависимой переменной и действием определенного фактора.
Analytic-historic network diagram, английский
Аналитико-исторический сетевой график
Subcategory, английский
A new category that is based on an existing category. for example, instead of tracking computers along with your other equipment, you might want to create a computer subcategory from the equipment category to track them as a separate group. similarly, you can further organize a restaurants category to include american and chinese subcategories.
Containing, английский
Time & expenses, английский
The business subcategory containing apps to help businesses keep track of how much time and money are spent on various projects or accounts.
Business logic handler framework, английский
The business logic handler framework allows you to write a managed code assembly that is called during the merge synchronization process.