
Новости переводов

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Certificate enrollment request

Глоссарий ИТ-терминов
    The initial phase of the certificate enrollment process, in which the client submits his request for a certificate to the certification authority (ca) in a special format that includes the identity of the user requesting the certificate and all the necessary information needed by the ca to approve or reject the request.

Certificate, английский
  1. Сертификат (напр, летной годности)

  2. Сертификат

  3. Справка; свидетельство

  4. An official paper which states something

  5. A voucher or written testimony to the truth of any statement. an attestation of servitude, signed by the captain, is given with all discharges of men in the navy.

  6. Аттестат; паспорт; сертификат

  7. Сертификат (документ, удостоверяющий качество изделия, элемента конструкции), удостоверение, свидетельство; акт; аттестат; диплом о - for payment акт приёмки выполненных работ, дающий право на их оплату (представляется архитектором заказчику) "~ of approval свидетельство о качестве, сертификат качества (удостоверяющий соответствие материала или конструкции установленным требованиям) ~ of compliance сертификат соответствия поставщика, аттестат поставщика ~ of conformance [of conformity] сертификат соответствия (продукции требованиям, напр, стандартов) ~ of occupancy акт приёмки здания в эксплуатацию

  8. A digital document that is commonly used for authentication and to help secure information on a network. a certificate binds a public key to an entity that holds the corresponding private key. certificates are digitally signed by the certification authority that issues them, and they can be issued for a user, a computer, or a service.

  9. Digital representation of user or device attributes, including a public key, that is signed with an authoritative private key.

Enrollment, английский
  1. Внесение в списки; регистрация

  2. The process of requesting, receiving, and installing a certificate.

Certification, английский
  1. Forest certification refers to the assessment of forest management by an independent third party auditor according to performance criteria for sustainable wood production.

  2. Выдача или получение сертификата, сертификация

  3. A declaration in writing that a particular product or service complies with a specification or stated criterion.

  4. Also known as diamond grading reports, these are certificates that accompany lab-grown diamonds or earth-mined diamonds which state the 4cs of the stone. we most often work with the igi, egl usa and the gia. lab-grown diamond certification notes that the diamond is ‘laboratory grown’.

  5. Сертификация; аттестация

  6. The act of issuing a warranty, certificate, or mark or other appropriate evidence that attests that a product or service conforms to specific standards or specifications. ( llac) certification

  7. Сертификация

  8. With respect to nondestructive test personnel, the process of providing written testimony that an individual has met the qualification requirements of a specific practice or standard. see also certified and qualified.

  9. Process of providing written testimony that an individual is qualified. see also certified.1

  10. With respect to nondestructive test personnel, the process of providing written testimony that an individual has met the qualification requirements of a specific practice or standard. see also qualification.

  11. With respect to nondestructive test personnel, the process of providing written testimony that an individual has met the requirements of a specific practice or standard.

  12. Certified and qualified.5

  13. With respect to nondestructive test personnel, the process of providing written testimony that an individual has met the requirements of a specific practice or standard. see also certified and qualified.

  14. A procedure to grant an official designation

  15. A procedure to grant an official designation confirmation of specific achievements or characteristics given by an authority, usually by issuing a certificate or diploma after a test

  16. A formal recognition that validates an individual`s qualifications and professional competence in a specific industry or field, often awarded upon completion of a specific program or meeting certain criteria.

  17. A certificate confirms that a learner has successfully completed a training program to a predefined standard. many professional bodies require registered members to be recertified at regular intervals.

Information, английский
  1. Knowledge of a particular event or situation, or knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact.

  2. Информация

  3. Facts about something  have you any information about the treatment of sunburn?  the police won’t give us any information about how the accident happened.  you haven’t given me enough information about when your symptoms started.  that’s a very useful piece or bit of information. (note: no plural: some information; a piece of information.)

  4. N информация | attr. информационный flow, structure source of ~ источник информации 1 ранее использовался в более широком значении как ‘умозаключе- ние’. 2 получение выводных данных в процессе обработки информации и/или языка и само выводное знание, умозаключение; мыслительная операция, в ходе которой человек выходит за пределы данных в тек- сте сведений и получает новую информацию. 3 аффикс, вставляемый внутрь корня слова при словообразовании или словоизменении.

  5. In admiralty courts, implies a clause introduced into a citation, intimating that in the event of a party cited not appearing, the court will proceed in his absence.

  6. Информация; данные; сведения

  7. Координационный комитет ин4юрмации о проектируемых и возводимых объектах строительства

  8. Literally that which forms within, but more adequately

  9. Data that has been recorded, classified, organized, related or interpreted so that meaning is apparent.

  10. Contextualised data providing answer to a certain question decreasing uncertainty.

  11. Информация, сведения

Quick start guide, английский
    The initial user reference guide or piece of documentation for using a device or feature.

Shared caching service, английский
    The initial managed, multi-tenant cache service offering in microsoft azure, introduced in april 2011.