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What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

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What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

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Translations in furniture production

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Crease retention

Глоссарий по текстилю и текстильной промышленности
    The ability of a fabric to maintain an inserted crease. crease retention can be measured subjectively or by the relation of a crease in a subsequent state to the crease in the initial state. crease retention may be strongly dependent on the conditions of use, e.g., normal wear, washing or tumble-drying.

Crease, английский
  1. A ridge or groove in flat-rolled metal caused by improper tension control during

  2. A break or line in a fabric generally caused by a sharp fold. creases may be either desirable or undesirable, depending upon the situation. a crease may be intentionally pressed into a fabric by application of pressure and heat and sometimes moisture.

Crease (1), английский

Crease (2), английский

Crease recovery, английский
  1. Wrinkle recovery

  2. Crease-resistant: a term used to describe a fabric treated chemically to improve its resistance to and recovery from wrinkling

Crease tile, английский

Creaser-slofcter, английский

Creases repairing, английский
    Восстановление складок (в изображении)

Retentio, английский

Retentio, финский

Retentio dentum, английский

Retention, английский
  1. Retención

  2. The act of not letting out something, especially a fluid, which is usually released from the body, e.g. holding back urine in the bladder

  3. Влагозадержание

  4. The number of units allocated to an underwriting syndicate member less the units held back by the syndicate manager for facilitating institutional sales and for allocation to nonmember firms. in the context of construction contracts, an amount retained from construction contract payments (5-15% of the contract price) to ensure the contractor completes the construction before the retention is returned.

  5. Неотчуждение

  6. Keeping employees

  7. Keeping employees methods of motivating employees to stay with the organization and making sure employees are satisfied and rewarded hrci.org hr certification institute

  8. Where a lender, or main contractor, retains part of a loan, pending satisfactory completion of specified works.

Retention -, английский
    Резервуар-накопитель, накопительный бассейн

Retention agreement, английский
    Соглашение о неотчуждении (акций)

Retention basin, английский
    A depression for temporarily storing storm water in order to reduce the rate of runoff from a drainage area.

Retention bronchiectasis, английский

Retention by assay, английский
    The determination of preservative retention in a specific zone of treated wood by extraction or analysis of specified samples.

Retention cyst, английский
    A cyst which is formed when a duct from a gland is blocked

Retention hold, английский
    A feature which enables the user to suspend the processing of a retention policy or managed folder mailbox policy for that mailbox. retention hold is designed for scenarios such as a user being on vacation or away temporarily.

Retention jaundice, английский

Retention money, английский
  1. Сумма удержания

  2. Суммы, удерживаемые заказчиком при оплате счетов

Subsequent, английский

Conditions, английский
  1. The terms of surrender.

  2. Обстоятельства; условия; режим

  3. Грузовая устойчивость ~ of crane during lifting operations грузовая устойчивость крана ~ of geometrical shape геометрическая неизменяемость ~ of slope устойчивость откоса ~ of volume постоянство объёма

  4. Наблюдения за работой сооружений в условиях эксплуатации

  5. Работа конструкции в условиях эксплуатационных нагрузок

  6. A set of specified constraints and parameters that are part of the rights group bundled into a rights label. these are enforced at the time of consumption.

Subjective, английский
    A свойственный подле- жащему case

Biodegradable, английский
  1. The ability of a substance to be broken down by bacteria so that it can be returned to the environment without posing an environmental hazard.

  2. Capable of being broken down chemically, especially into innocuous products, by the action of living microorganisms in the environment.

  3. Capable of decaying through the action of living organisms. biodegradability – can be defined as the ability of a substance to degrade over time to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of water, nutrients and microorganisms

Dimensional restorability, английский
    The ability of a fabric to be returned to its original dimensions after laundering or dry cleaning, expressed in percent. for example, 2% dimensional restorability means that although a fabric may shrink more than this in washing, it can be restored to within 2% of its original dimensions by ordinary home pressing methods.