
Новости переводов

13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

26 сентября, 2024

Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Call agreement

Финансовый глоссарий (отчеты, счета, налоги)
    Опцион кол

Agreement, английский
  1. When the people involved in a legal dispute agree about something

  2. Соглашение, договор

  3. N грм. согласование, со- гласуемость (син. concord) maxim, phrase, transformation rule of ~ правило согласования

  4. Except vessels of less than eighty tons register, the master of a ship must enter into an agreement with every seaman whom he carries from any port in great britain as one of his crew; and that agreement must be in the form sanctioned by the board of trade. (see running agreement.)

  5. Соглашение; договор о as per ~ как было согласовано (об условиях производства работ, о поставках);

  6. A commitment between two or more parties based on a mutual understanding about their respective rights and obligations.

  7. A definitive and binding agreement between two trading partners for transacting messages over a specific business-to-business protocol. a trading partner agreement brings together common bi-directional message processing properties from specific business profiles of both partners. it is a comprehensive collection of all aspects governing the business transaction between the two trading partners. the trading partner agreement is typically derived from the profiles of each partner, with the ability to customize and override the required settings.

  8. Coach and coachee co-design at the start, and review regularly, their coaching agreement/alliance to determine what the coachee would like from the coaching interaction, whether there is an effective match between the needs of the coachee and the approach and methods of the coach and what the coach and the coachee’s responsibilities are. at the start it is important to ensure the coachee understands the nature of the coaching process and that they have options for responding to a request from the coach, and to establish what is appropriate in the relationship and to discuss specific parameters such as logistics, fees, scheduling see also agenda, ethical guidelines, professional standards

  9. A mutual understanding between the coach and the coachee or the mentor and the mentee about the terms and conditions of their professional relationship.

Agreement, английский

Agreement administrator, английский
    The first customer to sign the agreement, unless changed as provided in section- 1 of the agreement.

Agreement among underwriters, английский

Agreement corporation, английский
    Corporation chartered by a state to engage in international banking: so named because the corporation enters into an "agreement" with the fed`s board of governors that it will limit its activities to those permitted by an edge act corporation.

Agreement for the international carriage of perishable foodstuffs, английский
    Соглашение о международной перевозке скоропортящихся пищевых продуктов

Agreement form, английский
  1. A document setting forth in printed form the general provisions of an agreement with spaces provided for insertion of specific data relating to a particular project. agrement board

  2. Бланк соглашения

Agreement ledger, английский
    An agreement ledger is distributed ledger used by two or more parties to negotiate and reach agreement.

Agreement number pair, английский
    A pair of numbers that is obtained from the microsoft volume licensing service center when a customer purchases a microsoft volume licensing agreement. each agreement number pair contains an agreement or authorization number and a license or enrollment number. aia (n)

Agreement of a claim, английский
    Удовлетворение требования

Agreement of claims with specification and drawings, английский
    Соответствие формулы изобретения описанию и чертежам

Agreement of participation in shared construction, английский

Agreement of purchase and sale, английский

Agreement of sale, английский

Agreement on agriculture, английский
    Соглашение (вто) по сельскому хозяйству заключено в ходе уругвайского раунда устанавливает новые правила и обязательства в торговле сельхозпродукцией в отношении доступа на рынок, внутренней поддержки и экспортных субсидий

Agreement on basic telecommunications services, английский
    Соглашение (вто) по основным телекоммуникационным услугам вступило в силу с 1 января 1998 года содержит обязательства по доступу на рынок основных телекоммуникаций 69 стран- участниц

Agreement on customs valuation (acv), английский
    Соглашение вто о таможенной оценке (формальное название – соглашение по применению статьи vii гатт)

Agreement on dispute settlement (ads), английский
    Договоренность о правилах и процедурах (дрс), регулирующих разрешение споров приложение 2 к соглашению.1 1 марракешское соглашение об учреждении всемирной торговой организации 1994 г (далее по тексту – соглашение) agreement on government procurement (agp or gpa) соглашение вто по правительственным закупкам распространяет свое действие на закупки товаров и услуг, осуществляемых правительственными организациями

Agreement on implementation of article vi of gatt–1994, английский
    Соглашение вто о применении ст vi гатт–1994 – антидемпинговый кодекс

Agreement on implementation of article vii of gatt–1994, английский
    Соглашение вто о применении ст vii гатт–1994 – соглашение по таможенной оценке товаров

Agreement on import licensing procedures (ailp), английский
    Соглашение вто по процедурам импортного лицензирования

Index put option, английский
    Опцион на продажу индекса

Promulgation of law, английский
    Опубликование закона